Thing, whole no. 1, Spring 1946
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more reviews BOTH CRANE AND WESSON handle TUT's reviews, one damning what the other praises no doubt. However, Burtie is bitching as follows: "For at least six months I have been trying to subscribe to the best of fanzines which I do not now receive (Acolyte, Fandango, Chanticleer, LeZombie, Timebinder, Stefnews, Fanews, and Ergerzerp). Because I did not know which fanzines outside that limited circles were worth while, I asked a fan to consult with his colleagues and decide which five or six should be considered musts, then subscribe for me. I sent the money. The backing and filling which has gone on has made me suspicious, Can it be that there are no fanzines which have anything like the dask and sparkle of the Laney, Tucker, Liebscher, Dunkelberger, Speer, and Burbee publications? Are these the only literare representatives of the whole hobby? If so, how does Laney justify his attack on the quality of the papers in the National Amateur Press Assn? Certaintly NAPA can match three or four times over the six or eight fantasy publishing stars--if these be all in the fantasy field, I am still in doubt about the "if" in the last sentence. I naturally hope that there are others worthy of exchange or subscription. I'd like to be convinced." That from Crane. I wanna hand it to Dunk on two counts. First, NUZ FROM HOME. I'd been wondering what, if anything, had been done for the Servifen to kep them in active contact with their hobby. I spent two war years living among GIs and know the boredom of barracks existence, the even-above-chow importance of mail from Normalizity. Dunk sent me the Annish of NfH so's I could read "Frankenstein Meets the LASFS. The rest of the ish is as much fun - the art is pillered (expection some fine litches) and the jokes corny, but there isn't a page which wouldn't have made some GI someplace grin, and God knows, they needed a laugh! Second, The Mag Without A Name or Fanewscard Second Annual. Dunk introduces Fantasy to Amateur Journalism. It is surprising that mist actives in the two groups know little of the others. I feel that Fantasy can profit from Amateur Journalism (of which it, too, is a facet) since ajays are already publishers, writers, and/or printers and need little coaxing to be active. TUT is an easily avaliable example of ajays in the Fantasy field. On the other hand, Fantasy is far ahead of Ajaydom on the Art end. I'd like to see more art in amateur journals. Perhaps the samples in MWAN will strike home. .... HELEN FOUR FINGERS had a sweet bit of Burbeehavior--up to the final paragraph. It didn't pay off, But it was delicious up to then. Wally Liebscher, who is in our black book--the one in which we keep all those useless New York telephone numbers-- because of his failures to crash through with a contrib for this issue of TUT, also failed. The epic of Ralva Ogers and the wivy pralls could have been sharried to its pogical layoff. ... CRANE (Never even saw the mag. - H) AJAYS AND FANS have the idea that Weehawken is on the other side of the moon. Poised, fluent Wari Beth Wheeler was surprised speechless (well, not quite) to learn we were pratically next-door neighbors while she received her boot at Manhattan Beach. So she and Gerry De La Ree (his eyes curl up when he smiles) initiated me into personal contact with fen. ROSEBUD shows whata girl can put out, given incentive. She has enough personality to provoke Widenbeck covers, Liebsher verse, Watson adverse, and Tucker. ALL ROSBUD needs is more Mari. ...Helen Speer did a pleasantly vicious job on the NATIONAL FANTASY FAN which contained the nominations. That, I think, was one case in which the editor rightly edted as little as possible. Never have I seen a person daned more throughly
more reviews BOTH CRANE AND WESSON handle TUT's reviews, one damning what the other praises no doubt. However, Burtie is bitching as follows: "For at least six months I have been trying to subscribe to the best of fanzines which I do not now receive (Acolyte, Fandango, Chanticleer, LeZombie, Timebinder, Stefnews, Fanews, and Ergerzerp). Because I did not know which fanzines outside that limited circles were worth while, I asked a fan to consult with his colleagues and decide which five or six should be considered musts, then subscribe for me. I sent the money. The backing and filling which has gone on has made me suspicious, Can it be that there are no fanzines which have anything like the dask and sparkle of the Laney, Tucker, Liebscher, Dunkelberger, Speer, and Burbee publications? Are these the only literare representatives of the whole hobby? If so, how does Laney justify his attack on the quality of the papers in the National Amateur Press Assn? Certaintly NAPA can match three or four times over the six or eight fantasy publishing stars--if these be all in the fantasy field, I am still in doubt about the "if" in the last sentence. I naturally hope that there are others worthy of exchange or subscription. I'd like to be convinced." That from Crane. I wanna hand it to Dunk on two counts. First, NUZ FROM HOME. I'd been wondering what, if anything, had been done for the Servifen to kep them in active contact with their hobby. I spent two war years living among GIs and know the boredom of barracks existence, the even-above-chow importance of mail from Normalizity. Dunk sent me the Annish of NfH so's I could read "Frankenstein Meets the LASFS. The rest of the ish is as much fun - the art is pillered (expection some fine litches) and the jokes corny, but there isn't a page which wouldn't have made some GI someplace grin, and God knows, they needed a laugh! Second, The Mag Without A Name or Fanewscard Second Annual. Dunk introduces Fantasy to Amateur Journalism. It is surprising that mist actives in the two groups know little of the others. I feel that Fantasy can profit from Amateur Journalism (of which it, too, is a facet) since ajays are already publishers, writers, and/or printers and need little coaxing to be active. TUT is an easily avaliable example of ajays in the Fantasy field. On the other hand, Fantasy is far ahead of Ajaydom on the Art end. I'd like to see more art in amateur journals. Perhaps the samples in MWAN will strike home. .... HELEN FOUR FINGERS had a sweet bit of Burbeehavior--up to the final paragraph. It didn't pay off, But it was delicious up to then. Wally Liebscher, who is in our black book--the one in which we keep all those useless New York telephone numbers-- because of his failures to crash through with a contrib for this issue of TUT, also failed. The epic of Ralva Ogers and the wivy pralls could have been sharried to its pogical layoff. ... CRANE (Never even saw the mag. - H) AJAYS AND FANS have the idea that Weehawken is on the other side of the moon. Poised, fluent Wari Beth Wheeler was surprised speechless (well, not quite) to learn we were pratically next-door neighbors while she received her boot at Manhattan Beach. So she and Gerry De La Ree (his eyes curl up when he smiles) initiated me into personal contact with fen. ROSEBUD shows whata girl can put out, given incentive. She has enough personality to provoke Widenbeck covers, Liebsher verse, Watson adverse, and Tucker. ALL ROSBUD needs is more Mari. ...Helen Speer did a pleasantly vicious job on the NATIONAL FANTASY FAN which contained the nominations. That, I think, was one case in which the editor rightly edted as little as possible. Never have I seen a person daned more throughly
Hevelin Fanzines