Clara Steen Skott diary, 1948-1952
September 7
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SEPTEMBER 7 1948 Virginia Studnicka, Marie Oleson and Ruth Pospicbal made plans in my room for first FHA mtg. Srs. study linens - with actual samples, many of which I brought. Long afternoon of planning, To Pres. church supper in eve, guest of Matilda Frase. Frances K. was "radio MC on WIND - [illegible] 1949. Up late in Kobnhavn, breakfast in sidewalk cafe, then to Dansk Mission Selskab. Lunch with Mrs. Friner Larsen, Mr. Paulson gave me coat and parasol and we went to Fri luft museum - big collection of centuries' evaluation of tools and implements. Rain so only thru a few of old Fyn homes. Back to DMS for supper, and after Andrea Nielsen came, coffee. 1950 Very cool nights. Watered garden, esp. glods. Walked to Vold's garden and picked basket of tomatoes and some limas and 1 squash. Started crocheted nylon scarf in afghan stitch. Hilda and I saw outdoors in sun. I canned 3 1/2 qt. tomatoes, 1 pt. yellow preserves. Froze 2 pkg. corn. 1951 Could get no one so went from 9 to 3 or so with Kay Adams, nearly finishing in village - $695 in all, $222.50 our share. Picked a lot of flowers in eve for flower show. 1952 Awake from 4. Church full. I ordered "Eliz. the Queen" glods and asters for Mrs. Kalvestran's funeral from the Guild. Arranged big bouquet of physostegia for church, then after S.S. took it to Ester K. Sig here in Marian's car. Made 12 more buttonholes for her! Frank and I to Hts. Garden - only a few potatoes.
SEPTEMBER 7 1948 Virginia Studnicka, Marie Oleson and Ruth Pospicbal made plans in my room for first FHA mtg. Srs. study linens - with actual samples, many of which I brought. Long afternoon of planning, To Pres. church supper in eve, guest of Matilda Frase. Frances K. was "radio MC on WIND - [illegible] 1949. Up late in Kobnhavn, breakfast in sidewalk cafe, then to Dansk Mission Selskab. Lunch with Mrs. Friner Larsen, Mr. Paulson gave me coat and parasol and we went to Fri luft museum - big collection of centuries' evaluation of tools and implements. Rain so only thru a few of old Fyn homes. Back to DMS for supper, and after Andrea Nielsen came, coffee. 1950 Very cool nights. Watered garden, esp. glods. Walked to Vold's garden and picked basket of tomatoes and some limas and 1 squash. Started crocheted nylon scarf in afghan stitch. Hilda and I saw outdoors in sun. I canned 3 1/2 qt. tomatoes, 1 pt. yellow preserves. Froze 2 pkg. corn. 1951 Could get no one so went from 9 to 3 or so with Kay Adams, nearly finishing in village - $695 in all, $222.50 our share. Picked a lot of flowers in eve for flower show. 1952 Awake from 4. Church full. I ordered "Eliz. the Queen" glods and asters for Mrs. Kalvestran's funeral from the Guild. Arranged big bouquet of physostegia for church, then after S.S. took it to Ester K. Sig here in Marian's car. Made 12 more buttonholes for her! Frank and I to Hts. Garden - only a few potatoes.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries