Scienti Snaps, v. 1, issue 1, January 1938
Page 9
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A WORD ABOUT BOOKS AND MOVIES by Walter E. Marconette Books - Despite the many and varied reviews of ["Star?] Begotten" by H.G. Wells, I feel that a [few?] more words will not be in vain. This fine book should be hailed by all lovers of science fiction as the past year's greatest effort; yet [I?] wonder? Will it appeal to those minds who are only for flashing ray guns and dripping [blood?]? Probably not. Will most of the imbeciles hiding under the [appellation?], "literary critic", greet it as [benefits?] such a book? Proabbly not. Will the general public stampede to the nearest bookstore to obtain a copy? Again, probably not. But, you may ask, who will read it? These [who?] have the intelligence to recognize real literature when it floats unheralded into the [fame?] of publication. To all true science fiction fans I issue an urgent appeal to read "Star Begotten". Movies - I dropped into a theater the other day and spent an enjoyable hour or two with "King Solomon's Mines", a British production. True, a faint odor of melodrama does hang [over?] the entire picture, but don't let this [bother?] you. Paul Robeson delivers two really [fine?] songs, Anna Lee is very beautiful to [watch?], and the other actors, noteworthy amount [which?] is Roland Young, are capable. As I am not familiar with H. Rider Haggard's novel, I really can't say what liberties the motion picture has taken with the story. Just [a?] note of warning: if you like your fantasy in large doses, don't see "King Solomon's Mines". Only by stretching your imagination can you conceive of this as science fiction. 9
A WORD ABOUT BOOKS AND MOVIES by Walter E. Marconette Books - Despite the many and varied reviews of ["Star?] Begotten" by H.G. Wells, I feel that a [few?] more words will not be in vain. This fine book should be hailed by all lovers of science fiction as the past year's greatest effort; yet [I?] wonder? Will it appeal to those minds who are only for flashing ray guns and dripping [blood?]? Probably not. Will most of the imbeciles hiding under the [appellation?], "literary critic", greet it as [benefits?] such a book? Proabbly not. Will the general public stampede to the nearest bookstore to obtain a copy? Again, probably not. But, you may ask, who will read it? These [who?] have the intelligence to recognize real literature when it floats unheralded into the [fame?] of publication. To all true science fiction fans I issue an urgent appeal to read "Star Begotten". Movies - I dropped into a theater the other day and spent an enjoyable hour or two with "King Solomon's Mines", a British production. True, a faint odor of melodrama does hang [over?] the entire picture, but don't let this [bother?] you. Paul Robeson delivers two really [fine?] songs, Anna Lee is very beautiful to [watch?], and the other actors, noteworthy amount [which?] is Roland Young, are capable. As I am not familiar with H. Rider Haggard's novel, I really can't say what liberties the motion picture has taken with the story. Just [a?] note of warning: if you like your fantasy in large doses, don't see "King Solomon's Mines". Only by stretching your imagination can you conceive of this as science fiction. 9
Hevelin Fanzines