Imagination, v. 1, issue 4, whole no. 4, January 1938
Page 19b
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IMAGINATION! #4 38 Jan. 19 Typewriteribbonovelty!! Tricky, especially created "tape" for Individualists. A Green & Brown blendng that th Fantascience Field Famous--FJAckerman, Allen Glasser, TBruce Yerke, "Nucleus Fan" Ed, etc--hav pronounced "th berrys!". Buy one these ribbons to make Ur correspondence colorful & bear fruit. It's new, novel, neotric--nineteen 38! Supplyd to fit any sort machine, simply name Ur make; maild any adres in US, ppd, $. Morojo: Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA/Cal. SCOOPS #1, out-o-print Eng stf magazet, profusely illustrated prof pub, ppd 75[cent symbol]. Vodoso: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA. Bk (British) "Last & First Men", copys 50[cent symbol] ea ppd. MayBelle Anshutz: 4053 W 21, LA. Complete yrs AmS, Won, WT, from 31 to 35 inclusiv. 31 & 32, 30[cent symbol] per copy; 33 & 34, 25[cent symbol]; 35, 20[cent symbol] ea. AmSQ 28 80[cent symbol] per copy; 31 issues, 50[cent symbol] ea; 32-33-34, 35[cent symbol]. Ast 30: Jan, Feb, Mar--50[cent symbol] ea; othrs, 30, 40[cent symbol] ea; 33, 25[cent symbol] per copy. 1st Won Q 80[cent symbol]; any 30 #, 60[cent symbol]. ANNUAL, complete with cover, $5. 26 Jun thru Nov AmS, & 27 Feb-Mar, @ 75[cent symbol]. Cannot accept ordrs undr $3; money ordrs only. 10% discount on purchases of $11 or over. To any dealr who'll buy entire remaindr of my collection I'll allow 33 1/3% discount from above prices & throw in dozs excerpts from Arg, originl mss &c free. Chas D. Hornig: 121 Jefferson Av, Elizabeth/NJ. AmS Monthly & Q'ly, ANNUAL; Sci & Air & plain & Thrilling WS--& th companyon Qs; Sci & Amz Detects; Clayton & S&S Asts; S&Is; Miracls; Marvls; Myst Mags, Storys; Mind Magix, MySelfs; Magic & MysTales; Mind-Inc; WT (several large size); Orientls; MagiCarpets; Stranges; S c o o p s; Ghosts; BCs (Black Cats); SFSeries, Klasix; Solar Pub pamfs; TTT, SFD, M, Fanciful, othr fanmags; endless excerpts by Burks, Burroughs, Cummings, Farley, Flint, Hall, Hamilton, Howard, Keller, Leinster, Lovecraft, Merritt, Moore, Quinn, Smiths Clark & Garret, Wandrei, Williamson, &c. Fantascience fotos. If in earnest kindly accompany inquiry with sae. Specifiquestions will receiv preference over general pricelist requests. Forrest J Ackerman, "Fantascience Field": 236[half symbol] N New Hampshire, Hollywood/Calif. BLIND SPOT--$5. Louise Hamell: 1161 N Hobard, H'wood. WANTD-- "Uncommon Knowledge", bk by GWStimpson. Virgil D. Smith: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA/Cal. Fresno Bk Shop fantastic-novel lists, any but #2. FJA: 236[half symbol] N New Hap, H'wood. SFL Insignia. If U hav Leag emblem for sale please get in touch with Jack Grey: 3430 Lan Franco, LA. 1st "Madge". Any condish. 50[cent symbol]. May Belle Anshutz; 4053W21, City. S F L seals-- will pay 10[cent symbol] apiece for unused, 5[cent symbol] ea used. Roloko: Apt 5A, 1428 N Crescent Hts, H'wood. Offerng [half symbol]$ for #1 IMAGINATION!. Virgil D. Smith: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA will trade FM 4th Ann for 1st Madge--Morojo: Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA/Cal THE SCIENCE-FICTION ASSOCIATION includes in its roster such famous fans & authors on both sides the Atlantic as Ackerman, Beck, Carnell--Chapman, "EsperanTest", Gillings, Hanson, Herbert, Hodgkins, Johnson, Koenig, Kuslan, Lewis, Mayer, Morojo, Pragnell, Russell, Smith (DR), Speer, Vodoso, Warnes, Wiggens, Wilson, Wollheim, Yerke... Honorarys: Low, Stapledon, Tremaine! If U would like full details of the aims & accomplishments of this organization, adres Secy at 20 Hollin Park Rd, Roundhay; Leeds 8 England. The Assn publishes Novae Terrae, SF Gazette, Tomorrow, British Sci-Fic Bibliografy, & Amateur Science Storys. Specimen copy NT, Gazet, or "Tomoro", sent on request. Wings Over the World with Scientifiction!
