Scientifun, v. 1, issue 2, April 1942
Page 5
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Scientifun A Dixie Press Publication Page 5 Scientifun's Feature Column: SOUTHERN SLAN(T)S By Harry Jenkins, Jr. A column? Hm. Yes. Guffaw While Ye May -- It seems that at the present time, on Tom Ludowitz of Everett, Washington, is making immense headway in his battle to oust Harris Schmarje as the #1 Dope of Fandom. Ludowitz, after bombarding Gilbert and I with ads for his mags, which were to be "mosta of the besta", sent Joe one shiny nickel for the SOUTHERN STAR and sent me a round 5[cent] piece for FANART. The chappie was sincere, too, I believe. O'course, I wanted to set the misguided dope back on the tracks; I consequently sent him a notice that the STAR and FANART were both 10[cents] apiece. Oh lo, but what did he do? He sent me an indignant card, explaining that he was certain that it was in the Rule Book of Fandom that if anyone should send 5[cents] for a sample copy of a magazine, the editor should promptly dispatch one to payee. But -- you must see the card! It's more than classical. Therefore, I promptly plug JINX to the effect that said card will appear in #3 "Postal Pulsations." And, speaking of Schmarje, which we weren't, has anyone else had the opportunity to view one of those green stickers which go something like this: HARRIS M. SCHMARJE, ESQ. Author-Columnist-Critique and address Stealing a phrase from Tucker, we glee over the poor dope. Tucker asks, in the current SCI-FIC VARIETY (Bob's FAPA Publication), "What in the name of Loki are they /the Camp/going to do with all those fanzines they've announced or started?" Well, Bob, those that have started will continue on the schedules that have been set for them. That means that the STAR, FANART and all the others will continue on their merry way. As for FAN EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, you'll be receiving it soon after you've finished (!) this column, or perhaps before. ENDYMION, true to the quality that is will attain, is plodding strongly. All of the others that have been announced will appear. Nuf sed. We were at the Boskone, whereat we had the time of our lives. Yeah, verily. From the very first moment when Widner pounced into the Speer-Eastman room, where the 4 Spiritroopers were assembled, until the last handshake with a pleasant Rothman, we had fun. I am tempted to quote Tucker in that we had fun in "'barrels, jugs, etc.'". There was one tremendous drawback -- I slept little. Oh golly, I had 3 hours of sleep snatched while being jostled in the back seat of a car, in 60 hours. ((Fans don't need any sleep. Fans are Slans!--RW)) ((That is my original version-- RW Again.)) ((I never read SLAN!; I wonder, do Slans Sleep?--yeah, I know, this is getting monotonous.)) But, it were worth it, Outstanding was the Gilbert bidding at the auction, whereat originals from FFM, FAN AD. and AMAZING, FUTURE and SF QUATERLY, ASTOUNDING, and perhaps others were sold. GIlbert was engaged in a hearty conversation with La Kuslan, and at intermittent intervals, he would raise his head and bid a nickel, without once looking at the original. Well, a very (continued on page 6)
Scientifun A Dixie Press Publication Page 5 Scientifun's Feature Column: SOUTHERN SLAN(T)S By Harry Jenkins, Jr. A column? Hm. Yes. Guffaw While Ye May -- It seems that at the present time, on Tom Ludowitz of Everett, Washington, is making immense headway in his battle to oust Harris Schmarje as the #1 Dope of Fandom. Ludowitz, after bombarding Gilbert and I with ads for his mags, which were to be "mosta of the besta", sent Joe one shiny nickel for the SOUTHERN STAR and sent me a round 5[cent] piece for FANART. The chappie was sincere, too, I believe. O'course, I wanted to set the misguided dope back on the tracks; I consequently sent him a notice that the STAR and FANART were both 10[cents] apiece. Oh lo, but what did he do? He sent me an indignant card, explaining that he was certain that it was in the Rule Book of Fandom that if anyone should send 5[cents] for a sample copy of a magazine, the editor should promptly dispatch one to payee. But -- you must see the card! It's more than classical. Therefore, I promptly plug JINX to the effect that said card will appear in #3 "Postal Pulsations." And, speaking of Schmarje, which we weren't, has anyone else had the opportunity to view one of those green stickers which go something like this: HARRIS M. SCHMARJE, ESQ. Author-Columnist-Critique and address Stealing a phrase from Tucker, we glee over the poor dope. Tucker asks, in the current SCI-FIC VARIETY (Bob's FAPA Publication), "What in the name of Loki are they /the Camp/going to do with all those fanzines they've announced or started?" Well, Bob, those that have started will continue on the schedules that have been set for them. That means that the STAR, FANART and all the others will continue on their merry way. As for FAN EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, you'll be receiving it soon after you've finished (!) this column, or perhaps before. ENDYMION, true to the quality that is will attain, is plodding strongly. All of the others that have been announced will appear. Nuf sed. We were at the Boskone, whereat we had the time of our lives. Yeah, verily. From the very first moment when Widner pounced into the Speer-Eastman room, where the 4 Spiritroopers were assembled, until the last handshake with a pleasant Rothman, we had fun. I am tempted to quote Tucker in that we had fun in "'barrels, jugs, etc.'". There was one tremendous drawback -- I slept little. Oh golly, I had 3 hours of sleep snatched while being jostled in the back seat of a car, in 60 hours. ((Fans don't need any sleep. Fans are Slans!--RW)) ((That is my original version-- RW Again.)) ((I never read SLAN!; I wonder, do Slans Sleep?--yeah, I know, this is getting monotonous.)) But, it were worth it, Outstanding was the Gilbert bidding at the auction, whereat originals from FFM, FAN AD. and AMAZING, FUTURE and SF QUATERLY, ASTOUNDING, and perhaps others were sold. GIlbert was engaged in a hearty conversation with La Kuslan, and at intermittent intervals, he would raise his head and bid a nickel, without once looking at the original. Well, a very (continued on page 6)
Hevelin Fanzines