Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 29, January 1944
Page 12
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12 VOICE OF THE Beak TAYLOR, publisher CANADIAN FANDOM, speaks blasfemy from St Andrew's College, Aurora, Ont/Can: I seem to be an oddity among fans.- I have no queer religious beliefs. Strange, perhaps I shouldn't be editing a fanmag at all, perhaps I shouldn't even be a fan. (I wish I wasn't) Anyhoo, I seem to be like a lot of other non-fans I know - I go to church, (gawd do I go to church. A fifteen minute service every morning, and two one hour services on Sunday. But that's St Andrew's for you) (Not for us, brother!) read the bible, and don't go round telling everybody I see fit that there is no Christ, or that we should repent, that we are drawing away from said gentleman's teachings. Somebody tell me what's the matter with me. Why do I believe in Christ? Perhaps T. Bruce Jerke can, he seems to study human psychology (he sez) " Bronson did his subject full justice. The only reason Sinn reads stf mags and so forth is so that he can write letters back to the editors saying how much he hates the stuff they print. At least, that's the only reason I can find; he doesn't do anything else. Also in connection with Sinn, (Or Sin) who is this mater who writes in, agreeing with him, telling us we are bad little boys, and generally shooting the bull? Probably H. Loren himself. " Say, what are those jaz-me-diggers reposing so calmly in the midst of the letters? Do they represent something, or are they merely the children of a disordered brain (Or vombie) Methinks I could do one myself. Now this represents Ackerman just after he has gone into the woods with a can of sardines, only to discover he has forgotten the can opener. " (Anent our snafu): Our ancient and venerable Latin (gggr!) teacher was reading the passage from which that is taken, in chapel. I dunno what he was thinking, but I know when he changed that word pricks to goads, it certainly brought home the wrong meaning to everybody listening. Tsk. " Well, I guess I'll beak going now. " au reservoir Eric C. Williams with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Forces: Every time our preserving Postal organisation and tireless Merchant Service manage to drop a parcel of fanstuff into my lap, my conscience rises up and clouts me on the back of the cranium. How can it be that people thousands of miles off, busy with tangled affairs of their own, can remember this gawk, Eric Wms, who never writes to thank them or to pay them any subscription? How can he keep on expectantly waiting when he contributes nothing in money or words? It is beyond understanding. To Mike Rosenblum who acts as halfway station for VOM,,,I'd like to thank him,,,for the almost thankless task he carries on of keeping silent fans like myself in touch with human life. And then John M Cunningham who has sent me one or two pro mags not knowing me nor having received any encouragement from me - such people restore a fading faith in the milk of human kindness. " And now, just a coupla words about that (5th Ann) cover - that isn't Eric Wms. So far as my dulled memory recalls it is Eric Hopkins, the other E.C. of English fandom. Tut, tut, Mr. Hopkins will be annoyed. Interesting to see Andrew Lenard, well remembered from W.S. days ; and the robot woman one of our first loves. Sam Youd looks the personification of English youth as pictured on the American screen, and far from being the highbrow he is, and Tom Daniel the essence of dashing American youth as seen from Hollywood. Eric C. Hopkins pops up with the RAF in Canada: It is a sad reflection that despite my fairly long acquaintance with your magazine (the exception is 'our' magazine, I think)I remain a real stranger to those who produce it,and more importantly-vice versa. After all, editors and editresses (!) are people,not a pile of duplication or lithography,just as novelists are people not books,tho the popular conception is the reverse of this probably tot he majority of people. Anyway (cut the chatter, 'Opkins)I am dismal and all that,because I don't really know who you are or what you are like, tho' you are sweet in your pics! (Anent the misnomerd pic on #25): ...that Eric Williams on your cover is most definitely ME.Just look at it and say over and over to yourselves,That guy wrote this, and this was written by that - and you'll be shaken to the core.I know I don't look as tho' I can write.I think Barbara Bovard once expressed the desire to pin my ears together realizing too well that it was all done by prayer.If I can find them I'll enclose a teeny photo of myself that will have you really wondering about your English cousins. Boy,it'll puzzle you why you had to fight for your independence! " Doug. Webster, with whom I discourse most learnedly upon the shatering short-comings of SF fans (I think this is why La Bovard dislikes me),says I am far less serious in person than in correspondence.This is not really so 'cos such an observation depends wholly upon the correspondence in reference and,Webby being a very intellectual type,I deliberate most assiduously with him thereby creating a profound impression. He's working on the graveyard shift!
