Imagination, v. 1, issue 4, whole no. 4, January 1938
Page 18
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18 CLASSIFY-ADS. Rates: 6 charactrs...1¢; 3 consecutiv insertions one ad, 9 chrs...1¢. Abbreviations: gc--good condition (2¢); sae--stampt-adrest envelope (3¢). 1/4 pg, 75¢; 1/2, $1.25; full, $2. Try ad, be glad! FOR SALE: Forrest J Ackerman, Bruce Yerke, Paul Freehafer, Roloko, Russ Hodgkins, Morojo, & othr locaLites, secure imaginativ mags, fantasyarns & fotos &c, here--HOLLY WESTERN MAG SHOP. We hav 1/2 M (500!) AmS from 1st to newest; scores old & recent Ast, Won, WT, et al. S&Is from th Gernsback Era, old Args with "off-trail tales", Blu Bks with Barsoomanuscripts & Tarzanarativs. PopSci & Pop Mekanix & Stfic Am. Docs S & D, Spider, Terror, Eerie, Spicy Mystry, &c. Imaginativ excerpts & privately pubt s-ph periodix (Fantasy, Fanciful, Marvl, "Madge"...). Also Natl Geografix, Fortune, Foto, Esq, Life, Look, See, Now, Pic, movie mags, foren. ¢-a-day Lendng Libe of "screwyarns": "No More A Corpse, New Bodys for Old, Hell-Earl, Vicarion, Mystry Mars-men, Gold Tooth, Purpl Safire, Green Fire, Monstr Men, Not in our Stars, Twistd Clay, Moon Pool, Moon Terror, World Below, Kontrol, 3 Go Back, Man Who Masterd Time, Peril-Prince, 7 Ftprints to Satan, Creep Shado! etc"...Cinema Star Stills. Shoperator Shepherd is mem our SFL Chapt, ankau anino de la EKLA! Let Lucie know U read her ad in "Madge"--hm? It'll help our organ. Incidently, 5518 H'wood Blvd is especialy attentiv to out-o-town customrs--write Ur wants. Novae Terrae V2 #s 1&2, 10 ¢ apiece ppd. TBYerke: 1256 N Kingsley Dr, Hollywood. Back #s Am S, gc, mostly with covers, at cost price (out-o-town ordrs plus post). Send wantlist, sae. Harold Clark: 1802 - 8 Av, LA. UNIQUE, unusual fan mag! Printd, illustrated. 15¢ per copy. RALeadabrand, Managing Ed: Bx 264A, Rt #2; Dinuba, Cal. IMAGINATION! #2, 20¢; #3, 15¢. Adres IMAGINATION! "Back No. Bureau": Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA/Cal. Clayton Ast 30 Sep, 31 Dec, 32 Mar, Nov. Hav covers. 15¢ ea, plus postage. Roy Test: 251E69, LA. Story of 10 hundred yrs hence, from Holland! "Th Last USAmerican", in Esperanto--noveltyarn! Importd bklet of 48 pgs. Per copy ppd 35¢. Morojo: Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA. Clayton Ast complete set. 34 consecutiv #s from 30 Jan to 33 Mar--containing the finest aggregation of science fiction ever publisht. Every copy in 1st class condition. Full set $12. None sold singly. Offering also other rare fantasy items. Request list. Allen Glasser: 1192 Walton Av, NYC. "Evrythng for th Esperantist". Stamp for stocklist. Ege: 457 1/4 N Fremont Av, LA. Pg 2 IMAGINATION! '36 July. Editorial...from th privately printd unreleast predecesr of th Leag organ. Wollheim & Wilson rave about it! Fly 5¢ (only 1 nickl!) to me with sae (1 1/2¢ stamp) for this famous message to fandom. Morojo: Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA. Profetic pubs previous to '30. State wants, send stamp. PL Lewis: 309 S Everett St, Glendale Calif. SFD 33 Nov $3.50. Will be maild 1st class, flat. (1 copy only; please write in advance.) Virgil D. Smith: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA/Cal. "Sport" stf for th scientificurio collectr. 2 varyations in Marvl Tales. Vl#2 (34 Jul-Aug) with green cover, anachronisticly presentng illustration from "Matr-Mastr" (ARLong)--which didnt apear til 6 mos aftr! 60 printd pgs, featurng REH, FBLong Jr, Skidmore, Vincent, Wellman... 75¢ ppd. 2dly--MT #5. Look-see if Ur copy reads "The Neb. of Death" By GAE. If not same may be secured for 35¢. FJA: 236 1/2 N New Hampshire, Hollywood.
