Daily Iowan, September 29, 1918
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Page Two The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, September 29, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa Member Iowa College Press A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week---Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday by The Daily Iowan Publishing Company at 103 Iowa Avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year Board of Trustees C. H. Weller, chairman; Harold Stoner, secretary; Dr. E. M. McEwen, Dr. E. S. Smith, Marian Dyer, Frederick Egan, Vergil Hancher Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Acting Business Manager Romola Latchem (staff to be announced later} "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."---Lincoln. Fred H. Becker The death of Fred H. Becker, Iowa's great gridiron star and member of the all-American eleven in 1916, is brought again to the minds of the University students by a letter received at the office of The Daily Iowan yesterday. The letter is published in full: "55th Co., 5Bn Marines. A. E. F., Sept. 11, 1918 Editor, Daily Iowan, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Dear Sir: "Perhaps you would be interested in knowing the circumstances of the death of Lt. Fred H. Becker. "Beck,' as we all knew him was instantly killed the evening of the 18th of July. Our battalion had attached in the morning and that evening we went over again. It was during this second attack that Beck was hit by a shell fragment. At the time we were advancing across a wheat field north of Vierzy---near Soissons. At the time we could not stop, but one of my sergeants was hit by Beck when he was hit and says that Beck did not move after falling (His jugular vein was cut). The next morning I sent a party to bury him but they could not find him. Evidently the stretcher bearers had taken the body in. He is buried, probably, near ----. "Beck was with us for about ten months---so long we considered him a marine officer. To say he was liked hardly expresses it. He was loved by every officer and man in the battalion. The men would go anywhere with him. "He was wounded in the shoulder the third of June when we stopped the Boche at Vieully Wood and though his wound had not completely healed he came back so he could "be with the boys" as he expressed it. "It is hard for us to realize that he has gone forever, but still, we all hope to have a reunion later on "up yonder" so after all he is gone for just a time. "I wish you would see that the contents of this letter reaches his mother. I never could find his home address and right now I am in no position to hunt it up. His personal effects will be sent to the Effects Depot. "In conclusion let me say that Beck's sacrifice should serve as an ideal for every man. He was a real soldier and officer from the ground up. Very respectfully, 1st Lieut. Wm. R. Matthews." This letter written by one of Becker's fellow officers is evidence of the spirit and sacrifice of one of the University's greatest athletes. It shows that the casualities are daily coming nearer home and that it is the bounden duty of us all to accept silently the heavy tasks of war and victory. Irene Stabb, sophomore liberal arts last year, is running her brother's hardware business in Lake View while he is in the service. Churches Offer Barracks Churches in Iowa City have offered their Sunday school rooms to the University for barracks for the Student Army Training Corps. The Methodist church was the first to do this, and ther churches of the town have made similar arrangements. The University has ample barrack room for 3,000 students, but the churches' offers will probably be accepted if the number of students far exceeds this estimate. [advertisement] The Students' Restaurant BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuque St. Visit Us in Our New Home [advertisement] JOHNSON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Solicits Your Business Deposits $2,500,000.00 [advertisement] HAESELER & ZIMMERMAN MILLINERY Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] San=tox Shaving Lotion A pleasant soothing lotion for use after shaving Antiseptic---Healing---Comforting 4 ounce bottle 25c WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque Street Marian Dyer, Alpha Xi Delta and member of the board of trustees of The Iowan, has accepted a position in the office of the Food Administration at Washington. [advertisement] Autumn Time Models Just Now Displayed Boots more cleverly styled have never come to take the place of summer favorites. Each one bears the imprint of a master designer's handiwork. The beauty of simple line and curve----style without extravagance. Come in and see and try on these new models. A. M. EWERS & CO. The Corner Shoe Store 101 S. Clinton St. Jules LaDieu is the new museum assistant at the University. Before coming here this month, he was technician at Tulane University. Prof. Homer Dill, head of museum work, expects a large registration of women in anatomical modelling and museum methods. Want Ads RATE: 10c a line or fraction; 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance [advertisement] THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK and FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST CO. Total assets over $3,000,000.00 We Solicit Your Business [advertisement] BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University text books for all colleges Loose-leaf notebooks, fillers, fountain pens Laboratory supplies 124 East Washington Street [advertisement] STUDENTS! Come in and try our ice-cream sundaes. We also serve lunches. PRINCESS CANDY KITCHEN [advertisement] COASTS' As usual are at the Front with a most complete line regulation Military apparel and accessories----Suits, Over Coats, Puttees, Belts, Hats and Caps, Hat Bands and Laces, Sox, etc., all properly priced. ALSO THE BIG $60,000 SALE Throughout their entire store on all Civilian Clothing and Furnishings Prices are below Manufacturers' Cost. Sale Continues Up To And Including Sat. Oct, 5.
