Daily Iowan, September 29, 1918
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Sunady, September 29, 1918 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three CUPID KEPT BUSY DURING VACATION The following are some of the marriages of students and graduates of the University which took place during the past year: Della Schaefer, former student, Alpha Xi Delta, to Lieut. Harold Romine, Apollo, student in the Engineering College. Blanche Gross, senior L. A., Alpha Chi Omega, to Martin McGovern, former student. Ethel Sayre, former student, to Dr. J. C. Kessler, Medicine '06. Lulu Gray, Tri Delta, junior L. A. to Lieut. Morton. Lieut. Sarl DeNio, former student, to June Matson. Veronica Murphy, senior medic this year, to Lieut. Love Pennington. Waldo Pechau, former student in medicine, Phi Rho Sigma, to Estelle Cline. Fae Rowley, Pi, Beta Phi, former student, to Forest Huttenlocker, Phi Delta Theta, graduate of law college. Leon H. Brigham, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, to Clara Weller, Alpha Chi Omega, former student in L. A. Elaie Snavely, L. A. '14, to Fred Nordstrom. Katherine Louise Doerr, Kappa Kappa Gamma, former student to Sergt. Raymond Kelly, gradnate of Ames. Ella Feldhahn, L. A. '18, to Donald Snyder, senior medic this year. Raymond Tait, former student, Theta Xi, to Ruth Paul. Allan Kane, law '10, to Stella Hayden. Lieut. James Addison, Phi Kappa Psi, to LaNore Wise of Nevada. Francis Brown, B. A. 18, to Opal McKay, former student. Margaret Cook,, L. A. '18, Delta Gamma, to Carl Magee, former student. Adda Belle Forbes, former student, to Lieut. Harold H. Maynard, M. A. '15. Helen Dresher, L. A. '17, to Sergt. Merrill Albert. Franklin H. Swan, L. A. '10, to Jeanette Huff. Howard Anderson, senior dent this year, Phi Zeta Epsilon, to Marie Morrison, senior L. A. Sergt. Major Ray S. Potter, former student, Phi Beta PI, to Gladys Schneider, Tipton. GIRLS LIKE TO LIVE AT FRATERNITY HOMES "Say, isn't our room great?" This is a composite of the remarks made by the freshman girls who have been assigned to former fraternity houses. Four houses are now ready, Sigma Chi, Phi Psi, Psi Omega and Theta Xi. The Sigma Nu and Phi Delta Theta houses will be ready Monday. Table service has been arranged at the Sigma Nu house for the girls there and at the Psi Omega house. Meals will be served at the Theta Xi house for freshmen residents there and at the Psi Omega house. Girls at the Sigma Chi and Phi Psi houses will take their meals at Currier hall. Three chaperons which have been obtained are Eva Campbell, Beryl Hart, and Mame Prosser. The Methodist work among the students this year will be in charge of the Rev. L. G. Rohrbaugh, new student pastor. The pastor will have his office at his home, 406 S. Clinton St. He and his wife have declared themselves anxious to meet the students of their constituency. The Rev. Mr. Rohrbaugh succeeds the Rev. L. F. Townsend who has gone to Omaha to take charge of the McCabe church there. Congregational students desiring to join Bible classes, are requested to meet Rev. Mr. Schafer at 9:30 in the church auditorium Sunday morning. [advertisement] DOVE SISTERS HAT SHOP 114 South Clinton Street Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] We Serve Regular Meals We make good breakfasts our specialty Home-made candies JOHN'S COLLEGE INN [advertisement] HAESELER & ZIMMERMAN Fine millinery GOODWIN CORSETS Fittings by appointments De Bevois Brassieres Abdominal belts Next Garden Theatre [advertisement] S. A. T. C. Loyalty----first to the country, then to home To cheer those who cannot serve but whose hearts are with you----your photograph NEWBERG STUDIO [advertisement] The Best Meal In Town at REICHARDT'S CAFE and SODA FONTAIN 21 South Dubuque St. [advertisement] RIES Iowa Book Store 30 Clinton St. TEXT BOOKS For the Colleges of Liberal Arts Medicine Dentistry Pharmacy Engineering Home Economics We Aim to Supply Everything The Student Needs Engineers Drawing sets and Supplies, Dissecting Sets Waterman, Moore and Ries' Safety Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Leather Note Books Iowa Banners and Jewelry All The Military Books JOHN T. RIES Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] AT YOUR THEATRE "Doug." Fairbanks Today and Tomorrow "Say! Young Fellow" Marguerite Clark Tuesday and Wednesday "Uncle Tom's Cabin" The Military Musical Comedy Thursday (night only) 8:15 Sharp "My Soldier Girl" Geo. M. Cohan Friday and Saturday, Oct 4th and 5th "Hit the Trail Holliday" Daily Matinee 1:30----Night at 7 ENGLERT THEATRE W. M. McKenzie, Manager [advertisement] Visit Our Military Department. We are at Your Service Army Hats Canvass Leggings Serge Uniforms Leather lined Leggins Money Belts Trench Pillows Whipcord Uniforms Officers Overcoats Service Hat Cords Service Buttons Khaki Uniforms Khaki Breeches In fact everything you need in Military goods will be found in our Department. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE Iowa City, Iowa