IMAGINATION! #4 38 Jan. 19 Typewriteribbonovelty!! Tricky, especially created "tape" for Individualists. A Green & Brown blendng that th Fantascience Field Famous--FJAckerman, Allen Glasser, TBruce Yerke, "Nucleus Fan" Ed, etc--hav pronounced "th berrys!". Buy one these ribbons to make Ur correspondence colorful & bear fruit. It's new, novel, neotric--nineteen 38! Supplyd to fit any sort machine, simply name Ur make; maild any adres in US, ppd, $. Morojo: Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA/Cal. SCOOPS #1, out-o-print Eng stf magazet, profusely illustrated prof pub, ppd 75[cent symbol]. Vodoso: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA. Bk (British) "Last & First Men", copys 50[cent symbol] ea ppd. MayBelle Anshutz: 4053 W 21, LA. Complete yrs AmS, Won, WT, from 31 to 35 inclusiv. 31 & 32, 30[cent symbol] per copy; 33 & 34, 25[cent symbol]; 35, 20[cent symbol] ea. AmSQ 28 80[cent symbol] per copy; 31 issues, 50[cent symbol] ea; 32-33-34, 35[cent symbol]. Ast 30: Jan, Feb, Mar--50[cent symbol] ea; othrs, 30, 40[cent symbol] ea; 33, 25[cent symbol] per copy. 1st Won Q 80[cent symbol]; any 30 #, 60[cent symbol]. ANNUAL, complete with cover, $5. 26 Jun thru Nov AmS, & 27 Feb-Mar, @ 75[cent symbol]. Cannot accept ordrs undr $3; money ordrs only. 10% discount on purchases of $11 or over. To any dealr who'll buy entire remaindr of my collection I'll allow 33 1/3% discount from above prices & throw in dozs excerpts from Arg, originl mss &c free. Chas D. Hornig: 121 Jefferson Av, Elizabeth/NJ. AmS Monthly & Q'ly, ANNUAL; Sci & Air & plain & Thrilling WS--& th companyon Qs; Sci & Amz Detects; Clayton & S&S Asts; S&Is; Miracls; Marvls; Myst Mags, Storys; Mind Magix, MySelfs; Magic & MysTales; Mind-Inc; WT (several large size); Orientls; MagiCarpets; Stranges; S c o o p s; Ghosts; BCs (Black Cats); SFSeries, Klasix; Solar Pub pamfs; TTT, SFD, M, Fanciful, othr fanmags; endless excerpts by Burks, Burroughs, Cummings, Farley, Flint, Hall, Hamilton, Howard, Keller, Leinster, Lovecraft, Merritt, Moore, Quinn, Smiths Clark & Garret, Wandrei, Williamson, &c. Fantascience fotos. If in earnest kindly accompany inquiry with sae. Specifiquestions will receiv preference over general pricelist requests. Forrest J Ackerman, "Fantascience Field": 236[half symbol] N New Hampshire, Hollywood/Calif. BLIND SPOT--$5. Louise Hamell: 1161 N Hobard, H'wood. WANTD-- "Uncommon Knowledge", bk by GWStimpson. Virgil D. Smith: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA/Cal. Fresno Bk Shop fantastic-novel lists, any but #2. FJA: 236[half symbol] N New Hap, H'wood. SFL Insignia. If U hav Leag emblem for sale please get in touch with Jack Grey: 3430 Lan Franco, LA. 1st "Madge". Any condish. 50[cent symbol]. May Belle Anshutz; 4053W21, City. S F L seals-- will pay 10[cent symbol] apiece for unused, 5[cent symbol] ea used. Roloko: Apt 5A, 1428 N Crescent Hts, H'wood. Offerng [half symbol]$ for #1 IMAGINATION!. Virgil D. Smith: Apt 33, 688 Shatto Pl; LA will trade FM 4th Ann for 1st Madge--Morojo: Bx 6475, Met Sta; LA/Cal THE SCIENCE-FICTION ASSOCIATION includes in its roster such famous fans & authors on both sides the Atlantic as Ackerman, Beck, Carnell--Chapman, "EsperanTest", Gillings, Hanson, Herbert, Hodgkins, Johnson, Koenig, Kuslan, Lewis, Mayer, Morojo, Pragnell, Russell, Smith (DR), Speer, Vodoso, Warnes, Wiggens, Wilson, Wollheim, Yerke... Honorarys: Low, Stapledon, Tremaine! If U would like full details of the aims & accomplishments of this organization, adres Secy at 20 Hollin Park Rd, Roundhay; Leeds 8 England. The Assn publishes Novae Terrae, SF Gazette, Tomorrow, British Sci-Fic Bibliografy, & Amateur Science Storys. Specimen copy NT, Gazet, or "Tomoro", sent on request. Wings Over the World with Scientifiction!
Hevelin Fanzines