Des Moines County, Iowa Anti-Slavery Society minutes and declarations, 1844-1845
Page 38
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world to come. Industry is one way in which we may entertain ourselves. There are pleasures in Industry which none can obtain without the use of it. There are a thousand little attractions in Industry which an indolent person would not could not believe, there may be times when persons may become wearied of all the habits of life but still cling to their formed habits. prove how very important there that we form just such habits as will prove to be advantageous in after life when it will be no trouble to acquaint ourselves with more important stations in after life. How very necessary it is that we should store or minds with valuable instruction which will profit both the soul and body. what a pleasure in being in this world, if we use the means our maker has given us as and how thankful for privalages that we have in this Christian land with every Temporary want suppled. E.H.
world to come. Industry is one way in which we may entertain ourselves. There are pleasures in Industry which none can obtain without the use of it. There are a thousand little attractions in Industry which an indolent person would not could not believe, there may be times when persons may become wearied of all the habits of life but still cling to their formed habits. prove how very important there that we form just such habits as will prove to be advantageous in after life when it will be no trouble to acquaint ourselves with more important stations in after life. How very necessary it is that we should store or minds with valuable instruction which will profit both the soul and body. what a pleasure in being in this world, if we use the means our maker has given us as and how thankful for privalages that we have in this Christian land with every Temporary want suppled. E.H.
Pioneer Lives