Sunady, September 29, 1918 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three CUPID KEPT BUSY DURING VACATION The following are some of the marriages of students and graduates of the University which took place during the past year: Della Schaefer, former student, Alpha Xi Delta, to Lieut. Harold Romine, Apollo, student in the Engineering College. Blanche Gross, senior L. A., Alpha Chi Omega, to Martin McGovern, former student. Ethel Sayre, former student, to Dr. J. C. Kessler, Medicine '06. Lulu Gray, Tri Delta, junior L. A. to Lieut. Morton. Lieut. Sarl DeNio, former student, to June Matson. Veronica Murphy, senior medic this year, to Lieut. Love Pennington. Waldo Pechau, former student in medicine, Phi Rho Sigma, to Estelle Cline. Fae Rowley, Pi, Beta Phi, former student, to Forest Huttenlocker, Phi Delta Theta, graduate of law college. Leon H. Brigham, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, to Clara Weller, Alpha Chi Omega, former student in L. A. Elaie Snavely, L. A. '14, to Fred Nordstrom. Katherine Louise Doerr, Kappa Kappa Gamma, former student to Sergt. Raymond Kelly, gradnate of Ames. Ella Feldhahn, L. A. '18, to Donald Snyder, senior medic this year. Raymond Tait, former student, Theta Xi, to Ruth Paul. Allan Kane, law '10, to Stella Hayden. Lieut. James Addison, Phi Kappa Psi, to LaNore Wise of Nevada. Francis Brown, B. A. 18, to Opal McKay, former student. Margaret Cook,, L. A. '18, Delta Gamma, to Carl Magee, former student. Adda Belle Forbes, former student, to Lieut. Harold H. Maynard, M. A. '15. Helen Dresher, L. A. '17, to Sergt. Merrill Albert. Franklin H. Swan, L. A. '10, to Jeanette Huff. Howard Anderson, senior dent this year, Phi Zeta Epsilon, to Marie Morrison, senior L. A. Sergt. Major Ray S. Potter, former student, Phi Beta PI, to Gladys Schneider, Tipton. GIRLS LIKE TO LIVE AT FRATERNITY HOMES "Say, isn't our room great?" This is a composite of the remarks made by the freshman girls who have been assigned to former fraternity houses. Four houses are now ready, Sigma Chi, Phi Psi, Psi Omega and Theta Xi. The Sigma Nu and Phi Delta Theta houses will be ready Monday. Table service has been arranged at the Sigma Nu house for the girls there and at the Psi Omega house. Meals will be served at the Theta Xi house for freshmen residents there and at the Psi Omega house. Girls at the Sigma Chi and Phi Psi houses will take their meals at Currier hall. Three chaperons which have been obtained are Eva Campbell, Beryl Hart, and Mame Prosser. The Methodist work among the students this year will be in charge of the Rev. L. G. Rohrbaugh, new student pastor. The pastor will have his office at his home, 406 S. Clinton St. He and his wife have declared themselves anxious to meet the students of their constituency. The Rev. Mr. Rohrbaugh succeeds the Rev. L. F. Townsend who has gone to Omaha to take charge of the McCabe church there. Congregational students desiring to join Bible classes, are requested to meet Rev. Mr. Schafer at 9:30 in the church auditorium Sunday morning. [advertisement] DOVE SISTERS HAT SHOP 114 South Clinton Street Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] We Serve Regular Meals We make good breakfasts our specialty Home-made candies JOHN'S COLLEGE INN [advertisement] HAESELER & ZIMMERMAN Fine millinery GOODWIN CORSETS Fittings by appointments De Bevois Brassieres Abdominal belts Next Garden Theatre [advertisement] S. A. T. C. Loyalty----first to the country, then to home To cheer those who cannot serve but whose hearts are with you----your photograph NEWBERG STUDIO [advertisement] The Best Meal In Town at REICHARDT'S CAFE and SODA FONTAIN 21 South Dubuque St. [advertisement] RIES Iowa Book Store 30 Clinton St. TEXT BOOKS For the Colleges of Liberal Arts Medicine Dentistry Pharmacy Engineering Home Economics We Aim to Supply Everything The Student Needs Engineers Drawing sets and Supplies, Dissecting Sets Waterman, Moore and Ries' Safety Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Leather Note Books Iowa Banners and Jewelry All The Military Books JOHN T. RIES Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] AT YOUR THEATRE "Doug." Fairbanks Today and Tomorrow "Say! Young Fellow" Marguerite Clark Tuesday and Wednesday "Uncle Tom's Cabin" The Military Musical Comedy Thursday (night only) 8:15 Sharp "My Soldier Girl" Geo. M. Cohan Friday and Saturday, Oct 4th and 5th "Hit the Trail Holliday" Daily Matinee 1:30----Night at 7 ENGLERT THEATRE W. M. McKenzie, Manager [advertisement] Visit Our Military Department. We are at Your Service Army Hats Canvass Leggings Serge Uniforms Leather lined Leggins Money Belts Trench Pillows Whipcord Uniforms Officers Overcoats Service Hat Cords Service Buttons Khaki Uniforms Khaki Breeches In fact everything you need in Military goods will be found in our Department. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE Iowa City, Iowa
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