Voice of the Imagination, whole no. 29, January 1944
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exposed to the stuff---if it takes they will be encouraged to the limit of my ability---but none of this Simon Legree whipcracking to keep some reluctant child at its piano practice. IN CLOSING, I might state that Sandra and Sonya are to live their own lives. If one or both of them choose some life of which I do not approve, I shall make a point of not playing the stern parent, but will give them as much of a parental blessing as I possibly can under the circumstances. I naturally want them to live sane, normal, human lives; but if they turn out to be nuns or whores, they're still my kids and I'll back them up to the limit. (And, close to this opus on a faintly sour note, if they are going to go wrong, I'd much prefer their becoming whores than nuns!) IF ALL GOES WELL, however, they will marry a couple of intelligent guys, and thereafter give birth largely---thereby doing their part to improve the racial stock by breeding more and more s l a n s. "Dear 'Cpl Ack-Ack': It was a surprise and a great pleasure to find your letter in my P. O. box this morning. Of course I remember you, and all the hard labor you did for me years ago, collecting titles of pieces of scientific fiction in your library. "Back in (those days), when I was copying the titles onto note cards and filing them in between times reading my eyes out in magazine fiction, the plan was to get up a comprehensive bibliography of scientific fiction -- or scientifiction, or science fiction. I worked on that for a long time -- at the same time that I was doing several other things. All of them sagged because I was carrying too much, and finally I dropped the idea of getting up a bibliography. I still have the cards, some thousands of them. "But after doing other things for a while, I returned to the dissertation I had written on the history of scientific fiction. I rewrote it, and two years ago took it to Mr. Abramson of Argus, who agreed to act as agent. He didn't have any luck getting one of the big commercial houses interested. Then I rewrote again, cutting out a tremendous lot and streamlining, and tried again. This time,,,Mr. Abramson said that he was interested. So Argus is bringing the book out: Pilgrims Through Space and Time." --JOBailey Volume traces history of stf from Lucian of Samosato in 2d century. 336 pages. Due late Jan or early Feb, price between $3-5. Inquire Argus, 16 N Michigan, Chicago. Stop that Man! He's read his copy of THE BEDSIDE FASSBEINDER! and now he's running out of town! "It's so horrible - it's so, so aaaagh!" he is screaming STOP THAT MAN!! He is a defense worker and can't be spared from his job. Do you too want a short vacation from work?Does the world sometime seem like a phonograph disk revolving just a big too rapidly for you to quite make out the title? Fassbeinder is afflicted with this outlook, but he has managed to totter along and hack out a lot of semiscience fiction observations which his fanmag readers have never seen. We have about ten or twelve of these that just don't fit any fanmag, but are well-worth reading, even if they do leave you a bit dizzy. The subjects go from discourses on psychology,jibes at the contemporary scene, research into quaint anachronisms,to mad accounts of adventures that could only befall Fassbeinder. Drop two-bits for THE BEDSIDE FASSBEINDER to T. Bruce Yerke, 1223 Gordon St., Hollywood 38, California. Mailing date 15 April 1943. Order now! STAPLECON A special Souvenir pamflet of 8 pgs describing & picturizing the doings at the 2 Frisco fan gatherings at 4e's in '43. Hoffmania cover...interior art by Harryhausen, Goldstone, Waverly Bronson...2 full page fanografic fotoliths including pix of Bill "diablerie" Watson, Harry "Arcana" Honig, Graph Waldeyer, Lou Goldstone, Tom Wright, Andy "Centauri" Anderson, Anthony Boucher & others! Price 15c, or send $1 for next 6 Voms & STAPLECON will be included. Adres "Staplecon", Bx 6475 Met Stn, Los Angeles 14, Cal. (Thi sis an Acky-Lite Publication...) CREDITS this Ish: Largely to Morojo for dummying, stenciling, mimeoing & assembling. Fran Laney for dummying his own article. Ron Clyne for Ackermontage of "Deluge" & "Just Imagine" on cover, & for stylusing the Vomaids of Delder & Van--Van, incidently, is a Canadifan. Doodles by Dick Wortman. Blue ink on Slan-Plans courtesy Mel Brown. Ad for diablerie created, stencild, mimeod & maild special delivery for inclusion in this ish by Watson. Riding along with this number may be a lil item, Fan, from Daugherty's new ditto machine. Snafu: We inadvertently copyd a pic used by WJD in his "Frankenstein Meets the LASFS", to appeaer in Tuck's next Lez; so, tho U see it here first, it really is a reprint. Guess that about winds up the biz. -BcnU- DDENDA: No pgs are missing bfor p5. Originly bacover was sposed to be a 2d front.
