Scientifictionist, v. 1, issue 6, August-October 1946
Page 16
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"Who -- or What -- is 'Dero'?" Thanx very much for Scientifictionist (ghod, 17 letters!) #5. I suppose it's rather late by now to enter my lengthy commentary on the magazine, but really, I liked it a lot -- the mag, I mean.... Well, just a few comments, then. First of all, I didn't like front cover, I didn't like the lack of a back cover. The front cover could have been more attractively made up -- could have been distinctive despite the lack of a picture, but it wasn't. The format inside wasn't especially neat either, but of course it was thoroly legible. I can see that you're one fan-ed who believes the reading matter is the thing and to hell with the frilly decorations. And you may be right. The contents satisfied. I liked everything well enough, but most of all perhaps I enjoyed Donn Brazier's "Appraisal". Brazier's one of my favorite fan-writers, so that's not surprising. This sounds like an interesting story he reviews, and the yarn is authored by the writer of the Sherlock Holmes pastiche, A Taste of (or for) Honey, if I'm not mistaken. Article on general semantics was fine, as was "Some Books for Bridges", altho I wonder why, if ftl wanted this printed as a real article and not a private missive to Lynn, he didn't take some time and enlarge this a lot? ...Two of your articles are too conventional: Evans' and Greenleaf's. Evans says exactly what 9 out of 10 fans would say if asked to write 600 or so words on the subject "My favorite Fantasy Artists". You know, I wasn't a bit surprised that he chose Cartier, Schneeman, Bok, Lawerence, and Finlay. Outside of those he named there just aren't any outstanding artists.... "Chas. Fort and Stf" has been done many times just as good as this, especially in promag reviews that appeared when Fort's collected works were published 5 years ago...."A World About the Pros" did the business, altho I can't forget DBT's especially fine columns called "Musings on the Pros" which Eclipse carried. But in lieu of that, this review is good, if brief....Almost forgot "Stf Idea Corner", which ranks up there with Brazier's article. And the letter dept., which needless to say was excellent....Editorial was okay -- sorry, just okay. Make 'em longer and more juicy, huh? ..."Of Many Things" was of nothing, and discussed at too great lengths. As for the Ackerman-Speer item: it puzzled me. Who, I wondered, is "Shaver"? Who -- or what -- is "Dero"? Seems I'd been missing something, so I did a quick leaf-thru of Amazing next time I passed a newsstand. I've discovered Shaver is a new Z-D hack of some kind. I read his "author's foreword" to some yarn or other -- didn't sound too bad, but the first sentence of the story told me Amaz hasn't changed. Reminds me that the last time I looked at Amz was after a year in the army on a fantasy-less diet. I plucked an Amaz from a trashcan, read it, threw it back, and lived without fantasy of any sort for the duration. Sand sack...Still wonder who "Dero" is. Redd Boggs, 2215 Benjamin St. NE, Minneapolis 13, Minn. More Comments on Schumann I think Phil Schumann got a little carried away by the beauty of his similies. Or maybe he didn't carry it far enough. The average man, finding his house on fire may be too dumb to try to put it out himself, but he will call the fire department. And upon doing so he will settle back and say to himself, let them worry about it, that is what they get paid for. But with our world fire, we have put in the call but the different companies are fighting among themselves as to who is to go. And if they don't watch out the fire may get out of hand and burn the fire halls down too. Now what we Joe Does have to do is see that the fire boys stop fighting and start worrying about putting the fire out. Only there are going to have to be a lot of Joe Does before we can do anything. It might be interesting to hear some of Schumann's ideas on what would help. In fact, how about a lot of ideas from top fans on what we can do? Greenleaf's article on Fort was interesting. In fact I stirred myself enough to take a little time off and browse through one of his books in the library the other day. Interesting. How about more by him, on the same thing? page 16
"Who -- or What -- is 'Dero'?" Thanx very much for Scientifictionist (ghod, 17 letters!) #5. I suppose it's rather late by now to enter my lengthy commentary on the magazine, but really, I liked it a lot -- the mag, I mean.... Well, just a few comments, then. First of all, I didn't like front cover, I didn't like the lack of a back cover. The front cover could have been more attractively made up -- could have been distinctive despite the lack of a picture, but it wasn't. The format inside wasn't especially neat either, but of course it was thoroly legible. I can see that you're one fan-ed who believes the reading matter is the thing and to hell with the frilly decorations. And you may be right. The contents satisfied. I liked everything well enough, but most of all perhaps I enjoyed Donn Brazier's "Appraisal". Brazier's one of my favorite fan-writers, so that's not surprising. This sounds like an interesting story he reviews, and the yarn is authored by the writer of the Sherlock Holmes pastiche, A Taste of (or for) Honey, if I'm not mistaken. Article on general semantics was fine, as was "Some Books for Bridges", altho I wonder why, if ftl wanted this printed as a real article and not a private missive to Lynn, he didn't take some time and enlarge this a lot? ...Two of your articles are too conventional: Evans' and Greenleaf's. Evans says exactly what 9 out of 10 fans would say if asked to write 600 or so words on the subject "My favorite Fantasy Artists". You know, I wasn't a bit surprised that he chose Cartier, Schneeman, Bok, Lawerence, and Finlay. Outside of those he named there just aren't any outstanding artists.... "Chas. Fort and Stf" has been done many times just as good as this, especially in promag reviews that appeared when Fort's collected works were published 5 years ago...."A World About the Pros" did the business, altho I can't forget DBT's especially fine columns called "Musings on the Pros" which Eclipse carried. But in lieu of that, this review is good, if brief....Almost forgot "Stf Idea Corner", which ranks up there with Brazier's article. And the letter dept., which needless to say was excellent....Editorial was okay -- sorry, just okay. Make 'em longer and more juicy, huh? ..."Of Many Things" was of nothing, and discussed at too great lengths. As for the Ackerman-Speer item: it puzzled me. Who, I wondered, is "Shaver"? Who -- or what -- is "Dero"? Seems I'd been missing something, so I did a quick leaf-thru of Amazing next time I passed a newsstand. I've discovered Shaver is a new Z-D hack of some kind. I read his "author's foreword" to some yarn or other -- didn't sound too bad, but the first sentence of the story told me Amaz hasn't changed. Reminds me that the last time I looked at Amz was after a year in the army on a fantasy-less diet. I plucked an Amaz from a trashcan, read it, threw it back, and lived without fantasy of any sort for the duration. Sand sack...Still wonder who "Dero" is. Redd Boggs, 2215 Benjamin St. NE, Minneapolis 13, Minn. More Comments on Schumann I think Phil Schumann got a little carried away by the beauty of his similies. Or maybe he didn't carry it far enough. The average man, finding his house on fire may be too dumb to try to put it out himself, but he will call the fire department. And upon doing so he will settle back and say to himself, let them worry about it, that is what they get paid for. But with our world fire, we have put in the call but the different companies are fighting among themselves as to who is to go. And if they don't watch out the fire may get out of hand and burn the fire halls down too. Now what we Joe Does have to do is see that the fire boys stop fighting and start worrying about putting the fire out. Only there are going to have to be a lot of Joe Does before we can do anything. It might be interesting to hear some of Schumann's ideas on what would help. In fact, how about a lot of ideas from top fans on what we can do? Greenleaf's article on Fort was interesting. In fact I stirred myself enough to take a little time off and browse through one of his books in the library the other day. Interesting. How about more by him, on the same thing? page 16
Hevelin Fanzines