Page Two The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Sunday, September 29, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa Member Iowa College Press A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week---Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday by The Daily Iowan Publishing Company at 103 Iowa Avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year Board of Trustees C. H. Weller, chairman; Harold Stoner, secretary; Dr. E. M. McEwen, Dr. E. S. Smith, Marian Dyer, Frederick Egan, Vergil Hancher Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Acting Business Manager Romola Latchem (staff to be announced later} "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."---Lincoln. Fred H. Becker The death of Fred H. Becker, Iowa's great gridiron star and member of the all-American eleven in 1916, is brought again to the minds of the University students by a letter received at the office of The Daily Iowan yesterday. The letter is published in full: "55th Co., 5Bn Marines. A. E. F., Sept. 11, 1918 Editor, Daily Iowan, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Dear Sir: "Perhaps you would be interested in knowing the circumstances of the death of Lt. Fred H. Becker. "Beck,' as we all knew him was instantly killed the evening of the 18th of July. Our battalion had attached in the morning and that evening we went over again. It was during this second attack that Beck was hit by a shell fragment. At the time we were advancing across a wheat field north of Vierzy---near Soissons. At the time we could not stop, but one of my sergeants was hit by Beck when he was hit and says that Beck did not move after falling (His jugular vein was cut). The next morning I sent a party to bury him but they could not find him. Evidently the stretcher bearers had taken the body in. He is buried, probably, near ----. "Beck was with us for about ten months---so long we considered him a marine officer. To say he was liked hardly expresses it. He was loved by every officer and man in the battalion. The men would go anywhere with him. "He was wounded in the shoulder the third of June when we stopped the Boche at Vieully Wood and though his wound had not completely healed he came back so he could "be with the boys" as he expressed it. "It is hard for us to realize that he has gone forever, but still, we all hope to have a reunion later on "up yonder" so after all he is gone for just a time. "I wish you would see that the contents of this letter reaches his mother. I never could find his home address and right now I am in no position to hunt it up. His personal effects will be sent to the Effects Depot. "In conclusion let me say that Beck's sacrifice should serve as an ideal for every man. He was a real soldier and officer from the ground up. Very respectfully, 1st Lieut. Wm. R. Matthews." This letter written by one of Becker's fellow officers is evidence of the spirit and sacrifice of one of the University's greatest athletes. It shows that the casualities are daily coming nearer home and that it is the bounden duty of us all to accept silently the heavy tasks of war and victory. Irene Stabb, sophomore liberal arts last year, is running her brother's hardware business in Lake View while he is in the service. Churches Offer Barracks Churches in Iowa City have offered their Sunday school rooms to the University for barracks for the Student Army Training Corps. The Methodist church was the first to do this, and ther churches of the town have made similar arrangements. The University has ample barrack room for 3,000 students, but the churches' offers will probably be accepted if the number of students far exceeds this estimate. [advertisement] The Students' Restaurant BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuque St. Visit Us in Our New Home [advertisement] JOHNSON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Solicits Your Business Deposits $2,500,000.00 [advertisement] HAESELER & ZIMMERMAN MILLINERY Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] San=tox Shaving Lotion A pleasant soothing lotion for use after shaving Antiseptic---Healing---Comforting 4 ounce bottle 25c WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque Street Marian Dyer, Alpha Xi Delta and member of the board of trustees of The Iowan, has accepted a position in the office of the Food Administration at Washington. [advertisement] Autumn Time Models Just Now Displayed Boots more cleverly styled have never come to take the place of summer favorites. Each one bears the imprint of a master designer's handiwork. The beauty of simple line and curve----style without extravagance. Come in and see and try on these new models. A. M. EWERS & CO. The Corner Shoe Store 101 S. Clinton St. Jules LaDieu is the new museum assistant at the University. Before coming here this month, he was technician at Tulane University. Prof. Homer Dill, head of museum work, expects a large registration of women in anatomical modelling and museum methods. Want Ads RATE: 10c a line or fraction; 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance [advertisement] THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK and FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST CO. Total assets over $3,000,000.00 We Solicit Your Business [advertisement] BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University text books for all colleges Loose-leaf notebooks, fillers, fountain pens Laboratory supplies 124 East Washington Street [advertisement] STUDENTS! Come in and try our ice-cream sundaes. We also serve lunches. PRINCESS CANDY KITCHEN [advertisement] COASTS' As usual are at the Front with a most complete line regulation Military apparel and accessories----Suits, Over Coats, Puttees, Belts, Hats and Caps, Hat Bands and Laces, Sox, etc., all properly priced. ALSO THE BIG $60,000 SALE Throughout their entire store on all Civilian Clothing and Furnishings Prices are below Manufacturers' Cost. Sale Continues Up To And Including Sat. Oct, 5.
Daily Iowan Newspapers