Fantasy Amateur, v. 5, issue 4, June 1942
Page 3
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organizers: I took the presidency as it was my job to direct the work and co:ordinate things. Michel undertook the Editorship so he and I could work together on that. Bill Miller agreed to handle the secretarial work of registering applicants and collecting dues. Daniel McPhail undertook the Vice-President's task of booming up membership. I wrote Morris Dollens, at that time foremost fan artist, requesting designs for an emblem. He sent three of which Michel and I picked the one which has remained official. I then had engravings made of this emblem and we printed membership cards on the Michel-Dollheim press. One of these engravings I kept, the other cut I presented to the FAPA to remain in the custody of each Official Editor. When last heard of Milton Rothman had this cut. Correspondence was beginning to bear fruit and we had a few applications in before any mailing appeared. The first fan to pay dues and receive a card was Frederik Pohl. Among the original members of pre-first mailing status appear the names of Edward Carnell, Harry Dockweiler, J.M. Rosenblum, Robert A. Madle, Robert W. Lowndes. The first mailing was due to come out in July 1937. Time did not allow Michel and I to prepare a first Fantasy Amateur so instead I mimeographed a three page magazine entitled "The FAPA Fan" the third page of which was an application blank, the first two pages of which contained an explanation of the FAPA and a request for members. The FAPA Fan did duty as a semi-official organ until the appearance of the first Fantasy Amateur, which was not until after the first regular election. The first mailing appeared in July. It contained mostly excess copies of older fan magazines, some new material done for the occasion such as two or three "Mijimags" and stuff. It wasn't a bad bundle considering. Response was very encouraging. But Secretary Bill Miller unfortunately chose that moment to lose interest in fandom. He allowed his work to lag and finally resigned in September turning material over to me. I undertook the work of Secretary-Treasurer for the rest of the year as well as the President's post. Oddly enough, it can be recorded that our first Secretary, Miller, never became a member of the FAPA! Another organizational mailing came in October and the first election was held in December. The first Fantasy Amateur, dated Spring 1938 and sent out in May 1938 contains the results. Myself and MacPhail remained in our organizational offices. Baltadonis took over the secretaryship and Fred Pohl relieved Michel as Editor. The number of ballots received reveals that by January 1938 we had about 25 members. By May 1938 we had 43 members and had reached healthy maturity. A host of new FAPA magazines were appearing and healthy discussion was permeating the ranks. A heated contest was forecast for July and the FAPA was 100% alive and kicking.
organizers: I took the presidency as it was my job to direct the work and co:ordinate things. Michel undertook the Editorship so he and I could work together on that. Bill Miller agreed to handle the secretarial work of registering applicants and collecting dues. Daniel McPhail undertook the Vice-President's task of booming up membership. I wrote Morris Dollens, at that time foremost fan artist, requesting designs for an emblem. He sent three of which Michel and I picked the one which has remained official. I then had engravings made of this emblem and we printed membership cards on the Michel-Dollheim press. One of these engravings I kept, the other cut I presented to the FAPA to remain in the custody of each Official Editor. When last heard of Milton Rothman had this cut. Correspondence was beginning to bear fruit and we had a few applications in before any mailing appeared. The first fan to pay dues and receive a card was Frederik Pohl. Among the original members of pre-first mailing status appear the names of Edward Carnell, Harry Dockweiler, J.M. Rosenblum, Robert A. Madle, Robert W. Lowndes. The first mailing was due to come out in July 1937. Time did not allow Michel and I to prepare a first Fantasy Amateur so instead I mimeographed a three page magazine entitled "The FAPA Fan" the third page of which was an application blank, the first two pages of which contained an explanation of the FAPA and a request for members. The FAPA Fan did duty as a semi-official organ until the appearance of the first Fantasy Amateur, which was not until after the first regular election. The first mailing appeared in July. It contained mostly excess copies of older fan magazines, some new material done for the occasion such as two or three "Mijimags" and stuff. It wasn't a bad bundle considering. Response was very encouraging. But Secretary Bill Miller unfortunately chose that moment to lose interest in fandom. He allowed his work to lag and finally resigned in September turning material over to me. I undertook the work of Secretary-Treasurer for the rest of the year as well as the President's post. Oddly enough, it can be recorded that our first Secretary, Miller, never became a member of the FAPA! Another organizational mailing came in October and the first election was held in December. The first Fantasy Amateur, dated Spring 1938 and sent out in May 1938 contains the results. Myself and MacPhail remained in our organizational offices. Baltadonis took over the secretaryship and Fred Pohl relieved Michel as Editor. The number of ballots received reveals that by January 1938 we had about 25 members. By May 1938 we had 43 members and had reached healthy maturity. A host of new FAPA magazines were appearing and healthy discussion was permeating the ranks. A heated contest was forecast for July and the FAPA was 100% alive and kicking.
Hevelin Fanzines