Phanteur, whole no. 1, January 1946
Page 7
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7 PHANTEUR 7 "By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them" RATINGS A Fan-Todds, Reader and Collector. B+ Horizons, Sustaining Program, Fantasy, Browzing, Fan-Dango, Mag Without A Name, 1944 Fanzine Yearbook. B- The Timebinder, A Tale of the 'Evans, Inspiration, Nonesuch, Afterthoughts, Canadian Fandom, In Memoriam--Sardonyx, The Voice, Milty's Mag, Phantasphere. C Light, Walt's Wramblings, Fantast's Folly, Phantagraph, Allegory. LAUREATE AWARD SUGGESTIONS Publishing: 1, Koenig (Reader and Collector) 2, Anderson (Fantasy Jackpot) 3, EEEVans (The Timebinder) Article: 1, none; 2, Rothman ("Crossroads" in The Timebinder) 3, Warner ("A Prophet, A Very Small Prophet" in Horizons, and "Fandom" in The Mag Without A Name) Art: No outstanding artwork by members in this Mailing. Humor: 1, Stanley ("Yesterday's 10,000 Years" in Fan-Tods) 2, none; 3, Speer (Back cover of Sustaining Program) Fiction: 1, none; 2, Karden ("Votary of Destruction" in Canadian Fandom) 3, None. Poetry: 1, none; 2, Lowndes ("Annals of Arkya" in Phantagraph) 3, none. Best in Mailing: 1, Fan-Tods (Stanley) 2, Reader and Collector (Koenig) 3, Karden, ("Votary of Destruction" in Canadian Fandom) Several contributions by non-members deserve mention, notably Robert Butman's "Modern Mythological Fiction," Lieber's "March of the New Intellectuals," and Doug Webster's "Great Britain Outside of Fandom." The Mailing as a whole is not outstanding, but neither is it a poor one, being much better than many of the past two years, but decidedly below the level two or three notable ones. There is little outstanding work in the whole Mailing, but this is offset to a large extent by the absence of numerous sloppy, worthless single-sheet credential-fillers. Or perhaps I'm wrong; maybe my breakfast didn't sit well with me. Then too, it is the day before Christmas, I'm a thousand miles from home, (though immeasurably better off in this respect than some 3 1/2 million GI's) and, instead of a gleaming, snow-covered landscape, all I can see from my window is a gray, dripping sky, and a variety of disconsolate-looking evergreen trees and shrubs. To liven things up, there is the occasional dull explosion of a huge but unenthusiastic fire-cracker--fire-crackers at Christmas, rather than on Independence Day, is the Louisiana custom, however screwy that may seem to you and you and me. And now for the individual publications themselves: THE FANTASY AMATEUR (Not rate) Dropping the CC and Co-ordinator jobs is OK. The method of handling the surplus stock is good too, as far as it goes; but shouldn't we do something to limit its continuous growth? For example, I've been sending 10 extra copies of my 'zine; but if none of these, or only two or three are going to be sold over a period of, say, three years, there doesn't seem to be much point in sending so many. Perhaps we should offer some special bargain rates to new members, or even to the Wait-Listers; a complete, or nearly complete mailing for $1.00, postage prepaid. Such a plan would get the extra copies into the hands of those for whom they are intended, and provide the FAPA with a little extra cash as well. The two amendments look all right as they are. And A1 seems to have done an excellent job on the snarled membership
7 PHANTEUR 7 "By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them" RATINGS A Fan-Todds, Reader and Collector. B+ Horizons, Sustaining Program, Fantasy, Browzing, Fan-Dango, Mag Without A Name, 1944 Fanzine Yearbook. B- The Timebinder, A Tale of the 'Evans, Inspiration, Nonesuch, Afterthoughts, Canadian Fandom, In Memoriam--Sardonyx, The Voice, Milty's Mag, Phantasphere. C Light, Walt's Wramblings, Fantast's Folly, Phantagraph, Allegory. LAUREATE AWARD SUGGESTIONS Publishing: 1, Koenig (Reader and Collector) 2, Anderson (Fantasy Jackpot) 3, EEEVans (The Timebinder) Article: 1, none; 2, Rothman ("Crossroads" in The Timebinder) 3, Warner ("A Prophet, A Very Small Prophet" in Horizons, and "Fandom" in The Mag Without A Name) Art: No outstanding artwork by members in this Mailing. Humor: 1, Stanley ("Yesterday's 10,000 Years" in Fan-Tods) 2, none; 3, Speer (Back cover of Sustaining Program) Fiction: 1, none; 2, Karden ("Votary of Destruction" in Canadian Fandom) 3, None. Poetry: 1, none; 2, Lowndes ("Annals of Arkya" in Phantagraph) 3, none. Best in Mailing: 1, Fan-Tods (Stanley) 2, Reader and Collector (Koenig) 3, Karden, ("Votary of Destruction" in Canadian Fandom) Several contributions by non-members deserve mention, notably Robert Butman's "Modern Mythological Fiction," Lieber's "March of the New Intellectuals," and Doug Webster's "Great Britain Outside of Fandom." The Mailing as a whole is not outstanding, but neither is it a poor one, being much better than many of the past two years, but decidedly below the level two or three notable ones. There is little outstanding work in the whole Mailing, but this is offset to a large extent by the absence of numerous sloppy, worthless single-sheet credential-fillers. Or perhaps I'm wrong; maybe my breakfast didn't sit well with me. Then too, it is the day before Christmas, I'm a thousand miles from home, (though immeasurably better off in this respect than some 3 1/2 million GI's) and, instead of a gleaming, snow-covered landscape, all I can see from my window is a gray, dripping sky, and a variety of disconsolate-looking evergreen trees and shrubs. To liven things up, there is the occasional dull explosion of a huge but unenthusiastic fire-cracker--fire-crackers at Christmas, rather than on Independence Day, is the Louisiana custom, however screwy that may seem to you and you and me. And now for the individual publications themselves: THE FANTASY AMATEUR (Not rate) Dropping the CC and Co-ordinator jobs is OK. The method of handling the surplus stock is good too, as far as it goes; but shouldn't we do something to limit its continuous growth? For example, I've been sending 10 extra copies of my 'zine; but if none of these, or only two or three are going to be sold over a period of, say, three years, there doesn't seem to be much point in sending so many. Perhaps we should offer some special bargain rates to new members, or even to the Wait-Listers; a complete, or nearly complete mailing for $1.00, postage prepaid. Such a plan would get the extra copies into the hands of those for whom they are intended, and provide the FAPA with a little extra cash as well. The two amendments look all right as they are. And A1 seems to have done an excellent job on the snarled membership
Hevelin Fanzines