Clara Steen Skott diary, 1942-1946
July 14
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July 14 1942 Did the washing. Bees swarmed & K got them into empty hive, as Franks was working. To library board meeting at library; Buehler, Ray, [Utter?], Neumann. Daniels. Doris B, gave me delphiniums & white cal. 1943. Ironed and baked bread & fresh apple & pumpkin pies. Shopped in Middleton—last time to drive '41 car. Nap in P.M. Cooler, pleasant day. Hans & I called on Mrs. Offerdahl in eve. 1944. First rain in 24 days—really needed. I washed Venetian blinds. Kathryn was hired by Dr. Pacini to work as chemist for Chlorophyl, Inc. We 3 went to Alex. to see "See Here, Pvt. Hargrove". Walked home. 1945. I dressed 2 young chickens, which we had for picnic supper with Helen & Al's in Dora's back lawn. We had 3 red raspberry shortcake for dinner. First time together since Al's wedding, 3 yr. ago. First I had seen Helen since our 25 wedding anniversary 56° 1946. 433 miles, 42° lat. Still more than 4000 mi from Shanghai. Went to Catholic mass at 9: and protest at services at 10 In P.M. and early AM a little sun, but surrounded by fog. Took booster shot for cholera. Song service in corner of lounge in eve. missionaries, Chinese, & others.
July 14 1942 Did the washing. Bees swarmed & K got them into empty hive, as Franks was working. To library board meeting at library; Buehler, Ray, [Utter?], Neumann. Daniels. Doris B, gave me delphiniums & white cal. 1943. Ironed and baked bread & fresh apple & pumpkin pies. Shopped in Middleton—last time to drive '41 car. Nap in P.M. Cooler, pleasant day. Hans & I called on Mrs. Offerdahl in eve. 1944. First rain in 24 days—really needed. I washed Venetian blinds. Kathryn was hired by Dr. Pacini to work as chemist for Chlorophyl, Inc. We 3 went to Alex. to see "See Here, Pvt. Hargrove". Walked home. 1945. I dressed 2 young chickens, which we had for picnic supper with Helen & Al's in Dora's back lawn. We had 3 red raspberry shortcake for dinner. First time together since Al's wedding, 3 yr. ago. First I had seen Helen since our 25 wedding anniversary 56° 1946. 433 miles, 42° lat. Still more than 4000 mi from Shanghai. Went to Catholic mass at 9: and protest at services at 10 In P.M. and early AM a little sun, but surrounded by fog. Took booster shot for cholera. Song service in corner of lounge in eve. missionaries, Chinese, & others.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries