Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 24, August 1942
Page 6
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6 Voice of the A few of our last words from TIGRINA: "Sometimes, to read your magazine, if I was not aware what kind of a person (?) Fojak is, I would never believe it was a Fantasy magazine. In it are discussed (and cussed) verv often art, views fans take on different subjects not always pertaining to the realm of Fantasy, and, unfortunately, other subjects as well," So much for the gel whose heart belongs to Dante. • • • Tom WRIGHT rites from 3618 Maple Ave., Oakland, Cal: "I thought the cover this time much better than the first group of fotos. They are clearer and better arranged, methinks. I couldn't place the Doldrawing at first but finally came the dawn and Schachner's "Sterile Planet", right? It's really a beauty---ah, what I wouldn't give for a Dold! Your choice in Varga's is rather poor, one from the Esquire Calendar would have been much better, specially li'1 June. Anyway it puts me in nice company ...... so far you have reproduced four illustrations - - Dold, Varga, "Tomorrow", and Wright (Frankenstein). Heh heh. leslie perri? How does one whistle via typewriter? (U have a difficult problem there, Tom--espeshly on these modern noiseless machines.) Widner's letter is one of the most interesting things I have read in a long time. Widner seems to have an exceedingly sound and keen analytical mind, and what is more, he can say what he thinks without getting himself and the reader all mixed up. I wish I could do that. I was particularly impressed by his comments on Fortier; I think I feel that way sometimes. He and Chauvenet answered the Christian question very well. I, too, was raised in a very Christian manner . . . my mother even taught Sunday School, and I never missed for years. But after making a fairly careful study of the Bible, as well as minor investigations into such things as-the Talmud, the Koran, etc., it seems that Christianity has as many fallacies as any of the other religions. Turner's pic was, quite naturally, excellent. I only hope for Turner's sake that the fans don't pick it to pieces, anatomically speaking. I have seen this happen so often with no cause. Most people can't seem to realize that there is more than one kind of woman — the kind Petty and Varga draw; which are really fantasy." EINSTEIN VAN MANDERPOOTZ STEINMETZ EDISON DEAN, 834 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Ore: "Having taken a couple of minutes off from the club that hasn't been doing much clubbing, and from the mag. that has yet to do it's 1st magging, I look at a couple of back numbers of VOM. So I write in for my share of glory (morning, glory) (pardon the comma, I'm in a coma). Our Portland club is somewhere in the vicinity of a year old now, and a name at long last seems to have become permanent for it, to wit ( half-wit): the Stardust Society ....... the numerous and sundry attempts I have been making to bring fandom kneeling at my feet in rapt admiration (of some other guy) having been completely frustrated, I am content to confine my activities to the organizing of the Pacific N.W. Ye other 14 members here all have varying ideas, including the replacing of the N.F.F.F. with an interplanetary outfit giving preference to the Martian Zounds , but here is our larger policy as it stands: name, Progressive Fantasy Fan Federation (as K.Brown would say, 'it sphinx'). This is our attempt to induce inactive fans to get together and form a club. Ludowitz and his boys and gals and our bunch are working out the details of a counter-affiliation which makes us have interrelations which neither of us have the foggiest notion of. We in Portland have had a potential (po-stenchal) fanmg. on the fire for some time, but have revised it so many times that the poor thing is dizzy. It should (not a promise, but a hope) be out within a month under the name 'PROG' editor M.W.Brown, and it is guaranteed to be stinky or your money back. In fact, it's so bad we are giving it away to get the fans to see it! We should call it 'PHEW' instead of Prog. I approve of: nudes, hobbies in fandom, nudes, bettering civilization, nudes, fans who are interested in unusual and unorthodox things, nudes, VOM, nudes, a definite program for fandom, nudes, a series of conferences by mail on what fandom can do to better hooeymanity, nudes, etc. I also approve of nudes. I disapprove of people who refuse to recognize my immense sagacity and indubitable (that word again) genius. For my part, Tige can keep up her voodoo blurbs. I love 'em. As for fan activity, I have spent about on average about 7 or 8 hours a day on this f,#$fcj ()°3/4Q I. ?,. 1/2 |rf/l/4~x I club merging and fanmag publication and have only an intense and deep disgust to show for it. That is, such time has been put to all this only for the last two weeks. Before that I took a couple of hours off every other day to catch a meal and to sleep. Well, I will cease this rot and let ya requiescat in pace .... If any has a minute to spare, drop me a line. Like all good fish, I'll go for the line all the faster if it's the stuff I'm interested in (in this case, me. I am my own hobby. Gee, but I'm swell!)" F-l-a-s-h! Breath easy, fandom: Tucker rites: "Will you please announce in VOM that I am re-entering fandom. (p.s, the girl on the back is a witch!)" WALT LIEBSCHER, 101 S. Eastern, Joliet, Ill, comments in a fashion which leads us to believe something Joliet must've made 'er Ill: "Vombardiers: (sometimes spelled ea) Forry & my little green star of heaven I'm mad atcha both. Why oh why after all the hours we spent composing it, didn't you print that masterpiece we (Tuck & he & EEE) sent you recently after the investiga-
