Des Moines County, Iowa Anti-Slavery Society minutes and declarations, 1844-1845
Page 19
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That all those laws which are now in force admiting the right of slavery are therefore before God null and void being an [?????] usurpation of the Divine prerogative a daring infringement on the law of nature a base overthrow of the very foundation of the social compact a complete extinction of all the relations enderasments and obligations of mankind and a presumption transgression of all the holy commandments and therefore they ought to be instantly abrogated We further believe and affirm that all persons of color who possess the necessary qualifications which are demanded of others ought to be asdmited forthwith to the enjoyment of the same privileges and the exercise of the same prerogatives as others and that the paths of preferment of wealth and inteligence should be opened as evidenly to them as to persons of a white complexion We maintain that no compensation should be given to the planters emancipating their slaves Because it would be a surrender of the great fundamental principale that man can
That all those laws which are now in force admiting the right of slavery are therefore before God null and void being an [?????] usurpation of the Divine prerogative a daring infringement on the law of nature a base overthrow of the very foundation of the social compact a complete extinction of all the relations enderasments and obligations of mankind and a presumption transgression of all the holy commandments and therefore they ought to be instantly abrogated We further believe and affirm that all persons of color who possess the necessary qualifications which are demanded of others ought to be asdmited forthwith to the enjoyment of the same privileges and the exercise of the same prerogatives as others and that the paths of preferment of wealth and inteligence should be opened as evidenly to them as to persons of a white complexion We maintain that no compensation should be given to the planters emancipating their slaves Because it would be a surrender of the great fundamental principale that man can
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