National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 8, November 1946
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EDITOR'S COMMENT This issue is of necessity rather short. For one thing no one sent in any material, except Art Widner last month for the Blatant Beast. Again it is necessary to carry this over till next month, but it will definitely be printed in its entirety then. The reason for this is that this issue must go out right away and I have no time to include anything else. The ballots are included with this copy since Sec-Treas Widner says it is only his job to prepare the ballot, not publish it. Well, it may be interpreted that way, and, as he points out, it will save postage, as I am printing it according to his instructions. Notice that the deadline for ballots has been moved up to Dec. 24 instead of Dec. 10 because the ballots will be about 2 weeks going out. Bob Tucker has been appointed Official Teller. Get your ballots to him as soon as possible. Although many people have been howling for a letter section, very few responded. I have included a few articles of interest in the Forum. These were not sent in as letters but they concerned matters vital to the NFFF, so I included them. There has even much controversy over the constitution. Widner's copy of the ballot has the vote on constitutions on it, and since it is the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to prepare it, it was my job to publish it as directed. Since practically everyone else has commented on the Constitution, I think it is my turn now. Art Widner says to vote now, and I agree with him. I can see no reason why it should be unconstitutional. Harry Warner in his letter of October 25, 1946, remarked that both constitutions had been approved a few days before. Therefore I held up the O. O. thinking official confirmation would come and the constiutions could be printed. None came, so the October issue was mailed. Then I prepared a supplement to be mailed just as soon as definite word came in. Again Harry wrote that full approval had been granted, but it was so close to another mailing that I decided it would be better to mail the supplement with the November issue. The point to observe is that both constitutions could have been included in the October issue if I had been informed in time. Then they could have legally been voted on this month. Any way, they are officially printed in the October supplement. Since a month has elapsed since the constitution should have appeared in the O. O., and since they have now appeared, I see no reason for holding up on the vote. Dunk, in his Presidential order sets the final ballot for about Feb1. There is no sense in that long a delay. Why set Dec. 1 as a deadline for filing when all petitions are in ? Why designate January as a month for discussions when everyone has discussed it for three months, and the present constitution does not call for it. I say let the new constitution go into effect when the new officers go in, and start with a clean slate next year. One thing Dunk mentions in his editorial I am heartily in favor of. That is keeping the present name of the organization. The name should remain THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN FEDERATION regardless of which constitution is selected. Once again let me urge everyone to VOTE NOW. 5
EDITOR'S COMMENT This issue is of necessity rather short. For one thing no one sent in any material, except Art Widner last month for the Blatant Beast. Again it is necessary to carry this over till next month, but it will definitely be printed in its entirety then. The reason for this is that this issue must go out right away and I have no time to include anything else. The ballots are included with this copy since Sec-Treas Widner says it is only his job to prepare the ballot, not publish it. Well, it may be interpreted that way, and, as he points out, it will save postage, as I am printing it according to his instructions. Notice that the deadline for ballots has been moved up to Dec. 24 instead of Dec. 10 because the ballots will be about 2 weeks going out. Bob Tucker has been appointed Official Teller. Get your ballots to him as soon as possible. Although many people have been howling for a letter section, very few responded. I have included a few articles of interest in the Forum. These were not sent in as letters but they concerned matters vital to the NFFF, so I included them. There has even much controversy over the constitution. Widner's copy of the ballot has the vote on constitutions on it, and since it is the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to prepare it, it was my job to publish it as directed. Since practically everyone else has commented on the Constitution, I think it is my turn now. Art Widner says to vote now, and I agree with him. I can see no reason why it should be unconstitutional. Harry Warner in his letter of October 25, 1946, remarked that both constitutions had been approved a few days before. Therefore I held up the O. O. thinking official confirmation would come and the constiutions could be printed. None came, so the October issue was mailed. Then I prepared a supplement to be mailed just as soon as definite word came in. Again Harry wrote that full approval had been granted, but it was so close to another mailing that I decided it would be better to mail the supplement with the November issue. The point to observe is that both constitutions could have been included in the October issue if I had been informed in time. Then they could have legally been voted on this month. Any way, they are officially printed in the October supplement. Since a month has elapsed since the constitution should have appeared in the O. O., and since they have now appeared, I see no reason for holding up on the vote. Dunk, in his Presidential order sets the final ballot for about Feb1. There is no sense in that long a delay. Why set Dec. 1 as a deadline for filing when all petitions are in ? Why designate January as a month for discussions when everyone has discussed it for three months, and the present constitution does not call for it. I say let the new constitution go into effect when the new officers go in, and start with a clean slate next year. One thing Dunk mentions in his editorial I am heartily in favor of. That is keeping the present name of the organization. The name should remain THE NATIONAL FANTASY FAN FEDERATION regardless of which constitution is selected. Once again let me urge everyone to VOTE NOW. 5
Hevelin Fanzines