National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 1, January 1946
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Sec'y-Treas. Report During the past year the NATIONAL FANTASY FEDERATION has spent most of it's time "setting it's house in order". A new Constitution has been brought into being and adopted. Altho it may have a few flaws I am that we can all look back with pride at 1945 and say, "Well Done!". Only once piece of unfinished business remains on the schedule of the Sec'y, Laureate Awards for 1944. These awards were to have been donated by Walter J. Daugherty, but due to Government restrictions he has found it impossible, to date, to obtain the medals. He promises that the Award winners will receive them as soon as restrictions are relaxed so that he can have them made. The winners were: Tucker (Fiction Author) Tucker (Non-Fiction Author); J.R. Gray (Poet); Wiedenbeck (Artist); Fanewscard (Newszine); ACOLYTE (Fanzine); Dunkelberger (Fan of the Year). As 1945 ends we find only one member's IOU for dues still in the Treas. To retain membership in the N.F.F.F. it is necessary to fulfill two estential requirements: pay dues and vote. On the official roster I have noted the standing of each member in respect to both of these requirements. I have not dropped anyone from the roster for non-voting in the election. I will leave that action to the new officers in 1946. Below is the financial statement of your organization as of December 31st, 1945. INCOME: Balance brought forward from July 10, 1945 report . . .$58.60 Dues recieved since that date ...................................................27.50 Postage refund from O.E. on Sept. NFF .................................... .33 Donations....................................1.12 Total income .............................$87.55 EXPENDITURES: THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN: July issue..................................$5.20 August issue .............................6.10 September issue .......................10.75 October issue..........................12.75 November issue ...................... 7.85 December issue ........................ 6.00 Constitution ..............................4.85 President's expenses (EEE) .................................................... 8.00 Sec'y - Treas. Expenses .................................................... 12.00 Election ................................... 5.81 Welcom Letter ....................................................... 3.00 Total Expenditures .................. $52.31 Income .................................... $87.55 Expenditures ........................ $82. 31 Balance on hand $ 5.24 Respectfully submitted January 1, 1946. [[signature]]
Sec'y-Treas. Report During the past year the NATIONAL FANTASY FEDERATION has spent most of it's time "setting it's house in order". A new Constitution has been brought into being and adopted. Altho it may have a few flaws I am that we can all look back with pride at 1945 and say, "Well Done!". Only once piece of unfinished business remains on the schedule of the Sec'y, Laureate Awards for 1944. These awards were to have been donated by Walter J. Daugherty, but due to Government restrictions he has found it impossible, to date, to obtain the medals. He promises that the Award winners will receive them as soon as restrictions are relaxed so that he can have them made. The winners were: Tucker (Fiction Author) Tucker (Non-Fiction Author); J.R. Gray (Poet); Wiedenbeck (Artist); Fanewscard (Newszine); ACOLYTE (Fanzine); Dunkelberger (Fan of the Year). As 1945 ends we find only one member's IOU for dues still in the Treas. To retain membership in the N.F.F.F. it is necessary to fulfill two estential requirements: pay dues and vote. On the official roster I have noted the standing of each member in respect to both of these requirements. I have not dropped anyone from the roster for non-voting in the election. I will leave that action to the new officers in 1946. Below is the financial statement of your organization as of December 31st, 1945. INCOME: Balance brought forward from July 10, 1945 report . . .$58.60 Dues recieved since that date ...................................................27.50 Postage refund from O.E. on Sept. NFF .................................... .33 Donations....................................1.12 Total income .............................$87.55 EXPENDITURES: THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN: July issue..................................$5.20 August issue .............................6.10 September issue .......................10.75 October issue..........................12.75 November issue ...................... 7.85 December issue ........................ 6.00 Constitution ..............................4.85 President's expenses (EEE) .................................................... 8.00 Sec'y - Treas. Expenses .................................................... 12.00 Election ................................... 5.81 Welcom Letter ....................................................... 3.00 Total Expenditures .................. $52.31 Income .................................... $87.55 Expenditures ........................ $82. 31 Balance on hand $ 5.24 Respectfully submitted January 1, 1946. [[signature]]
Hevelin Fanzines