National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 1, January 1946
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145. Smith, Dr. E.E. (48 V) ........ 4253 Nelson St. Chicago (41) III, 146. Sneary, Richard M. (45 V) ....2962 Santa Ana St____So. Gate, Calif. 147. Speer, Jack F. (45 V)-......... 5229 University Way. .,Seattle . (5 ) Wa. . 148. Spelman III, Henry M. (RT3/'(c ) (45 -V) . ,U.S.N.Rec.Bks. .Navy #128.. .Gen. Detail.....%F.P.C. . . . .San Francisco, Cal: 149. Spencer, Paul H..(Cpl)(45) ____.. . AACS Sta. #139..125th AACS Sq...AFO 465 New York City 150. Squires, Roy (Sl/c)'(45) ----.Bks.7 NATTC. . Ward Island..... Corpus Christie,Texas 151. Stadter, John M. (Jr) 246 V ) . .1067 Wagar Rd. ...... .Rocky River-(16) 0.. 152. Stanley,' Norman F. (45 V) 43A Broad St. .Rockland, Maine 153. Stockton, Richard (45).....1600 Camino Sierra.. Bakersfield, Cal.. 154. Streiff T. L.: (46) (New)....-.., 548 No. Del rose .Wichita .(6). Kans 155. Swisher, Robert D. (45 V). .... .15 Ledyard, Rd. .Winchester,- Mass.. 156. Tanner, Charles H.'(46 V")...'...2007 E.Sutter Ave.*.. .Cincinnati, Ohic , 157. Tarr,; Dale (45 V)'. .", .-..........1349; Scott/ St..*.''/., Covington, Kent. 158. Baylor, Beak (45')...'........ .-9 MacLehnan'Ave. .Toronto, Ont, Canada 159. Thomas, J.W.. (S/3gt) (46) ..... Hq. 15th' USa.Sig.Serv.APC 408... .N.Y.C. 160. Thompson', D.B. {45* V) '.'..'...... 705 Soofct St .'..'...... Alexandria. (2) La. 151. Tiger, Hyman 3, '(45 V) ........ gsadowsky.'. 530* Herzh St. .Brpoklyn. N.Y. 152. Tigrina (45 V) ............... 235 1/2 No, New Hamp ..., Hollywood (4)Cal., 163. Tomaszewski, Edward' (45 V) ____ 214 East l9th St ..... New York City (3) 164. Train, Ossie ........... 3507 No. Sydenham St. Philadelphia, Fa. 165. Tucker, Bob (45 V) Box 260 Bloomington, 111 166. Waldeyer, Graph '(45' V) ....... . 236 17th. Ave ......... San Francisco, Cal, 167. Warner, Harry (Jr)(45 V) .. 303 Bryan Place. Hagerstown, Md. 168. Washington, Raymond W. (Jv) (45 V). .Pcx2328, .tt.Sta;. .Gainesville * Fla.'. 169. Wason, James R. '(45.V) ....... 610 Springfield St... Feeding Hills, Mass 170. Weeks, Wm. F. (46) (New) ....... 1800. Maxwell. Avenue . .Parkersburg,. W.Va.. 171. Wegemer, Norman (46' V) ... . '... . 332 Benedict' St ....... St. Mary, .Pa. 172. Wesson, Helen Y. (45 V)... '... .2214 Palisades Ave ., .Weehawken, N.J. 173. Wheeler, George (£-46 V) ....... 805 Custer ',......... Laramie, Wyo. 174. Wheeler, M.B. (S 2/c) .......... SPAR Bks', '. .Tamp. Hall ..... 8th. & Independence SW ......'. ...... Washington, D.C. . 175. 'White, (Mrs.) Hal R.(45) ..-.......................... Wasco, Ore.. 176. Whitehead, Edwin (S/Sgt) [45).. (home) 1402 Wilbur St. .Dallas (6) Texas. 177. Whitman, James R. (Pvt)(46) .... (home) 633 13th' Ave. .'. . Broken Bow, Neb. 178. Widner, Art (Cpl) ' (45 V) .,..... Med.Det 1136 ,.. Cushing Gen. Hosp. Farmingham, Mass. 179. Wilimczyk, Frank (Jr)(Pvt)(45 ) ..Casual Co.ICO Pit. 2.... AP0 15987.. San Francisco, Cal. ISO. Willmorth, Norman (Cpl)'(45) .. .645 So. Bixel St...... Los Angeles, Cal. 181. Wollheim, Donald A. (45 V) .... 98-50 67th Ave......Forest Hills, N.Y 162. Wright, R.E. (HA l/o) (45) ... ... Rt .fl... . Box 175.....Toledo, Ore. 183. Wyers, Everett J, (45 V) ...... 1414 San Pablo Ave ..,Berkeley (2) Cal. 184. Yeager.. A.F. (Jr) (45 V) ...... 48 Mill Road Durham, New Hamp. PAY YOUR DUES NOW A glance at the Financial Statement shows that the balance in the Treas. is at a minimum. By the time the . postage on the January issue of the 0.0. is paid it is doubtful if even a small percentage of that will remain. May we urge you to rush your dues to the new Sec'y-Treas. ART WIDNER at once! The organization will be unable to bring out the February 0.0, until enough funds have .been received to cover the expenditures. Donations are welcomed. March 1st, 1946 is the deadline for the receipt for your 1946 dues. All whose name bears as 45 after it owes 1946 dues NOW!
