Des Moines County, Iowa Anti-Slavery Society minutes and declarations, 1844-1845
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//to do all we can lawfully to bring this// //Sistern to a peaceful end we therefore in// //reliance on divine aid Identify ourselves// //with the AntiSlavery cause and for our// //more efficitent action form ourselves// //into a Society under the following// //Constitution// //At. this Society Shall be caled the Desm// //oine County AntiSlavery Society// //Art 2.nd the object of this Society Shall be to// //promote the great objects of the AntiSlavery// //cause by the dessemination of knowledge// //respecting the evels of Slavery. and the duty// //of immediate emancipation. and by procl// //aiming the Equality of rights of all men// //Irrespecitve of color or condition; and it Sha// //ll aim to elevate the character of our colored// //population by promiting their moral and// //Intelecual improvemenent. and Endeave ring// //to remove the prejudice which has kept the// //free men of color from a participation in the//
//to do all we can lawfully to bring this// //Sistern to a peaceful end we therefore in// //reliance on divine aid Identify ourselves// //with the AntiSlavery cause and for our// //more efficitent action form ourselves// //into a Society under the following// //Constitution// //At. this Society Shall be caled the Desm// //oine County AntiSlavery Society// //Art 2.nd the object of this Society Shall be to// //promote the great objects of the AntiSlavery// //cause by the dessemination of knowledge// //respecting the evels of Slavery. and the duty// //of immediate emancipation. and by procl// //aiming the Equality of rights of all men// //Irrespecitve of color or condition; and it Sha// //ll aim to elevate the character of our colored// //population by promiting their moral and// //Intelecual improvemenent. and Endeave ring// //to remove the prejudice which has kept the// //free men of color from a participation in the//
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