Fanfare, v. 2, issue 2, whole no.8, February 1942
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chance to fix judgments beforehand. I'm not going to comment on poetry, ever, for unless it's extremely striking, I rarely have the patience to read it carefully. My judgment would not be fair. SLAN!DER is good. Gilbert may actually become a good writer some day if he keeps up. Gawd no! Keep us away from a convention movie such as described. When Sykora showed his at one of the Phileos, all that could be heard in the babble was "Look! There's me! There!" Get the point? No, if we are going to have a movie, let it be a science fiction story. Shallow thinking is Gilbert's analysis of the promag situation. If things were as he describes, it is a wonder that anybody has ever written for the promags, and that any pros exist. So I'm waiting to see how many sf authors desert sf for other magazines. And if the readers can't stand tripe, how come Amazing (which slings the worst tripe) can afford to pay Burroughs the rates he asks? And if "no skilled and really excellent pulp-writer wants to fool around with such goings-on" we can soon expect to see Heinlein, Hubbard, and de Camp deserting Astounding for Western Stories. Or isn't your imagination good enough? The real truth is that the really good authors are going to stick to sf, while it is the hacks who are going to find it too much trouble. ... Gregor crashed? Ha! We shall see. AS IF IT MATTERED gets a solid 35. I've had the same experience. GOATHERD. Gee, an original type of article. But gad, what an old gag. The guy had kicked the bucked, of course. THEIR OWN P - lovely as usual. 'Fraid HC is going to catch me in the MILTY'S MAG I just ran off. After correcting two or three split infinitives I failed to locate a couple of silly typographical errors. So that's about all for that. I hope you're happy. By the by, I would prefer fewer editorial comments. Imagine slaving over a beautiful composition to find, upon publication, that the editor has ruined the rhythm of your lovely, flowing style by inserting a kibitzing sentence. (I hear you talkin' --ed.) GRAPHIC GLIMPSE OF GILBERT Harry Jenkins Jr ...DOTS is interesting, but aren't all fan meetings?..... Since it is mentioned that JWC's favourite topic is atomic power, it stands to reason that all the rumors floating around anent JWC being Arthur McCann must be trust. (Does it? - ed) LINES FROM THE LAST GRAVE - Didn't like several lines in it, but went overboard on others. However, I've quit rating poetry, except the four line barroom stuff, until I can read some more on the stuff. (What, the barroom stuff?--ed) SLAN!DER Gilbert can ramble more about nothing that any other person that I've ever read anything by. (Yeah - that's the mostest thing he don't do nothing else but--ed) All that beautiful (?) introduction just to say, "W. Skyora is a louse. He says I'm goin' to commit suicide and he's a liar." Gilbert takes a page and a half to say that. The idea for a stfan movie is a swell one but it would be "shot" at one of the conventions. Joe didn't include Harry Schmarje in the cast, tho. What would a picture be without comedy? Boyoboy is it fun to watch Gilbert write SLAN!DER! Description of his writing the latest column: I'm lyin' on the bed in his room readin' sum old fmz, and he's seated in front of the typewriter. Gilbert grasps his lips with
chance to fix judgments beforehand. I'm not going to comment on poetry, ever, for unless it's extremely striking, I rarely have the patience to read it carefully. My judgment would not be fair. SLAN!DER is good. Gilbert may actually become a good writer some day if he keeps up. Gawd no! Keep us away from a convention movie such as described. When Sykora showed his at one of the Phileos, all that could be heard in the babble was "Look! There's me! There!" Get the point? No, if we are going to have a movie, let it be a science fiction story. Shallow thinking is Gilbert's analysis of the promag situation. If things were as he describes, it is a wonder that anybody has ever written for the promags, and that any pros exist. So I'm waiting to see how many sf authors desert sf for other magazines. And if the readers can't stand tripe, how come Amazing (which slings the worst tripe) can afford to pay Burroughs the rates he asks? And if "no skilled and really excellent pulp-writer wants to fool around with such goings-on" we can soon expect to see Heinlein, Hubbard, and de Camp deserting Astounding for Western Stories. Or isn't your imagination good enough? The real truth is that the really good authors are going to stick to sf, while it is the hacks who are going to find it too much trouble. ... Gregor crashed? Ha! We shall see. AS IF IT MATTERED gets a solid 35. I've had the same experience. GOATHERD. Gee, an original type of article. But gad, what an old gag. The guy had kicked the bucked, of course. THEIR OWN P - lovely as usual. 'Fraid HC is going to catch me in the MILTY'S MAG I just ran off. After correcting two or three split infinitives I failed to locate a couple of silly typographical errors. So that's about all for that. I hope you're happy. By the by, I would prefer fewer editorial comments. Imagine slaving over a beautiful composition to find, upon publication, that the editor has ruined the rhythm of your lovely, flowing style by inserting a kibitzing sentence. (I hear you talkin' --ed.) GRAPHIC GLIMPSE OF GILBERT Harry Jenkins Jr ...DOTS is interesting, but aren't all fan meetings?..... Since it is mentioned that JWC's favourite topic is atomic power, it stands to reason that all the rumors floating around anent JWC being Arthur McCann must be trust. (Does it? - ed) LINES FROM THE LAST GRAVE - Didn't like several lines in it, but went overboard on others. However, I've quit rating poetry, except the four line barroom stuff, until I can read some more on the stuff. (What, the barroom stuff?--ed) SLAN!DER Gilbert can ramble more about nothing that any other person that I've ever read anything by. (Yeah - that's the mostest thing he don't do nothing else but--ed) All that beautiful (?) introduction just to say, "W. Skyora is a louse. He says I'm goin' to commit suicide and he's a liar." Gilbert takes a page and a half to say that. The idea for a stfan movie is a swell one but it would be "shot" at one of the conventions. Joe didn't include Harry Schmarje in the cast, tho. What would a picture be without comedy? Boyoboy is it fun to watch Gilbert write SLAN!DER! Description of his writing the latest column: I'm lyin' on the bed in his room readin' sum old fmz, and he's seated in front of the typewriter. Gilbert grasps his lips with
Hevelin Fanzines