Fantasmia, issue 1
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'the esquire of fandom' don't throw this in the wastebasket, friend; it's just a new zine-of-sorts which is taking the place of MERCURY, my ill-fated news sheet. I happened to have a mess of mss. laying around which i thought might make interesting reading for someone -- so, this.' This is NOT a one-shot zine.' I plan on following up this thin mag with many more, and as quickly as possible one after another -- even if i got to write all the stuff myself, like i did this'n. You will have to be content with a half-cover, as above, cause i'm not rich and will try to cram as much into a small number of sheets as possible so the price won't be too high. FANTASMIA wikl be five cents each, six for 25¢, and i am not crazy about trades. Your editor -- whom, by the way, is Tom Jewett-- will be-stow a hearty welcome to all and any mss. which might come his way. this is strictly a non-profit (and now!!) publication. The only pay-ment which can be made is a free copy of this stupendous mag. Address subs. and mss. to me at 670 George St., Clyde, Ohio. Remember; "What fandom needs is a good five cent zine.'" How about helping me fill this vacancy, hmm? 10 Q. You may take the sub-title above as seriously as you please. But remember, this has to go through the mail. Spice accordingly. 10 Q. No room for table of contents. Housing shortage, y'know. Soooo, you'll have to take'm as they come. No fair peeking!! 11 Q. (Inflation.) By the way, FANTASMIA will fill out subscriptions for MERCURY till further notice, so you won't lose by it. Oh, i might as well add that if this box has [box] has an 'X' right smack-dab in the middle of it, your sub. is up. Otherwise you're okay unless this is a sample copy, which is for free. Carry on.
'the esquire of fandom' don't throw this in the wastebasket, friend; it's just a new zine-of-sorts which is taking the place of MERCURY, my ill-fated news sheet. I happened to have a mess of mss. laying around which i thought might make interesting reading for someone -- so, this.' This is NOT a one-shot zine.' I plan on following up this thin mag with many more, and as quickly as possible one after another -- even if i got to write all the stuff myself, like i did this'n. You will have to be content with a half-cover, as above, cause i'm not rich and will try to cram as much into a small number of sheets as possible so the price won't be too high. FANTASMIA wikl be five cents each, six for 25¢, and i am not crazy about trades. Your editor -- whom, by the way, is Tom Jewett-- will be-stow a hearty welcome to all and any mss. which might come his way. this is strictly a non-profit (and now!!) publication. The only pay-ment which can be made is a free copy of this stupendous mag. Address subs. and mss. to me at 670 George St., Clyde, Ohio. Remember; "What fandom needs is a good five cent zine.'" How about helping me fill this vacancy, hmm? 10 Q. You may take the sub-title above as seriously as you please. But remember, this has to go through the mail. Spice accordingly. 10 Q. No room for table of contents. Housing shortage, y'know. Soooo, you'll have to take'm as they come. No fair peeking!! 11 Q. (Inflation.) By the way, FANTASMIA will fill out subscriptions for MERCURY till further notice, so you won't lose by it. Oh, i might as well add that if this box has [box] has an 'X' right smack-dab in the middle of it, your sub. is up. Otherwise you're okay unless this is a sample copy, which is for free. Carry on.
Hevelin Fanzines