Imagination, v. 1, issue 4, whole no. 4, January 1938
Page 11
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IMAGINATION! #4 38 Jan Featured Fiction: "THE HAZY HORD" By F. Flagg, W. Wright Instalment 3. Over nite & out of nowhere there springs up in America a force of fantoms: Misty & mysteryous men, marching like automatons, alike as if of one mold, armd with tenuous but effectiv rifles & machineguns, backt up by semitranspicuous trucks & tanks & protectd from the air by translucent planes. First Arizona towns are attackt; then, diafanous duplicates appear in Northern Calif., to blow up the Bridges, slaughtr San Francisco, terrorize the Bay Citys. America's Army ineffectual against the mad might of "We, Poleon!". Til, incredibly as the 4 Days' War began it abruptly ended when the Hazy Word & pellucid planes fell to earth inert en masse. What was the explanation of the rapid rise & fall of the "INVINCIBLE ARMY"? 10 yrs later, Roy Tesque, resident of Cragmont (across the bay from Frisco) at the time of the catastrofe, is in Ariz. surveying the Tortillita Mts. An engineer accompanying him informs "This is where The Hazy Hard originated." That was rite! This was the vicinity where the amazing army had arisen to over-run the surrounding country, spread. Down there in the riverbottoms the incredibl insubstantial infantry had masst with machineguns & baby tanks, I undrstood; from somewhere in this naborhood the scarlet planes had soard into the sky on their mission of murdr. I stared, fascinated. "Yes" continued the young engineer "it was here They had their source." "Not their source;" I sayd--"that is unknown." Then he sayd something which made me look at him incredulously: "Unknown to the public--but not to the Govt." "What do U mean?" I demanded. He shrugd his shouldrs. "The reasons the govt has for keeping silent are known best to itself. Perhaps the truth struck them as too fantastic for general belief; maybe Washington wants to maintain secrecy while trying to duplicate Poleon's invention. That" he carryd on inconsequentialy, motioning to the mound at the base of the small cliff "is where Poleon lies buryd..." "& how do U know all this?" I ask in that tone of voice. "Because--" he replyd unruffld, rolling a cigaret & taking a deep puff--"I was the one gave certn info to the govt...who slew Poleon...." "No" he averd noticing my disbelief "I'm not trying to deceiv U, I swear by Science I'm telling U the truth! See that machinery there? The govt took away some parts but what was left they hackt to pieces. But I can giv U an idea of what the machinery was used for, how it nearly did for the US--maybe the world! "O I know!" he continued "this sounds like mad talk, U prob'ly won't b'liev' a word of it; but nonetheless I'm the man who saved America--perhaps the world!--from the rule of a madman. --But let me tell U the details... "It started 14 yrs ago when I was a student at the University in Tucson. Professor Aritos held the chair of physics--maybe U've heard of Prof Aritos. He was wellknown to the world of science if not to the general public. He was one of those selfcenterd geniuses who lives for Sci-
IMAGINATION! #4 38 Jan Featured Fiction: "THE HAZY HORD" By F. Flagg, W. Wright Instalment 3. Over nite & out of nowhere there springs up in America a force of fantoms: Misty & mysteryous men, marching like automatons, alike as if of one mold, armd with tenuous but effectiv rifles & machineguns, backt up by semitranspicuous trucks & tanks & protectd from the air by translucent planes. First Arizona towns are attackt; then, diafanous duplicates appear in Northern Calif., to blow up the Bridges, slaughtr San Francisco, terrorize the Bay Citys. America's Army ineffectual against the mad might of "We, Poleon!". Til, incredibly as the 4 Days' War began it abruptly ended when the Hazy Word & pellucid planes fell to earth inert en masse. What was the explanation of the rapid rise & fall of the "INVINCIBLE ARMY"? 10 yrs later, Roy Tesque, resident of Cragmont (across the bay from Frisco) at the time of the catastrofe, is in Ariz. surveying the Tortillita Mts. An engineer accompanying him informs "This is where The Hazy Hard originated." That was rite! This was the vicinity where the amazing army had arisen to over-run the surrounding country, spread. Down there in the riverbottoms the incredibl insubstantial infantry had masst with machineguns & baby tanks, I undrstood; from somewhere in this naborhood the scarlet planes had soard into the sky on their mission of murdr. I stared, fascinated. "Yes" continued the young engineer "it was here They had their source." "Not their source;" I sayd--"that is unknown." Then he sayd something which made me look at him incredulously: "Unknown to the public--but not to the Govt." "What do U mean?" I demanded. He shrugd his shouldrs. "The reasons the govt has for keeping silent are known best to itself. Perhaps the truth struck them as too fantastic for general belief; maybe Washington wants to maintain secrecy while trying to duplicate Poleon's invention. That" he carryd on inconsequentialy, motioning to the mound at the base of the small cliff "is where Poleon lies buryd..." "& how do U know all this?" I ask in that tone of voice. "Because--" he replyd unruffld, rolling a cigaret & taking a deep puff--"I was the one gave certn info to the govt...who slew Poleon...." "No" he averd noticing my disbelief "I'm not trying to deceiv U, I swear by Science I'm telling U the truth! See that machinery there? The govt took away some parts but what was left they hackt to pieces. But I can giv U an idea of what the machinery was used for, how it nearly did for the US--maybe the world! "O I know!" he continued "this sounds like mad talk, U prob'ly won't b'liev' a word of it; but nonetheless I'm the man who saved America--perhaps the world!--from the rule of a madman. --But let me tell U the details... "It started 14 yrs ago when I was a student at the University in Tucson. Professor Aritos held the chair of physics--maybe U've heard of Prof Aritos. He was wellknown to the world of science if not to the general public. He was one of those selfcenterd geniuses who lives for Sci-
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