Imagination, v. 1, issue 4, whole no. 4, January 1938
Page 15
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IMAGINATION! #4 38 Jan 15 befor a largr one in the rear (?) prey to chaotic fears, dreading I scarcely knew what, I obeyd the gestured ordrs of my captors & enterd this bldg, they themselvs remaining outside. "The rm into which I stept was lited brilliantly. 4 immense glass globes stood nr its centr, shimmering like crystl. Elongated tubes projectd & were connectd by intricate wiring to queer devices. A huge dynamo squatted to one side & purrd pulsatingly. "I did not see all this with the clarity with which I describe it now; for in those few moments I was overwhelmd by the strange sight, blinded by the vivid blu lites which waxt & waned in the great globes. Only later did I clearly discern what lay at their centrs. "The man rose from the controlboard over which he had been stoopt & came towards me. He was clad in the familiar garments of the lab, a white jacket & trousers much staind & creast. So I had seen him 100s of times in the past, with his thin face, balded brows, & intense eyes. There could be no mistaking him. The man was--Dr Spurgeon!" Chapt 7: FOG CLEARS "The scientist smiled at me, a twistd smile... Nevr for a moment had I taken one of those othrs I'd seen for him. Their movements had been too woodn, their eyes too empty. But here was vitality, spontaneous expression. 'O it can't be!' I 1/2 whisperd--'Ur dead!' "'No' he correctd with the same curious smile. "'I identifyd Ur body,' I declared, stammerd 'but I saw it buryd!' "'It was not I U interrd' he declared 'but my doubl, my projection.' "'Doubl?...projection?...' I mouthd the words stupidly. 'Sacred Science!' I exclaimd--'What does it all mean? those 1000s of men who look like U...Urself...this place...' "'Come here!' he instructd. "I advanced to his side, not without a tremor of fear. "'See that figure, those machines, in the broadcasting tubes?' "My eyes had accustomed themselvs to the waxing & waning of the blu lites & I saw the gray-clad figure standing at rigid attention inside the first globe, the motorlorry, tank, & plane in the othrs. "'They are being broadcastd' he sayd 'to receiving stations in those bldgs out there, whence they emerge in their 100s, their 1000s.' His burning eyes held mine. '& all those soldiers are I--do U undrstand?--I!' "I only could stare back at him. "'Ah,' he exhaled--'U don't, not quite; but those broadcasting globes are a new typ radio that Prof Aritos & I inventd. I admit: Without the Prof's genius to complement my own, perfection would have been delayd. But the fool talkt of giving our process to the govt & was prepared to demonstrate it to U; so I had to remove him. By means of matteradio--'" (To be c o n c l u d e d ....)
IMAGINATION! #4 38 Jan 15 befor a largr one in the rear (?) prey to chaotic fears, dreading I scarcely knew what, I obeyd the gestured ordrs of my captors & enterd this bldg, they themselvs remaining outside. "The rm into which I stept was lited brilliantly. 4 immense glass globes stood nr its centr, shimmering like crystl. Elongated tubes projectd & were connectd by intricate wiring to queer devices. A huge dynamo squatted to one side & purrd pulsatingly. "I did not see all this with the clarity with which I describe it now; for in those few moments I was overwhelmd by the strange sight, blinded by the vivid blu lites which waxt & waned in the great globes. Only later did I clearly discern what lay at their centrs. "The man rose from the controlboard over which he had been stoopt & came towards me. He was clad in the familiar garments of the lab, a white jacket & trousers much staind & creast. So I had seen him 100s of times in the past, with his thin face, balded brows, & intense eyes. There could be no mistaking him. The man was--Dr Spurgeon!" Chapt 7: FOG CLEARS "The scientist smiled at me, a twistd smile... Nevr for a moment had I taken one of those othrs I'd seen for him. Their movements had been too woodn, their eyes too empty. But here was vitality, spontaneous expression. 'O it can't be!' I 1/2 whisperd--'Ur dead!' "'No' he correctd with the same curious smile. "'I identifyd Ur body,' I declared, stammerd 'but I saw it buryd!' "'It was not I U interrd' he declared 'but my doubl, my projection.' "'Doubl?...projection?...' I mouthd the words stupidly. 'Sacred Science!' I exclaimd--'What does it all mean? those 1000s of men who look like U...Urself...this place...' "'Come here!' he instructd. "I advanced to his side, not without a tremor of fear. "'See that figure, those machines, in the broadcasting tubes?' "My eyes had accustomed themselvs to the waxing & waning of the blu lites & I saw the gray-clad figure standing at rigid attention inside the first globe, the motorlorry, tank, & plane in the othrs. "'They are being broadcastd' he sayd 'to receiving stations in those bldgs out there, whence they emerge in their 100s, their 1000s.' His burning eyes held mine. '& all those soldiers are I--do U undrstand?--I!' "I only could stare back at him. "'Ah,' he exhaled--'U don't, not quite; but those broadcasting globes are a new typ radio that Prof Aritos & I inventd. I admit: Without the Prof's genius to complement my own, perfection would have been delayd. But the fool talkt of giving our process to the govt & was prepared to demonstrate it to U; so I had to remove him. By means of matteradio--'" (To be c o n c l u d e d ....)
Hevelin Fanzines