National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 6, September 1946
Page 13
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anization of less than 200 where the membership votes annually, they are hindering. Is there any good reason why the Directorate and the Executive positions should be separate entities? Work in the Federation should be largely that of committees. How about a list of one-man committee jobs? I'm sure I could find a good job somewhere in the list. And please include a letter section in the mag for those who have constructive ideas but are unwilling to write to article length. Yerz /boff/ PS: I enclose a dollar for support of the Philcon. ******************************** The typing for the book mentioned by the Bookcom above is a nice job for you fellows who are looking for a committee to be on. Remember, tho, that this is one typing job that must be perfect. No errors allowed. Ed. ******************************* EDITOR's MESSAGE Here I am waiting for the secretary's report, as usual. Tsk, Widner. Pages 5 to 8, inclusive, of this issue were stenciled by Dunkelberger. Pages 1 to 4 were run off on cheap paper, while the rest was done on Hammermill Mimeo Bond at $1.50 per ream. I find that the extra cost pays off in the long run saving of time, energy, and wastage. The Hammermill paper, which I bought because there was nothing else in the store, runs thru the machine like a dream, with a complete absence of off-set, and none of this breath-holding wondering whether the next sheet will crease or be out of registration. Well, the less I talk here, the more room there is for other crud. Tally ho. ***#***#***#***#***#***#***# Here you are, Ladies and Gentlemen, your one and only chance to purchase that magnificent, unequalled, and practically unique PORTFOLIO OF DRAWINGS by VIRGIL FINLAY They're going hot, they're going fast, order your set of these super lithographs from Walt Dunkelberger before it's too late. The price is 50c to members. 13
anization of less than 200 where the membership votes annually, they are hindering. Is there any good reason why the Directorate and the Executive positions should be separate entities? Work in the Federation should be largely that of committees. How about a list of one-man committee jobs? I'm sure I could find a good job somewhere in the list. And please include a letter section in the mag for those who have constructive ideas but are unwilling to write to article length. Yerz /boff/ PS: I enclose a dollar for support of the Philcon. ******************************** The typing for the book mentioned by the Bookcom above is a nice job for you fellows who are looking for a committee to be on. Remember, tho, that this is one typing job that must be perfect. No errors allowed. Ed. ******************************* EDITOR's MESSAGE Here I am waiting for the secretary's report, as usual. Tsk, Widner. Pages 5 to 8, inclusive, of this issue were stenciled by Dunkelberger. Pages 1 to 4 were run off on cheap paper, while the rest was done on Hammermill Mimeo Bond at $1.50 per ream. I find that the extra cost pays off in the long run saving of time, energy, and wastage. The Hammermill paper, which I bought because there was nothing else in the store, runs thru the machine like a dream, with a complete absence of off-set, and none of this breath-holding wondering whether the next sheet will crease or be out of registration. Well, the less I talk here, the more room there is for other crud. Tally ho. ***#***#***#***#***#***#***# Here you are, Ladies and Gentlemen, your one and only chance to purchase that magnificent, unequalled, and practically unique PORTFOLIO OF DRAWINGS by VIRGIL FINLAY They're going hot, they're going fast, order your set of these super lithographs from Walt Dunkelberger before it's too late. The price is 50c to members. 13
Hevelin Fanzines