18 CLASSIFY-ADS. Rates: 6 charactrs...1¢; 3 consecutiv insertions one ad, 9 chrs...1¢. Abbreviations: gc--good condition (2¢); sae--stampt-adrest envelope (3¢). 1/4 pg, 75¢; 1/2, $1.25; full, $2. Try ad, be glad! FOR SALE: Forrest J Ackerman, Bruce Yerke, Paul Freehafer, Roloko, Russ Hodgkins, Morojo, & othr locaLites, secure imaginativ mags, fantasyarns & fotos &c, here--HOLLY WESTERN MAG SHOP. We hav 1/2 M (500!) AmS from 1st to newest; scores old & recent Ast, Won, WT, et al. S&Is from th Gernsback Era, old Args with "off-trail tales", Blu Bks with Barsoomanuscripts & Tarzanarativs. PopSci & Pop Mekanix & Stfic Am. Docs S & D, Spider, Terror, Eerie, Spicy Mystry, &c. Imaginativ excerpts & privately pubt s-ph periodix (Fantasy, Fanciful, Marvl, "Madge"...). Also Natl Geografix, Fortune, Foto, Esq, Life, Look, See, Now, Pic, movie mags, foren. ¢-a-day Lendng Libe of "screwyarns": "No More A Corpse, New Bodys for Old, Hell-Earl, Vicarion, Mystry Mars-men, Gold Tooth, Purpl Safire, Green Fire, Monstr Men, Not in our Stars, Twistd Clay, Moon Pool, Moon Terror, World Below, Kontrol, 3 Go Back, Man Who Masterd Time, Peril-Prince, 7 Ftprints to Satan, Creep Shado! etc"...Cinema Star Stills. Shoperator Shepherd is mem our SFL Chapt, ankau anino de la EKLA! Let Lucie know U read her ad in "Madge"--hm? It'll help our organ. Incidently, 5518 H'wood Blvd is especialy attentiv to out-o-town customrs--write Ur wants. Novae Terrae V2 #s 1&2, 10 ¢ apiece ppd. TBYerke: 1256 N Kingsley Dr, Hollywood. Back #s Am S, gc, mostly with covers, at cost price (out-o-town ordrs plus post). Send wantlist, sae. Harold Clark: 1802 - 8 Av, LA. UNIQUE, unusual fan mag! Printd, illustrated. 15¢ per copy. RALeadabrand, Managing Ed: Bx 264A, Rt #2; Dinuba, Cal. IMAGINATION! #2, 20¢; #3, 15¢. Adres IMAGINATION! "Back No. Bureau": Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA/Cal. Clayton Ast 30 Sep, 31 Dec, 32 Mar, Nov. Hav covers. 15¢ ea, plus postage. Roy Test: 251E69, LA. Story of 10 hundred yrs hence, from Holland! "Th Last USAmerican", in Esperanto--noveltyarn! Importd bklet of 48 pgs. Per copy ppd 35¢. Morojo: Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA. Clayton Ast complete set. 34 consecutiv #s from 30 Jan to 33 Mar--containing the finest aggregation of science fiction ever publisht. Every copy in 1st class condition. Full set $12. None sold singly. Offering also other rare fantasy items. Request list. Allen Glasser: 1192 Walton Av, NYC. "Evrythng for th Esperantist". Stamp for stocklist. Ege: 457 1/4 N Fremont Av, LA. Pg 2 IMAGINATION! '36 July. Editorial...from th privately printd unreleast predecesr of th Leag organ. Wollheim & Wilson rave about it! Fly 5¢ (only 1 nickl!) to me with sae (1 1/2¢ stamp) for this famous message to fandom. Morojo: Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA. Profetic pubs previous to '30. State wants, send stamp. PL Lewis: 309 S Everett St, Glendale Calif. SFD 33 Nov $3.50. Will be maild 1st class, flat. (1 copy only; please write in advance.) Virgil D. Smith: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA/Cal. "Sport" stf for th scientificurio collectr. 2 varyations in Marvl Tales. Vl#2 (34 Jul-Aug) with green cover, anachronisticly presentng illustration from "Matr-Mastr" (ARLong)--which didnt apear til 6 mos aftr! 60 printd pgs, featurng REH, FBLong Jr, Skidmore, Vincent, Wellman... 75¢ ppd. 2dly--MT #5. Look-see if Ur copy reads "The Neb. of Death" By GAE. If not same may be secured for 35¢. FJA: 236 1/2 N New Hampshire, Hollywood.
Hevelin Fanzines