Jinx, v. 1, issue 2, whole no. 2, March 1942
Page 7
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JINX - page 7 Postal Pulsations! The amazing response to this department has encouraged me to continue it. Sho' nuff, no kiddin', and stuff, somebody liked it, so it's back again. Before we dive into the postals, let it be made clear that these are postal excerpts, and nothing will be taken from letters. Amen. Joseph Gilbert: Your letter was the third today wanting to know where the !! the STAR was. As if the great Gilbert knew. All the great Gilbert knows is that 23 out of 30 stencils that he cut last week turned out to be utterly worthless, and he'll have do do'em all over. Could you recommend a high bridge; a lovely bridge suitable for jumping off? So long, gotta go commit suicide. Ah! the catastrophe of the first STAR. Damn all wax stencils forever and ever, amen! Eventually the STAR came out, as you'all know, but still - Joe had to cut nearly 60 stencils on that first issue. By the by, can anybody recommend a good bridge? Merely for future reference; just in case. Joe Fortier, Phil Bronson, and Tom Wright: (in respective order) Just sitting around waiting for time to go to the G.G.F.S. Youse guys should have a good bunch like Northern Cal. Ryt is a genius! I am a devil! Bronson is God! I guess I'll let someone take over now. P.S. SOUTHERN STAR is improving tremendously. I like it very much. Dear Harry, you ol' bum! Ryt is a jeep! Tom is at my side raging at me because I'm usurping so darn much space. Might as well get my money's worth, tho. Hey, how about answering my last letter? For some reason I've decided to take over D*A*W*N, and am planning to publish it before October if I can possibly find time. Saw the new SOUTHERN STAR over at Lou Goldstone's yesturday and it shore looks good! And read it- am enjoying myself immensely here-Tom is tearing his hair because I'm running over onto his territory, heh-heh! Let Joe noe that I'll be wanting "Hams and Pros" soon- about four pages--how about you mugs writing conflicting reviews? Getting my (Tom's) money's worth - eh? Hey why didn't you write after I sent the drawing for FANART? Gosh, it seems that that's the least you could do. I'm gonna send a sub to SUTHUN * soon. WRITE. By the way, Bronson is a snake and a dope. I can hardly stand him here. Fortier is bad enuf. And that, my friends, was all on one postcard!! It was written during Phil's visit to Oakland and 'Frisco. We stumble madly to a mirror and wonder, wonder wonder . . . how in the hell can they get so much on one postal? Art Widner, Jr: Holy Klono, Harry -- ! Somehow -- you got left off FAIRY's sub list -- and I haven't a single extra whole copy left. Can you look over Gilbert's shoulder for a while, until I see if I can dig up one at next Stranger Club meeting? If not - I'll have to send you my own copy. Awful sorry, honest. Next ish will be mimeod so everybody will have a copy. Art lived up to his word, too. He managed somehow to get a copy from one of the Strangers. Art's offer to sacrifice his own copy of FANFARE impressed me greatly and he deserves his place among the top five fans. Lee B. Eastman: Be ready to go to "Rebecca" at about 6:30 tomorrow (Wed.) night (evening, afternoon) at which time I hope to arrive in my horse and buggy.- Singleton is dead - No details known; will go into it more fully tomorrow!! Which brings up the question of movies. The two best that yours truly has seen in many a moon are the afore-mentioned "Rebecca" and "Citizen Kane".
JINX - page 7 Postal Pulsations! The amazing response to this department has encouraged me to continue it. Sho' nuff, no kiddin', and stuff, somebody liked it, so it's back again. Before we dive into the postals, let it be made clear that these are postal excerpts, and nothing will be taken from letters. Amen. Joseph Gilbert: Your letter was the third today wanting to know where the !! the STAR was. As if the great Gilbert knew. All the great Gilbert knows is that 23 out of 30 stencils that he cut last week turned out to be utterly worthless, and he'll have do do'em all over. Could you recommend a high bridge; a lovely bridge suitable for jumping off? So long, gotta go commit suicide. Ah! the catastrophe of the first STAR. Damn all wax stencils forever and ever, amen! Eventually the STAR came out, as you'all know, but still - Joe had to cut nearly 60 stencils on that first issue. By the by, can anybody recommend a good bridge? Merely for future reference; just in case. Joe Fortier, Phil Bronson, and Tom Wright: (in respective order) Just sitting around waiting for time to go to the G.G.F.S. Youse guys should have a good bunch like Northern Cal. Ryt is a genius! I am a devil! Bronson is God! I guess I'll let someone take over now. P.S. SOUTHERN STAR is improving tremendously. I like it very much. Dear Harry, you ol' bum! Ryt is a jeep! Tom is at my side raging at me because I'm usurping so darn much space. Might as well get my money's worth, tho. Hey, how about answering my last letter? For some reason I've decided to take over D*A*W*N, and am planning to publish it before October if I can possibly find time. Saw the new SOUTHERN STAR over at Lou Goldstone's yesturday and it shore looks good! And read it- am enjoying myself immensely here-Tom is tearing his hair because I'm running over onto his territory, heh-heh! Let Joe noe that I'll be wanting "Hams and Pros" soon- about four pages--how about you mugs writing conflicting reviews? Getting my (Tom's) money's worth - eh? Hey why didn't you write after I sent the drawing for FANART? Gosh, it seems that that's the least you could do. I'm gonna send a sub to SUTHUN * soon. WRITE. By the way, Bronson is a snake and a dope. I can hardly stand him here. Fortier is bad enuf. And that, my friends, was all on one postcard!! It was written during Phil's visit to Oakland and 'Frisco. We stumble madly to a mirror and wonder, wonder wonder . . . how in the hell can they get so much on one postal? Art Widner, Jr: Holy Klono, Harry -- ! Somehow -- you got left off FAIRY's sub list -- and I haven't a single extra whole copy left. Can you look over Gilbert's shoulder for a while, until I see if I can dig up one at next Stranger Club meeting? If not - I'll have to send you my own copy. Awful sorry, honest. Next ish will be mimeod so everybody will have a copy. Art lived up to his word, too. He managed somehow to get a copy from one of the Strangers. Art's offer to sacrifice his own copy of FANFARE impressed me greatly and he deserves his place among the top five fans. Lee B. Eastman: Be ready to go to "Rebecca" at about 6:30 tomorrow (Wed.) night (evening, afternoon) at which time I hope to arrive in my horse and buggy.- Singleton is dead - No details known; will go into it more fully tomorrow!! Which brings up the question of movies. The two best that yours truly has seen in many a moon are the afore-mentioned "Rebecca" and "Citizen Kane".
Hevelin Fanzines