12 VOICE OF THE Beak TAYLOR, publisher CANADIAN FANDOM, speaks blasfemy from St Andrew's College, Aurora, Ont/Can: I seem to be an oddity among fans.- I have no queer religious beliefs. Strange, perhaps I shouldn't be editing a fanmag at all, perhaps I shouldn't even be a fan. (I wish I wasn't) Anyhoo, I seem to be like a lot of other non-fans I know - I go to church, (gawd do I go to church. A fifteen minute service every morning, and two one hour services on Sunday. But that's St Andrew's for you) (Not for us, brother!) read the bible, and don't go round telling everybody I see fit that there is no Christ, or that we should repent, that we are drawing away from said gentleman's teachings. Somebody tell me what's the matter with me. Why do I believe in Christ? Perhaps T. Bruce Jerke can, he seems to study human psychology (he sez) " Bronson did his subject full justice. The only reason Sinn reads stf mags and so forth is so that he can write letters back to the editors saying how much he hates the stuff they print. At least, that's the only reason I can find; he doesn't do anything else. Also in connection with Sinn, (Or Sin) who is this mater who writes in, agreeing with him, telling us we are bad little boys, and generally shooting the bull? Probably H. Loren himself. " Say, what are those jaz-me-diggers reposing so calmly in the midst of the letters? Do they represent something, or are they merely the children of a disordered brain (Or vombie) Methinks I could do one myself. Now this represents Ackerman just after he has gone into the woods with a can of sardines, only to discover he has forgotten the can opener. " (Anent our snafu): Our ancient and venerable Latin (gggr!) teacher was reading the passage from which that is taken, in chapel. I dunno what he was thinking, but I know when he changed that word pricks to goads, it certainly brought home the wrong meaning to everybody listening. Tsk. " Well, I guess I'll beak going now. " au reservoir Eric C. Williams with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Forces: Every time our preserving Postal organisation and tireless Merchant Service manage to drop a parcel of fanstuff into my lap, my conscience rises up and clouts me on the back of the cranium. How can it be that people thousands of miles off, busy with tangled affairs of their own, can remember this gawk, Eric Wms, who never writes to thank them or to pay them any subscription? How can he keep on expectantly waiting when he contributes nothing in money or words? It is beyond understanding. To Mike Rosenblum who acts as halfway station for VOM,,,I'd like to thank him,,,for the almost thankless task he carries on of keeping silent fans like myself in touch with human life. And then John M Cunningham who has sent me one or two pro mags not knowing me nor having received any encouragement from me - such people restore a fading faith in the milk of human kindness. " And now, just a coupla words about that (5th Ann) cover - that isn't Eric Wms. So far as my dulled memory recalls it is Eric Hopkins, the other E.C. of English fandom. Tut, tut, Mr. Hopkins will be annoyed. Interesting to see Andrew Lenard, well remembered from W.S. days ; and the robot woman one of our first loves. Sam Youd looks the personification of English youth as pictured on the American screen, and far from being the highbrow he is, and Tom Daniel the essence of dashing American youth as seen from Hollywood. Eric C. Hopkins pops up with the RAF in Canada: It is a sad reflection that despite my fairly long acquaintance with your magazine (the exception is 'our' magazine, I think)I remain a real stranger to those who produce it,and more importantly-vice versa. After all, editors and editresses (!) are people,not a pile of duplication or lithography,just as novelists are people not books,tho the popular conception is the reverse of this probably tot he majority of people. Anyway (cut the chatter, 'Opkins)I am dismal and all that,because I don't really know who you are or what you are like, tho' you are sweet in your pics! (Anent the misnomerd pic on #25): ...that Eric Williams on your cover is most definitely ME.Just look at it and say over and over to yourselves,That guy wrote this, and this was written by that - and you'll be shaken to the core.I know I don't look as tho' I can write.I think Barbara Bovard once expressed the desire to pin my ears together realizing too well that it was all done by prayer.If I can find them I'll enclose a teeny photo of myself that will have you really wondering about your English cousins. Boy,it'll puzzle you why you had to fight for your independence! " Doug. Webster, with whom I discourse most learnedly upon the shatering short-comings of SF fans (I think this is why La Bovard dislikes me),says I am far less serious in person than in correspondence.This is not really so 'cos such an observation depends wholly upon the correspondence in reference and,Webby being a very intellectual type,I deliberate most assiduously with him thereby creating a profound impression. He's working on the graveyard shift!
Hevelin Fanzines