6 Voice of the A few of our last words from TIGRINA: "Sometimes, to read your magazine, if I was not aware what kind of a person (?) Fojak is, I would never believe it was a Fantasy magazine. In it are discussed (and cussed) verv often art, views fans take on different subjects not always pertaining to the realm of Fantasy, and, unfortunately, other subjects as well," So much for the gel whose heart belongs to Dante. • • • Tom WRIGHT rites from 3618 Maple Ave., Oakland, Cal: "I thought the cover this time much better than the first group of fotos. They are clearer and better arranged, methinks. I couldn't place the Doldrawing at first but finally came the dawn and Schachner's "Sterile Planet", right? It's really a beauty---ah, what I wouldn't give for a Dold! Your choice in Varga's is rather poor, one from the Esquire Calendar would have been much better, specially li'1 June. Anyway it puts me in nice company ...... so far you have reproduced four illustrations - - Dold, Varga, "Tomorrow", and Wright (Frankenstein). Heh heh. leslie perri? How does one whistle via typewriter? (U have a difficult problem there, Tom--espeshly on these modern noiseless machines.) Widner's letter is one of the most interesting things I have read in a long time. Widner seems to have an exceedingly sound and keen analytical mind, and what is more, he can say what he thinks without getting himself and the reader all mixed up. I wish I could do that. I was particularly impressed by his comments on Fortier; I think I feel that way sometimes. He and Chauvenet answered the Christian question very well. I, too, was raised in a very Christian manner . . . my mother even taught Sunday School, and I never missed for years. But after making a fairly careful study of the Bible, as well as minor investigations into such things as-the Talmud, the Koran, etc., it seems that Christianity has as many fallacies as any of the other religions. Turner's pic was, quite naturally, excellent. I only hope for Turner's sake that the fans don't pick it to pieces, anatomically speaking. I have seen this happen so often with no cause. Most people can't seem to realize that there is more than one kind of woman — the kind Petty and Varga draw; which are really fantasy." EINSTEIN VAN MANDERPOOTZ STEINMETZ EDISON DEAN, 834 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Ore: "Having taken a couple of minutes off from the club that hasn't been doing much clubbing, and from the mag. that has yet to do it's 1st magging, I look at a couple of back numbers of VOM. So I write in for my share of glory (morning, glory) (pardon the comma, I'm in a coma). Our Portland club is somewhere in the vicinity of a year old now, and a name at long last seems to have become permanent for it, to wit ( half-wit): the Stardust Society ....... the numerous and sundry attempts I have been making to bring fandom kneeling at my feet in rapt admiration (of some other guy) having been completely frustrated, I am content to confine my activities to the organizing of the Pacific N.W. Ye other 14 members here all have varying ideas, including the replacing of the N.F.F.F. with an interplanetary outfit giving preference to the Martian Zounds , but here is our larger policy as it stands: name, Progressive Fantasy Fan Federation (as K.Brown would say, 'it sphinx'). This is our attempt to induce inactive fans to get together and form a club. Ludowitz and his boys and gals and our bunch are working out the details of a counter-affiliation which makes us have interrelations which neither of us have the foggiest notion of. We in Portland have had a potential (po-stenchal) fanmg. on the fire for some time, but have revised it so many times that the poor thing is dizzy. It should (not a promise, but a hope) be out within a month under the name 'PROG' editor M.W.Brown, and it is guaranteed to be stinky or your money back. In fact, it's so bad we are giving it away to get the fans to see it! We should call it 'PHEW' instead of Prog. I approve of: nudes, hobbies in fandom, nudes, bettering civilization, nudes, fans who are interested in unusual and unorthodox things, nudes, VOM, nudes, a definite program for fandom, nudes, a series of conferences by mail on what fandom can do to better hooeymanity, nudes, etc. I also approve of nudes. I disapprove of people who refuse to recognize my immense sagacity and indubitable (that word again) genius. For my part, Tige can keep up her voodoo blurbs. I love 'em. As for fan activity, I have spent about on average about 7 or 8 hours a day on this f,#$fcj ()°3/4Q I. ?,. 1/2 |rf/l/4~x I club merging and fanmag publication and have only an intense and deep disgust to show for it. That is, such time has been put to all this only for the last two weeks. Before that I took a couple of hours off every other day to catch a meal and to sleep. Well, I will cease this rot and let ya requiescat in pace .... If any has a minute to spare, drop me a line. Like all good fish, I'll go for the line all the faster if it's the stuff I'm interested in (in this case, me. I am my own hobby. Gee, but I'm swell!)" F-l-a-s-h! Breath easy, fandom: Tucker rites: "Will you please announce in VOM that I am re-entering fandom. (p.s, the girl on the back is a witch!)" WALT LIEBSCHER, 101 S. Eastern, Joliet, Ill, comments in a fashion which leads us to believe something Joliet must've made 'er Ill: "Vombardiers: (sometimes spelled ea) Forry & my little green star of heaven I'm mad atcha both. Why oh why after all the hours we spent composing it, didn't you print that masterpiece we (Tuck & he & EEE) sent you recently after the investiga-
Hevelin Fanzines