145. Smith, Dr. E.E. (48 V) ........ 4253 Nelson St. Chicago (41) III, 146. Sneary, Richard M. (45 V) ....2962 Santa Ana St____So. Gate, Calif. 147. Speer, Jack F. (45 V)-......... 5229 University Way. .,Seattle . (5 ) Wa. . 148. Spelman III, Henry M. (RT3/'(c ) (45 -V) . ,U.S.N.Rec.Bks. .Navy #128.. .Gen. Detail.....%F.P.C. . . . .San Francisco, Cal: 149. Spencer, Paul H..(Cpl)(45) ____.. . AACS Sta. #139..125th AACS Sq...AFO 465 New York City 150. Squires, Roy (Sl/c)'(45) ----.Bks.7 NATTC. . Ward Island..... Corpus Christie,Texas 151. Stadter, John M. (Jr) 246 V ) . .1067 Wagar Rd. ...... .Rocky River-(16) 0.. 152. Stanley,' Norman F. (45 V) 43A Broad St. .Rockland, Maine 153. Stockton, Richard (45).....1600 Camino Sierra.. Bakersfield, Cal.. 154. Streiff T. L.: (46) (New)....-.., 548 No. Del rose .Wichita .(6). Kans 155. Swisher, Robert D. (45 V). .... .15 Ledyard, Rd. .Winchester,- Mass.. 156. Tanner, Charles H.'(46 V")...'...2007 E.Sutter Ave.*.. .Cincinnati, Ohic , 157. Tarr,; Dale (45 V)'. .", .-..........1349; Scott/ St..*.''/., Covington, Kent. 158. Baylor, Beak (45')...'........ .-9 MacLehnan'Ave. .Toronto, Ont, Canada 159. Thomas, J.W.. (S/3gt) (46) ..... Hq. 15th' USa.Sig.Serv.APC 408... .N.Y.C. 160. Thompson', D.B. {45* V) '.'..'...... 705 Soofct St .'..'...... Alexandria. (2) La. 151. Tiger, Hyman 3, '(45 V) ........ gsadowsky.'. 530* Herzh St. .Brpoklyn. N.Y. 152. Tigrina (45 V) ............... 235 1/2 No, New Hamp ..., Hollywood (4)Cal., 163. Tomaszewski, Edward' (45 V) ____ 214 East l9th St ..... New York City (3) 164. Train, Ossie ........... 3507 No. Sydenham St. Philadelphia, Fa. 165. Tucker, Bob (45 V) Box 260 Bloomington, 111 166. Waldeyer, Graph '(45' V) ....... . 236 17th. Ave ......... San Francisco, Cal, 167. Warner, Harry (Jr)(45 V) .. 303 Bryan Place. Hagerstown, Md. 168. Washington, Raymond W. (Jv) (45 V). .Pcx2328, .tt.Sta;. .Gainesville * Fla.'. 169. Wason, James R. '(45.V) ....... 610 Springfield St... Feeding Hills, Mass 170. Weeks, Wm. F. (46) (New) ....... 1800. Maxwell. Avenue . .Parkersburg,. W.Va.. 171. Wegemer, Norman (46' V) ... . '... . 332 Benedict' St ....... St. Mary, .Pa. 172. Wesson, Helen Y. (45 V)... '... .2214 Palisades Ave ., .Weehawken, N.J. 173. Wheeler, George (£-46 V) ....... 805 Custer ',......... Laramie, Wyo. 174. Wheeler, M.B. (S 2/c) .......... SPAR Bks', '. .Tamp. Hall ..... 8th. & Independence SW ......'. ...... Washington, D.C. . 175. 'White, (Mrs.) Hal R.(45) ..-.......................... Wasco, Ore.. 176. Whitehead, Edwin (S/Sgt) [45).. (home) 1402 Wilbur St. .Dallas (6) Texas. 177. Whitman, James R. (Pvt)(46) .... (home) 633 13th' Ave. .'. . Broken Bow, Neb. 178. Widner, Art (Cpl) ' (45 V) .,..... Med.Det 1136 ,.. Cushing Gen. Hosp. Farmingham, Mass. 179. Wilimczyk, Frank (Jr)(Pvt)(45 ) ..Casual Co.ICO Pit. 2.... AP0 15987.. San Francisco, Cal. ISO. Willmorth, Norman (Cpl)'(45) .. .645 So. Bixel St...... Los Angeles, Cal. 181. Wollheim, Donald A. (45 V) .... 98-50 67th Ave......Forest Hills, N.Y 162. Wright, R.E. (HA l/o) (45) ... ... Rt .fl... . Box 175.....Toledo, Ore. 183. Wyers, Everett J, (45 V) ...... 1414 San Pablo Ave ..,Berkeley (2) Cal. 184. Yeager.. A.F. (Jr) (45 V) ...... 48 Mill Road Durham, New Hamp. PAY YOUR DUES NOW A glance at the Financial Statement shows that the balance in the Treas. is at a minimum. By the time the . postage on the January issue of the 0.0. is paid it is doubtful if even a small percentage of that will remain. May we urge you to rush your dues to the new Sec'y-Treas. ART WIDNER at once! The organization will be unable to bring out the February 0.0, until enough funds have .been received to cover the expenditures. Donations are welcomed. March 1st, 1946 is the deadline for the receipt for your 1946 dues. All whose name bears as 45 after it owes 1946 dues NOW!
Hevelin Fanzines