Clara Steen Skott diary, 1948-1952
November 27
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NOVEMBER 27 1948. In to Madison with the Shafers. Mr. Vold put railing on stairs. I broadcast at 10:30 on WHA on "Teaching Home Ec. in China". Shopped for rug and Christmas. Ironed spread, etc. in P.M. Tea with Anna May and Shafers 1949. I walked to church. World Service Sun. and clothes collection. Ride home with Deone R. Signe and Hilda and Marie Loring here on 2 o'clock bus. Learned to play Canasta. Marie and Sig back on 9:50 bus. Hilda and we showed pics. Frank with Marv's at Maly's. 1950 Awake from 2:40! After Hans left on 7:10 bus, I slept till 9. Did washing by 11:30. Hung whites outdoors. Sewed, ironed, finished pillowcases. Hans left at 8:40 bus for Spooner and other points north. Sun shone a little. Alone all day. Wrote bazaar publicity. 1951. Sunny and a bit warmer - "Ironed." started putting "birds" on red apron. Went to new graded school with E. Kromrey to see kitchen and gym. Conferred with M. Phelps and Bruce Heebink. In eve to Daniels' on Christmas Decoration Comm. Hans to Men's Brotherhood dinner. 8 degrees 1952. Awake 5:15. Rex and I cleaned off inches of snow from my car and scraped off windows. We and Dora went to Martha and Irene's Apt. for Thanksgiving Dinner. Geo. Leffler, Anna Wilson also there. Turkey. Downtown at 3 and we and Riley's talked on tires for my car. I bought 4 Goodrich tubeless. Saw Detroit and NY Thanksgiving parades on television.
NOVEMBER 27 1948. In to Madison with the Shafers. Mr. Vold put railing on stairs. I broadcast at 10:30 on WHA on "Teaching Home Ec. in China". Shopped for rug and Christmas. Ironed spread, etc. in P.M. Tea with Anna May and Shafers 1949. I walked to church. World Service Sun. and clothes collection. Ride home with Deone R. Signe and Hilda and Marie Loring here on 2 o'clock bus. Learned to play Canasta. Marie and Sig back on 9:50 bus. Hilda and we showed pics. Frank with Marv's at Maly's. 1950 Awake from 2:40! After Hans left on 7:10 bus, I slept till 9. Did washing by 11:30. Hung whites outdoors. Sewed, ironed, finished pillowcases. Hans left at 8:40 bus for Spooner and other points north. Sun shone a little. Alone all day. Wrote bazaar publicity. 1951. Sunny and a bit warmer - "Ironed." started putting "birds" on red apron. Went to new graded school with E. Kromrey to see kitchen and gym. Conferred with M. Phelps and Bruce Heebink. In eve to Daniels' on Christmas Decoration Comm. Hans to Men's Brotherhood dinner. 8 degrees 1952. Awake 5:15. Rex and I cleaned off inches of snow from my car and scraped off windows. We and Dora went to Martha and Irene's Apt. for Thanksgiving Dinner. Geo. Leffler, Anna Wilson also there. Turkey. Downtown at 3 and we and Riley's talked on tires for my car. I bought 4 Goodrich tubeless. Saw Detroit and NY Thanksgiving parades on television.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries