National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 8, November 1946
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PREXY'S REPORT Fellow NFFFers: By the time you see this you will have received your ballots for the election of officers for next year. If you haven't voted already - DO SO AT ONCE! The Constitution requires that all ballots, to count, must be in the hands of the Official Tellers not later than December 10th. To those members entitled to a 50¢ refund because of joining after July 1st, may I suggest that you follow the precedent set by others and have it credit against your next year's dues - or order a Finlay Portfolio. That way your organization can receive the full value of your support. The Finlay Portfolio was again delayed by the illness of the printer who had taken on the job. Credit is due to Marty Carlson for obtaining his services. It was necessary for us to obtain the paper before the printer would promise to do the job. I managed to do this. Later, as he was preparing to run the folders, the printer got his hand in the press motor and received a high voltage shock which threw him against some other equipment. He has promised the folders as soon as he can run the press again. With your election ballots you received a Presidential order. This order, supported by the Directorate, was necessitated by the premature publication of the Speer Constitution in the O. O. Publication of such is not forbidden, of course, but the publication of the Constitution announcing to the membership that it would be voted on was illadvised as it caused those circulating petitions for it's adoption to cease their efforts under the assumption that it had been presented to the Board and approved for the election. Such was not the case. At this writing it has still not been filed with the Board for their action. In the spirit of fair play I wrote the order, took a Board vote on the matter (3 affirmative votes - 2 Directors not voting) and it was so ordered. Get your petitions in to Harry Warner, Jr. - Board Chairman - 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md., with the necessary signture before December 1st. The report of the Emblem Committee has been adopted by the Board of Directors, with the recommendation that the scroll contain the words Science and Fantasy, the name of the organization to be set in type beneath the emblem. Color cuts have been authorized (I'm having a black and white cut made also, personally) and as soon as the scroll has been appropriately lettered by Jack Sloan, cuts will be made and K.M. Carlson has volunteered to make up some stickers. The cuts authorized will have an overall height of 1". In the last O.O. Speer asks that a better suggestion be brought forward for an organization name - what's wrong with the NATIONAL FANTASY FAN FEDERATION for a name ? In the last O.O. Boff Perry suggests that we publish supplements (similar to Unger's). The Unger type supplement was rejected and instead a complete bibliography of all stf mags by author and title with decimal classification is in production (Bill Evans' Biblio). It will not be released piece meal, though. /Dunk/ 2
PREXY'S REPORT Fellow NFFFers: By the time you see this you will have received your ballots for the election of officers for next year. If you haven't voted already - DO SO AT ONCE! The Constitution requires that all ballots, to count, must be in the hands of the Official Tellers not later than December 10th. To those members entitled to a 50¢ refund because of joining after July 1st, may I suggest that you follow the precedent set by others and have it credit against your next year's dues - or order a Finlay Portfolio. That way your organization can receive the full value of your support. The Finlay Portfolio was again delayed by the illness of the printer who had taken on the job. Credit is due to Marty Carlson for obtaining his services. It was necessary for us to obtain the paper before the printer would promise to do the job. I managed to do this. Later, as he was preparing to run the folders, the printer got his hand in the press motor and received a high voltage shock which threw him against some other equipment. He has promised the folders as soon as he can run the press again. With your election ballots you received a Presidential order. This order, supported by the Directorate, was necessitated by the premature publication of the Speer Constitution in the O. O. Publication of such is not forbidden, of course, but the publication of the Constitution announcing to the membership that it would be voted on was illadvised as it caused those circulating petitions for it's adoption to cease their efforts under the assumption that it had been presented to the Board and approved for the election. Such was not the case. At this writing it has still not been filed with the Board for their action. In the spirit of fair play I wrote the order, took a Board vote on the matter (3 affirmative votes - 2 Directors not voting) and it was so ordered. Get your petitions in to Harry Warner, Jr. - Board Chairman - 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md., with the necessary signture before December 1st. The report of the Emblem Committee has been adopted by the Board of Directors, with the recommendation that the scroll contain the words Science and Fantasy, the name of the organization to be set in type beneath the emblem. Color cuts have been authorized (I'm having a black and white cut made also, personally) and as soon as the scroll has been appropriately lettered by Jack Sloan, cuts will be made and K.M. Carlson has volunteered to make up some stickers. The cuts authorized will have an overall height of 1". In the last O.O. Speer asks that a better suggestion be brought forward for an organization name - what's wrong with the NATIONAL FANTASY FAN FEDERATION for a name ? In the last O.O. Boff Perry suggests that we publish supplements (similar to Unger's). The Unger type supplement was rejected and instead a complete bibliography of all stf mags by author and title with decimal classification is in production (Bill Evans' Biblio). It will not be released piece meal, though. /Dunk/ 2
Hevelin Fanzines