Clara Steen Skott diary, 1942-1946
October 4
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October 4 1942. Took Sig, K, Z, Juanita, Sandra, + Peter Bell + Jane + Dale Zentener to S.S. Am on red side in new attendance contest. Sig stayed till 6 o'clock bus. Wrote Hans, Dora, Mrs. Carlton. Heavy frost 1943. Sunny P.M. Went with Hans to Madison. Took gal. honey to Roberts' (order) and 3 of my roses for Velma, home with Nellie Lou from WGH. Hans got me wrist watch for my birthday. Washed window ledges, cut shrubbery away from house. 49° 57° 1944. Awake mostly from 3. Indigestion- did little all day. Got a crossword puzzle 100% wrote Sig, Dora to Wm. Brassington for ballots 1945 Baked raisin bread, ironed, mended. Long letter form Frank, who does not like army life in the Philippines. Hans is better, so after we both took P.M. nap, we took flat tire to Shell Station for air, then drove 4 mi. to Amoco station for our spare tire we left there Sunday eve. Called on Sally Coffin. First furnace fire. 1945. Had very acute indigestion in night, prob. precipitated by vinegared mutton last eve. After light breakfast, I slept till almost lunch time. Pedicab from gate to hospital. Drs. Holzer + Sacks called. We looked at nice book on Switzerland which Schester Bürgin lent us. He walked with me nearly to Dr.'s house- his first time out for 10 days.
October 4 1942. Took Sig, K, Z, Juanita, Sandra, + Peter Bell + Jane + Dale Zentener to S.S. Am on red side in new attendance contest. Sig stayed till 6 o'clock bus. Wrote Hans, Dora, Mrs. Carlton. Heavy frost 1943. Sunny P.M. Went with Hans to Madison. Took gal. honey to Roberts' (order) and 3 of my roses for Velma, home with Nellie Lou from WGH. Hans got me wrist watch for my birthday. Washed window ledges, cut shrubbery away from house. 49° 57° 1944. Awake mostly from 3. Indigestion- did little all day. Got a crossword puzzle 100% wrote Sig, Dora to Wm. Brassington for ballots 1945 Baked raisin bread, ironed, mended. Long letter form Frank, who does not like army life in the Philippines. Hans is better, so after we both took P.M. nap, we took flat tire to Shell Station for air, then drove 4 mi. to Amoco station for our spare tire we left there Sunday eve. Called on Sally Coffin. First furnace fire. 1945. Had very acute indigestion in night, prob. precipitated by vinegared mutton last eve. After light breakfast, I slept till almost lunch time. Pedicab from gate to hospital. Drs. Holzer + Sacks called. We looked at nice book on Switzerland which Schester Bürgin lent us. He walked with me nearly to Dr.'s house- his first time out for 10 days.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries