Scienti Snaps, v. 1, issue 2, Spring 1938
Page 8
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8 Page SCIENTI-SNAPS ******************** * MAD WORLD * An article by Sam Moskowitz ******************** No, this is not fiction, though for all its strangeness it might as well be. You might possibly call it another blast at the fans, were it not for the fact that I would be blasting not only the fans, but myself as well - being a bird of a feather, as it were. However, fans do not mind a little chideing, so chide them I will, and with a will. I have made numerous surveys of the fan world. Surveys of stories, issues of magazines, groups of fans, attitudes and what not. In previous articles I may have even surveyed the subject of this article although that is definitely beside the point. Survey the fan world with me if you will and what do you find? Why the title of this article of course - Mad World. A delightfully mad world in which we all cherish our madness and revel in it. A world mad not only in its utterly fantastic ideas but in its almost incredible activities. A world similar to that famous concoction of the old Alaskan sourdoughs, known as Mulligan. A dish made up of a little bit of everything, of utterly dissimilar types and viewpoints, of activities that cause outsiders to question our sanity, or wallow in the lucious fact that there is someone in the world crazier than they are. In this corner we have the active fan. He is a peculiar creature indeed, a atrange person who's only aim in life is finding out everything there is to know about fantastic fiction and its associates activities, and when he has found all he wishes to know, goes out and creates some history of his own. He is the person whose list of correspondent's may range anywhere from 25 to 200. Which menu when surveyed might include almost anything, with utter disregard for color, creed, belief, viewpoint, or intelligence.
8 Page SCIENTI-SNAPS ******************** * MAD WORLD * An article by Sam Moskowitz ******************** No, this is not fiction, though for all its strangeness it might as well be. You might possibly call it another blast at the fans, were it not for the fact that I would be blasting not only the fans, but myself as well - being a bird of a feather, as it were. However, fans do not mind a little chideing, so chide them I will, and with a will. I have made numerous surveys of the fan world. Surveys of stories, issues of magazines, groups of fans, attitudes and what not. In previous articles I may have even surveyed the subject of this article although that is definitely beside the point. Survey the fan world with me if you will and what do you find? Why the title of this article of course - Mad World. A delightfully mad world in which we all cherish our madness and revel in it. A world mad not only in its utterly fantastic ideas but in its almost incredible activities. A world similar to that famous concoction of the old Alaskan sourdoughs, known as Mulligan. A dish made up of a little bit of everything, of utterly dissimilar types and viewpoints, of activities that cause outsiders to question our sanity, or wallow in the lucious fact that there is someone in the world crazier than they are. In this corner we have the active fan. He is a peculiar creature indeed, a atrange person who's only aim in life is finding out everything there is to know about fantastic fiction and its associates activities, and when he has found all he wishes to know, goes out and creates some history of his own. He is the person whose list of correspondent's may range anywhere from 25 to 200. Which menu when surveyed might include almost anything, with utter disregard for color, creed, belief, viewpoint, or intelligence.
Hevelin Fanzines