Des Moines County, Iowa Anti-Slavery Society minutes and declarations, 1844-1845
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objects as their wisdom Shall direct. they Shall pay out all experieces [experiences?] by order on the treasure. the treasure Shall keep all funds of the Society Subject to the order of the committee and at each usual meeting Shall present an audited report of the treasury during the year [pencil marks?] Art. 6th. the annuall [annual?] meeting of the Society Shall be [inserted]held[/inserted] at Such time and place as the executive committee Shall direct, when the officers Shall be chosen, and reports of the doings of the committee presented [pencil marks?] Art. 7t. this Constitution may be amended by a vote of a majority of the members present at an annal [annual?] meeting [pencil marks?]flank ten[/pencil marks?] Signers Names 1 Othniel Tolbert 2 D. G. Cartright 3 A. B. Condit 4 Wm. McLure 5 G. B. Barnes 6 John R. McLure 7 Fredrick Ware [Len or Sen?] 8 Uriah Barnes 9 John Bandy 10 John Ware 11 Josiah Anderson
objects as their wisdom Shall direct. they Shall pay out all experieces [experiences?] by order on the treasure. the treasure Shall keep all funds of the Society Subject to the order of the committee and at each usual meeting Shall present an audited report of the treasury during the year [pencil marks?] Art. 6th. the annuall [annual?] meeting of the Society Shall be [inserted]held[/inserted] at Such time and place as the executive committee Shall direct, when the officers Shall be chosen, and reports of the doings of the committee presented [pencil marks?] Art. 7t. this Constitution may be amended by a vote of a majority of the members present at an annal [annual?] meeting [pencil marks?]flank ten[/pencil marks?] Signers Names 1 Othniel Tolbert 2 D. G. Cartright 3 A. B. Condit 4 Wm. McLure 5 G. B. Barnes 6 John R. McLure 7 Fredrick Ware [Len or Sen?] 8 Uriah Barnes 9 John Bandy 10 John Ware 11 Josiah Anderson
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