Imagination, v. 1, issue 4, whole no. 4, January 1938
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IMAGINATION: #4 38 Jan "A MARSIAN ODD-YSEY" By Chas Williams. Forrest J. Ackerman Fantascience Filmart Explanation: In our Nov. no. I (J) related how a peculiar pamflet publisht in 1926 recently had come into my fantasy film files. It forecastd a series of interplanetaryarns to be scientifilmd by one Chas Williams. His ideas concerning evolution on Planet 4 were adaptd by me, pub't on pg 11 as "TIME GOES MARSIAN ON!". The present cinemarticle is a continuation of that initial essay. "MARS, th World of War. Our conception th Marsians' wars of extermination & subjection we shall show in films now being prepared. These features'll show th human element in Marsians &'ll portray their baser qualitys. "Among th Marsians'd be 1000 Luther Burbanks to develop animls & plants to perfection-point far beyond anythng conceivd by us. (Don't ask me 'Y?' --I'm only quotng th authr. FJA) Their horses'd be small, swift, & fierce fightrs. Their cows, large, docile animls, milkt by machinery. Their hens'd be ostriches with 100 hen's eggs in one egg. Fruits & vegetabls'd be enormously largr'n ours & almost free of insect posts. "Th Marsians'd ride thru th air on th backs of strong birds but also'd hav flyng machines developt to hi perfection-point. "They'd be clevr, persistnt, & without pity, &'d make good animl trainrs. Their horses'd be strong, fleetfootd dogs--1,000,000 yrs ago our horses were size an ordinary dog. Th Marsians' steeds'd hav great strength & endurance & also'd be traind as huntrs & fightrs. "Th Marsians developt abnormal cunning & cruelty in raisng animls & birds. & developt em wondrfly as to size & special qualifications to perform multitude tasks. 'Teranoj'--earthpeopl--today r at th very beginng those scientific experimnts which'v been practiced on Mars for many 1000 yrs & today r a well defined science. Scientific experimnts just now'v establisht that on Tero we can raise a rat to maturity in 9 days, which ordinaryly takes 6 wks. Marsians do this with most their food-animls & also feed animls & birds food to make em more docile or pugnacious as desired. "They developt a Monstr Human, a Frankenstein, nicely controld. Huge being with all th qualifications needd for defense or attack & for great tasks. Weird monstr, strange & appallng in its apearance but perfectly controld by its mastr for good or evil purposes. Sinistr being with gigantic body of bone & muscl, controld & actuated by small brain in anothr being. "This strong, resourcefl race'd build wondrful citys, mighty templs & towerng bldgs. Th rich & powerfl'd indulge in excesses in food, sex, & worldly pleasures, even as U & I. "Wondr citys heatd by internl heat. Tropiclimate drawn from th almost limitless source of th planet's interior. A caged monstr breathng freely & bringng forth th luscious fruits & gorgeous flowers of a subtropiclimate with beautifl women & clevr men livng, lovng & dyng to th uttrmost. "But beyond th Dream City's Gates livs a wickd but virile race. Strange pygmys with hairy bodys & shaggy beards & wondrfl endurance for bodyly & mentl endeavr. Their brain & brawn improved by th bittr cold, they'll write their story in marol (?) while those of th Dream Citys'll write their idyllic tales in sand, to perish like th flowers of a day. "Can this strong & virile race reach our Tero? Not impos but entirely unlikely. Hard to conceiv means whereby humanbeings could cross th void between Mars & us. (O so?) In fact lookng at it in practicl mannr th subject can be dismist as impossibl. (What imagination! --FJA.)" MORE ABOUT TH MARSIAN MOVIES ANOTHR MONTH. ~~~New Yr News: Sequels to "Topper" ("Topper Takes A Trip") & "External Mask"...
IMAGINATION: #4 38 Jan "A MARSIAN ODD-YSEY" By Chas Williams. Forrest J. Ackerman Fantascience Filmart Explanation: In our Nov. no. I (J) related how a peculiar pamflet publisht in 1926 recently had come into my fantasy film files. It forecastd a series of interplanetaryarns to be scientifilmd by one Chas Williams. His ideas concerning evolution on Planet 4 were adaptd by me, pub't on pg 11 as "TIME GOES MARSIAN ON!". The present cinemarticle is a continuation of that initial essay. "MARS, th World of War. Our conception th Marsians' wars of extermination & subjection we shall show in films now being prepared. These features'll show th human element in Marsians &'ll portray their baser qualitys. "Among th Marsians'd be 1000 Luther Burbanks to develop animls & plants to perfection-point far beyond anythng conceivd by us. (Don't ask me 'Y?' --I'm only quotng th authr. FJA) Their horses'd be small, swift, & fierce fightrs. Their cows, large, docile animls, milkt by machinery. Their hens'd be ostriches with 100 hen's eggs in one egg. Fruits & vegetabls'd be enormously largr'n ours & almost free of insect posts. "Th Marsians'd ride thru th air on th backs of strong birds but also'd hav flyng machines developt to hi perfection-point. "They'd be clevr, persistnt, & without pity, &'d make good animl trainrs. Their horses'd be strong, fleetfootd dogs--1,000,000 yrs ago our horses were size an ordinary dog. Th Marsians' steeds'd hav great strength & endurance & also'd be traind as huntrs & fightrs. "Th Marsians developt abnormal cunning & cruelty in raisng animls & birds. & developt em wondrfly as to size & special qualifications to perform multitude tasks. 'Teranoj'--earthpeopl--today r at th very beginng those scientific experimnts which'v been practiced on Mars for many 1000 yrs & today r a well defined science. Scientific experimnts just now'v establisht that on Tero we can raise a rat to maturity in 9 days, which ordinaryly takes 6 wks. Marsians do this with most their food-animls & also feed animls & birds food to make em more docile or pugnacious as desired. "They developt a Monstr Human, a Frankenstein, nicely controld. Huge being with all th qualifications needd for defense or attack & for great tasks. Weird monstr, strange & appallng in its apearance but perfectly controld by its mastr for good or evil purposes. Sinistr being with gigantic body of bone & muscl, controld & actuated by small brain in anothr being. "This strong, resourcefl race'd build wondrful citys, mighty templs & towerng bldgs. Th rich & powerfl'd indulge in excesses in food, sex, & worldly pleasures, even as U & I. "Wondr citys heatd by internl heat. Tropiclimate drawn from th almost limitless source of th planet's interior. A caged monstr breathng freely & bringng forth th luscious fruits & gorgeous flowers of a subtropiclimate with beautifl women & clevr men livng, lovng & dyng to th uttrmost. "But beyond th Dream City's Gates livs a wickd but virile race. Strange pygmys with hairy bodys & shaggy beards & wondrfl endurance for bodyly & mentl endeavr. Their brain & brawn improved by th bittr cold, they'll write their story in marol (?) while those of th Dream Citys'll write their idyllic tales in sand, to perish like th flowers of a day. "Can this strong & virile race reach our Tero? Not impos but entirely unlikely. Hard to conceiv means whereby humanbeings could cross th void between Mars & us. (O so?) In fact lookng at it in practicl mannr th subject can be dismist as impossibl. (What imagination! --FJA.)" MORE ABOUT TH MARSIAN MOVIES ANOTHR MONTH. ~~~New Yr News: Sequels to "Topper" ("Topper Takes A Trip") & "External Mask"...
Hevelin Fanzines