Imagination, v. 1, issue 4, whole no. 4, January 1938
Page 7
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IMAGINATION! #4 38 Jan 7 ized he had been standing still in time for quite a while. His head was beginning to ache terribly. A queer noise was ringing in his ears. It grew in intensity by the second. His head felt fearfully large, his body Brobdingnagian. The noise rose to a deafening crescendo. A dull rumblin preceded a loud explosion as Hollerbochen, hotel, & city were blown into minute atoms. A tremendous amount of energy had been generated by Hollerbochen's standing stationary in time. He never realized this & he never would. When he stopt in time it in turn had flown around him for a short space. But he had waitd too long & a giant spacewarp of stupendous force had been straining for release. It had found that release, but in doing so taken Hollerbochen, the hotel, & the city, with it out into space. Thus Hollerbochen had brot about his own death, the death he had predictd & seen but didn't quite understand. Hollerbochen had solved his own dilemma. The Imagi-nation Asks PHANTASTIQUESTIONS & We Imagi-natives Give ANRS Lester Anderson asks the adres for the Weinbaumemorial. Our Chapt Librarian R.Test supplys this info: "Rap"--2616 W Michigan St, Milwaukee/Wisc. Henry Schalansky wishes to know bit about the "Double Man" tales. Pogo replys: "This was a series of 4 short storys 'surpassing in weirdness & occult mystery anything ever before offerd in literature'--to quote the Editor's Forward to the first fantasy, which apeard, I believ, in the 15 July 1919 Thrill Bk, semi-monthly imaginative mag. Tale 2 was titled 'Death by Duplicate'; 3, 'My Duo-Ego Sweethearts'; & last, 'Disentombd to Wed'." Everett F. Bleiler asks: "Firstly, has the story 'Maze of Creation' by Laurence Manning ever been printed?"; not to the knowledge of anyone out here..."Did Manning ever write for any other magazines than 'Wonder'?"; Yes, Morojo ansrs, He apeard in fanmag Planeteer, 35 Apr issue, with "The Coal Thief"..."3dly, who wrote 'The Planeteer' & its sequel 'The King of Converse Island'?"; responds RJH: Homer Eon Flint. "I have heard"--writes Linus Hogenmiller--"that a mag called 'Mind, Inc.', now defunct, I understand, once publisht stf." We presume affirmation or denial is desired. Mr Ackerman ansrs: Yes, MIND-INC did devote portions of its pgs to stf. Most notable exampl I hav at hand is th 30 Apr issue which contains Karel Capek's worldfamous robotale "RUR". (WOW continued) phernalia only actd to camouflage this important item, which was an anouncement to the effect that 1/2 the raffle money would be accorded the winner in advance payment on his or her dues! & who should win but the Treasurer! --& the match? 4SJ, the AKKA-man, en"lite"nd that: With dues settled for mos. to come, the! Can such wit be matcht? We asks your indulgence for errors of omission, repetition, or whatnot, apearing in our pgs. It should be kept in mind the Staff of "Madge" is comprised principally of people who work all day & may devote time to their hobby only in the evening when they are tired. Forry was so fagged, last nite of all, he was calling fractions "adjectives" (couldn't think of the correct word!). "Madge" keeps us up many a midnite. Hastily apologizing for a less presentable issue, perhaps, than the preceding 2, due to difficulties of preparing the periodical during the hectic Holidays, I say "Au revoir & not Ghoomby."
IMAGINATION! #4 38 Jan 7 ized he had been standing still in time for quite a while. His head was beginning to ache terribly. A queer noise was ringing in his ears. It grew in intensity by the second. His head felt fearfully large, his body Brobdingnagian. The noise rose to a deafening crescendo. A dull rumblin preceded a loud explosion as Hollerbochen, hotel, & city were blown into minute atoms. A tremendous amount of energy had been generated by Hollerbochen's standing stationary in time. He never realized this & he never would. When he stopt in time it in turn had flown around him for a short space. But he had waitd too long & a giant spacewarp of stupendous force had been straining for release. It had found that release, but in doing so taken Hollerbochen, the hotel, & the city, with it out into space. Thus Hollerbochen had brot about his own death, the death he had predictd & seen but didn't quite understand. Hollerbochen had solved his own dilemma. The Imagi-nation Asks PHANTASTIQUESTIONS & We Imagi-natives Give ANRS Lester Anderson asks the adres for the Weinbaumemorial. Our Chapt Librarian R.Test supplys this info: "Rap"--2616 W Michigan St, Milwaukee/Wisc. Henry Schalansky wishes to know bit about the "Double Man" tales. Pogo replys: "This was a series of 4 short storys 'surpassing in weirdness & occult mystery anything ever before offerd in literature'--to quote the Editor's Forward to the first fantasy, which apeard, I believ, in the 15 July 1919 Thrill Bk, semi-monthly imaginative mag. Tale 2 was titled 'Death by Duplicate'; 3, 'My Duo-Ego Sweethearts'; & last, 'Disentombd to Wed'." Everett F. Bleiler asks: "Firstly, has the story 'Maze of Creation' by Laurence Manning ever been printed?"; not to the knowledge of anyone out here..."Did Manning ever write for any other magazines than 'Wonder'?"; Yes, Morojo ansrs, He apeard in fanmag Planeteer, 35 Apr issue, with "The Coal Thief"..."3dly, who wrote 'The Planeteer' & its sequel 'The King of Converse Island'?"; responds RJH: Homer Eon Flint. "I have heard"--writes Linus Hogenmiller--"that a mag called 'Mind, Inc.', now defunct, I understand, once publisht stf." We presume affirmation or denial is desired. Mr Ackerman ansrs: Yes, MIND-INC did devote portions of its pgs to stf. Most notable exampl I hav at hand is th 30 Apr issue which contains Karel Capek's worldfamous robotale "RUR". (WOW continued) phernalia only actd to camouflage this important item, which was an anouncement to the effect that 1/2 the raffle money would be accorded the winner in advance payment on his or her dues! & who should win but the Treasurer! --& the match? 4SJ, the AKKA-man, en"lite"nd that: With dues settled for mos. to come, the! Can such wit be matcht? We asks your indulgence for errors of omission, repetition, or whatnot, apearing in our pgs. It should be kept in mind the Staff of "Madge" is comprised principally of people who work all day & may devote time to their hobby only in the evening when they are tired. Forry was so fagged, last nite of all, he was calling fractions "adjectives" (couldn't think of the correct word!). "Madge" keeps us up many a midnite. Hastily apologizing for a less presentable issue, perhaps, than the preceding 2, due to difficulties of preparing the periodical during the hectic Holidays, I say "Au revoir & not Ghoomby."
Hevelin Fanzines