National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 1, January 1946
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has not been decided, as yet, though. I would like to suggest that every member who does not have a "V" after his name on the Official Roster and desires to remain a member of the N.F.F.F. drop me a card explaining why they failed to vote so that I can better present the case for consideration of the Board of Directors. It is possible that in lieu of a Constitutional provision for reinstatement in such cases that a ruling of some sort will have to be made until a new amendment can be inacted. Reaction of all members on this situation would be appreciated. Sixth: This is the month for a vote on the 1945 Laureate Awards. Ballots for your votes will be found accompanying this issue of the NATIONAL FANTASY FAN and your ernest consideration is requested. Suitable awards will be made to those selected for this honor. I look forward to a very progressive year in the N.F.F.F. with many things accomplished. With the help of each member I am sure that my dream will become a reality. If any problems come up drop a line to anyone of your officers and, if possible, they will help you out. That's what you put us in office for and we'll do our best to serve you. Respectfully Dunk Walter Dunkelberger President of NFFF
has not been decided, as yet, though. I would like to suggest that every member who does not have a "V" after his name on the Official Roster and desires to remain a member of the N.F.F.F. drop me a card explaining why they failed to vote so that I can better present the case for consideration of the Board of Directors. It is possible that in lieu of a Constitutional provision for reinstatement in such cases that a ruling of some sort will have to be made until a new amendment can be inacted. Reaction of all members on this situation would be appreciated. Sixth: This is the month for a vote on the 1945 Laureate Awards. Ballots for your votes will be found accompanying this issue of the NATIONAL FANTASY FAN and your ernest consideration is requested. Suitable awards will be made to those selected for this honor. I look forward to a very progressive year in the N.F.F.F. with many things accomplished. With the help of each member I am sure that my dream will become a reality. If any problems come up drop a line to anyone of your officers and, if possible, they will help you out. That's what you put us in office for and we'll do our best to serve you. Respectfully Dunk Walter Dunkelberger President of NFFF
Hevelin Fanzines