Scientifun, v. 1, issue 2, April 1942
Page 7
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Scientifun~~~~~~~A 'Dixie Press' [Production?]#######Page 7 The Interplanetary Classified Add Dept By Leonard J. Moffat WANTED: A husband that is house-broke. I am a wealthy widow and well preserved for my age. (Due to the use of spice? -- ljm) My hobby is collection Martian snake-skins for ornery-ments. Write to Madame XYZ, 313 Canal Street, Blurpburgh, Mars. DITTO: A pen pal, preferably female, interested in discussing the possibilities of animal life in a dot on a polka-dot hankerchief. (No doubt about it, if the hanky's just been sneezed in! -- ljm) Write to B.B.D., Box two and seven-tenths, Wiskiuashi, Michigan. LIKEWISE: A damsel to post in the nude, for pics to be used on VoM. Address: #The Great Fan No. four fourths, Shangri-La, Cal.# FOUND: An amazing new way tobecome "personal" via use of gossiping Zombies! For full info, address: H.P.P., Bloomerston, Sick. LOST: My super-super time-travel ray tube. Dropped it while it was turned on. If you should come within sight of it, don't bother picking it up, as you won't be there to do so, anyway. Meet you in 2042 A.D. -- Prof. Xrklpgh, once located at the Swampland Labrotories, Ssst, Venus. (How did the Prof. get his add in here from le future? -- danged if I know! -- ljm) BONA FIDE adds may appear in this dept if ye-ed of this mag is willing. If so, send all bonafide stuff to him. Send humorous adds, etc to me. My address: 419 Summit Ave., Elwood City, Pa. And send 'em soon. -- L.J. Moffat RAYM-SAYS: Bonafide adds accepted at rates stated on Page 2. How do you'all like this department? It won't be continued unless I get a hearty response in favour of it. Write in soon. ----------------------------------- Editorial, concluded from page 2 have never seen existence in such a form. You create, recreate, rather, a dream and perhaps, if you are lucky, others may dream with you for a moment. Which is fulfilment of the dream, because moments are all that make life worth living." So there it is, Joe. Recorded for posterity. It deserves it. Getting back to this issue, I'm quite proud of the cover, which was done by Harry Jenkins, Jr. Really distinctive, isn't it? And I'm see that "Southern Slan(t)s" will be popular. It will be enlarged next issue. Scientifun aims to feature "Guest Editors" as often as possible. Although this service is aimed at new fans, it is open to everyone. The Guest Editor sends in five dollars and a Guest Editorial, introducing himself to fandom, if he is not well known, or giving his views on fan subjects...anything. His name is emblazoned throughout the mag; he gets five free copies to send to his friends or hoard to himself. I hope that the idea will gain in popularity. LeRoy Tackett, who holds the honor of being chief subscriber, and supporting of this mag, will be the Guest Editor of the next issue. Thanks to the following for sending in comments on the first issue: Harry Warner, Billy Jenkins, David Miller, LeRoy Tackett, Harry Jenkins, Larry Shaw, J. Edward Murphy, Joseph Gilbert, and L.R. Chauvenet. If anyone was left out, I'm sorry. Thanks to Jenkins and Gilbert for technical advice, to Jenkins for buying the stencils and paper in Columbia, as they were unobtainable in Live Oak. Thanks to Suwannee County Agent S.C. Kierce, Triple A Administration and Form Extension Service for the use of his mimeograph. Till next issue, Seig Heil
Scientifun~~~~~~~A 'Dixie Press' [Production?]#######Page 7 The Interplanetary Classified Add Dept By Leonard J. Moffat WANTED: A husband that is house-broke. I am a wealthy widow and well preserved for my age. (Due to the use of spice? -- ljm) My hobby is collection Martian snake-skins for ornery-ments. Write to Madame XYZ, 313 Canal Street, Blurpburgh, Mars. DITTO: A pen pal, preferably female, interested in discussing the possibilities of animal life in a dot on a polka-dot hankerchief. (No doubt about it, if the hanky's just been sneezed in! -- ljm) Write to B.B.D., Box two and seven-tenths, Wiskiuashi, Michigan. LIKEWISE: A damsel to post in the nude, for pics to be used on VoM. Address: #The Great Fan No. four fourths, Shangri-La, Cal.# FOUND: An amazing new way tobecome "personal" via use of gossiping Zombies! For full info, address: H.P.P., Bloomerston, Sick. LOST: My super-super time-travel ray tube. Dropped it while it was turned on. If you should come within sight of it, don't bother picking it up, as you won't be there to do so, anyway. Meet you in 2042 A.D. -- Prof. Xrklpgh, once located at the Swampland Labrotories, Ssst, Venus. (How did the Prof. get his add in here from le future? -- danged if I know! -- ljm) BONA FIDE adds may appear in this dept if ye-ed of this mag is willing. If so, send all bonafide stuff to him. Send humorous adds, etc to me. My address: 419 Summit Ave., Elwood City, Pa. And send 'em soon. -- L.J. Moffat RAYM-SAYS: Bonafide adds accepted at rates stated on Page 2. How do you'all like this department? It won't be continued unless I get a hearty response in favour of it. Write in soon. ----------------------------------- Editorial, concluded from page 2 have never seen existence in such a form. You create, recreate, rather, a dream and perhaps, if you are lucky, others may dream with you for a moment. Which is fulfilment of the dream, because moments are all that make life worth living." So there it is, Joe. Recorded for posterity. It deserves it. Getting back to this issue, I'm quite proud of the cover, which was done by Harry Jenkins, Jr. Really distinctive, isn't it? And I'm see that "Southern Slan(t)s" will be popular. It will be enlarged next issue. Scientifun aims to feature "Guest Editors" as often as possible. Although this service is aimed at new fans, it is open to everyone. The Guest Editor sends in five dollars and a Guest Editorial, introducing himself to fandom, if he is not well known, or giving his views on fan subjects...anything. His name is emblazoned throughout the mag; he gets five free copies to send to his friends or hoard to himself. I hope that the idea will gain in popularity. LeRoy Tackett, who holds the honor of being chief subscriber, and supporting of this mag, will be the Guest Editor of the next issue. Thanks to the following for sending in comments on the first issue: Harry Warner, Billy Jenkins, David Miller, LeRoy Tackett, Harry Jenkins, Larry Shaw, J. Edward Murphy, Joseph Gilbert, and L.R. Chauvenet. If anyone was left out, I'm sorry. Thanks to Jenkins and Gilbert for technical advice, to Jenkins for buying the stencils and paper in Columbia, as they were unobtainable in Live Oak. Thanks to Suwannee County Agent S.C. Kierce, Triple A Administration and Form Extension Service for the use of his mimeograph. Till next issue, Seig Heil
Hevelin Fanzines