exposed to the stuff---if it takes they will be encouraged to the limit of my ability---but none of this Simon Legree whipcracking to keep some reluctant child at its piano practice. IN CLOSING, I might state that Sandra and Sonya are to live their own lives. If one or both of them choose some life of which I do not approve, I shall make a point of not playing the stern parent, but will give them as much of a parental blessing as I possibly can under the circumstances. I naturally want them to live sane, normal, human lives; but if they turn out to be nuns or whores, they're still my kids and I'll back them up to the limit. (And, close to this opus on a faintly sour note, if they are going to go wrong, I'd much prefer their becoming whores than nuns!) IF ALL GOES WELL, however, they will marry a couple of intelligent guys, and thereafter give birth largely---thereby doing their part to improve the racial stock by breeding more and more s l a n s. "Dear 'Cpl Ack-Ack': It was a surprise and a great pleasure to find your letter in my P. O. box this morning. Of course I remember you, and all the hard labor you did for me years ago, collecting titles of pieces of scientific fiction in your library. "Back in (those days), when I was copying the titles onto note cards and filing them in between times reading my eyes out in magazine fiction, the plan was to get up a comprehensive bibliography of scientific fiction -- or scientifiction, or science fiction. I worked on that for a long time -- at the same time that I was doing several other things. All of them sagged because I was carrying too much, and finally I dropped the idea of getting up a bibliography. I still have the cards, some thousands of them. "But after doing other things for a while, I returned to the dissertation I had written on the history of scientific fiction. I rewrote it, and two years ago took it to Mr. Abramson of Argus, who agreed to act as agent. He didn't have any luck getting one of the big commercial houses interested. Then I rewrote again, cutting out a tremendous lot and streamlining, and tried again. This time,,,Mr. Abramson said that he was interested. So Argus is bringing the book out: Pilgrims Through Space and Time." --JOBailey Volume traces history of stf from Lucian of Samosato in 2d century. 336 pages. Due late Jan or early Feb, price between $3-5. Inquire Argus, 16 N Michigan, Chicago. Stop that Man! He's read his copy of THE BEDSIDE FASSBEINDER! and now he's running out of town! "It's so horrible - it's so, so aaaagh!" he is screaming STOP THAT MAN!! He is a defense worker and can't be spared from his job. Do you too want a short vacation from work?Does the world sometime seem like a phonograph disk revolving just a big too rapidly for you to quite make out the title? Fassbeinder is afflicted with this outlook, but he has managed to totter along and hack out a lot of semiscience fiction observations which his fanmag readers have never seen. We have about ten or twelve of these that just don't fit any fanmag, but are well-worth reading, even if they do leave you a bit dizzy. The subjects go from discourses on psychology,jibes at the contemporary scene, research into quaint anachronisms,to mad accounts of adventures that could only befall Fassbeinder. Drop two-bits for THE BEDSIDE FASSBEINDER to T. Bruce Yerke, 1223 Gordon St., Hollywood 38, California. Mailing date 15 April 1943. Order now! STAPLECON A special Souvenir pamflet of 8 pgs describing & picturizing the doings at the 2 Frisco fan gatherings at 4e's in '43. Hoffmania cover...interior art by Harryhausen, Goldstone, Waverly Bronson...2 full page fanografic fotoliths including pix of Bill "diablerie" Watson, Harry "Arcana" Honig, Graph Waldeyer, Lou Goldstone, Tom Wright, Andy "Centauri" Anderson, Anthony Boucher & others! Price 15c, or send $1 for next 6 Voms & STAPLECON will be included. Adres "Staplecon", Bx 6475 Met Stn, Los Angeles 14, Cal. (Thi sis an Acky-Lite Publication...) CREDITS this Ish: Largely to Morojo for dummying, stenciling, mimeoing & assembling. Fran Laney for dummying his own article. Ron Clyne for Ackermontage of "Deluge" & "Just Imagine" on cover, & for stylusing the Vomaids of Delder & Van--Van, incidently, is a Canadifan. Doodles by Dick Wortman. Blue ink on Slan-Plans courtesy Mel Brown. Ad for diablerie created, stencild, mimeod & maild special delivery for inclusion in this ish by Watson. Riding along with this number may be a lil item, Fan, from Daugherty's new ditto machine. Snafu: We inadvertently copyd a pic used by WJD in his "Frankenstein Meets the LASFS", to appeaer in Tuck's next Lez; so, tho U see it here first, it really is a reprint. Guess that about winds up the biz. -BcnU- DDENDA: No pgs are missing bfor p5. Originly bacover was sposed to be a 2d front.
Hevelin Fanzines