Des Moines County, Iowa Anti-Slavery Society minutes and declarations, 1844-1845
Page 49
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[illegible] Affectation Affectation is the [illegible] of fools. It is an artificial [show?] and a false pretense Surely it must be [illegible] very foolish judgement which prefers counterfeit to real simplicity of conduct and of manners the sure [under?] of sound sense and of a correct [illegible] free [illegible] [illegible] possessions from the whole of that [illegible] load which the enslaved and feeble minds of artificial characters constantly [sustain?]. I should think it would be tiresome to be always acting a [friend?] to torture and [illegible] every thought [word?] and action in common [life?] and daily intercours so [that?] to produce a [factitious?] [redoubt?] and to adopt conduct, [action?] words and profess sentiments on the [illegible] [illegible] as well as the
[illegible] Affectation Affectation is the [illegible] of fools. It is an artificial [show?] and a false pretense Surely it must be [illegible] very foolish judgement which prefers counterfeit to real simplicity of conduct and of manners the sure [under?] of sound sense and of a correct [illegible] free [illegible] [illegible] possessions from the whole of that [illegible] load which the enslaved and feeble minds of artificial characters constantly [sustain?]. I should think it would be tiresome to be always acting a [friend?] to torture and [illegible] every thought [word?] and action in common [life?] and daily intercours so [that?] to produce a [factitious?] [redoubt?] and to adopt conduct, [action?] words and profess sentiments on the [illegible] [illegible] as well as the
Pioneer Lives