Daily Iowan, October 6, 1918
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Sunday, October 6, 1918 THE DAILY IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE [W?]AR OFFICE TELLS STUDENTS' CHANGES FOR OFFICER CAMP Students To Be Transferred as Far as Possible According to Own Choice [unreadable?]P ON WITH TECHNICAL STUDIES [unreadable?]ises Men in Professional and Technical Schools Not To Consider Transfer [E?]ach soldier in the S.A.T.C. will [words missing?]ated with regard to several dis[missing] qualities, according to information just received from the War Department. [missing]heir intelligence, judged by their [acad]emic scholarship, their ability to [com]mand men, physique, business [missing]ty, character, honor,and other [qual?]ities together with individual ex[missing]sions of choice will enable intel[missing]t transfer of students, it is be[missing]d by the committee on educa[tion?] and special training. [missing]e proportion of calls upon the [S.A.]T.C. for officer candidates dur[ing?] the next nine months, say ad[missing] from the War Department, is [missing]cted to be as follows: [missing] infantry, field and coast artil[lery?] 60%. Two thirds of these will [requ]ire special preparation in math[emat]ics, such as the University is pre[pared] to give. [missing] air service, 20%. [missing] ordnance and quartermasters [missing], 10%. [missing] the remaining corps including [missing]eers, signal corps, chemical ser[missing] 10%. These corps require special technical qualifications. Information is now being prepared [missing]e government and will seen be [missing]d to each student solider which give a definite statement of the [missing] of men and the kind of prepar[missing] required by the several branches [missing] the service as well as a state[ment] of the dutires of officers of each [missing]h. [Th]e War Department further ad[missing] all student soldiers who have [missing] pursuing or had planned to pur[sue] some technical course to continue [missing] that technical line or in prepa[ration] for it. Col. R.I. Rees, chair[man] of the committee on education [missing]n regard to the number of men [missing] will be selected for officers' [missing]ng camps. While is is expected that a sub[missing] number of soldiers of the S.A.T.C. will develop sufficiently [missing]rrant their transfer to the offi[cers] training schools for infantry and various corps, and there be giv[ing] [a] chance to demonstrate their [missing] as prospective officers, it [missing] be understood that the selec[mssing] will be on a highly competitive [missing] and that many will necessarily [be] transferred without special rec[missing]ndation in this regard. Such will have their further opportu[nity] to qualify for commission in the [missing] of active service." [LIE]UT. R.E. DUNHAM DIES OF PNEUMONIA [missing]er Student Passes Away After Influenza Attack; Funeral Friday Funeral services of Lieut. Robert Dunham of the National Army [will be] held in the Methodist church [Friday] afternoon. In the absence of [missing] E. Ellis, the Rev. Ira J. Hous[missing] [of] the First Congregational [Church?] conducted the services, which [were] given full rites of a military funeral. The S.A.T.C. provided an escort in honor of the solider. Lieut. Dunham was perhaps the victim of Spanish influenza in Iowa City. After receiving his commission at Ft. Sheridan he was taken ill. He came home and although hopes were held for his recovery he never completely recovered his first illness. Pneumonia developed and death quickly followed. The young man completed his sophomore year in the chemical engineering course in the University last June. Lieut. Dunham was born in Oakdale 19 years ago. He came here with his mother, Mrs. Melissa Dunham to receive his education. ELY WINS PROMOTION Brig-Gen. Hanson E. Ely's, formerly of Iowa City has been promoted to major generalship. His friends will be glad to hear of his quick advancement since his remarkable action in the battle of Cantigny. He entered the college of law in '98, but did not finish his course, as he left to fill his appointment at West Point. He has been in the service since his graduation from the military school at West Point. GETS NEW SOCIAL WORKERS Bessie A. McClenahan social welfare worker at the extension division, [advertisment] ENGLERT THEATRE TUESDAY, OCT. 8TH THE GREATEST MUSICAL SHOW IN AMERICA Comes Here After All-Season Runs in Boston and New York, Where It Made Over 1,000,000 People Realize the the Joy of Living KLAW & ERLANGER'S SUPREME MUSICAL COMEDY TRIUMPH MISS SPRINGTIME By Kalman, Bolton and Wodehouse Radiant with Youth and Beauty Enthralling Melodies Rollicking Fun Wonderfully Scened Prices: 50c to $2.00 Seats Monday TICKETS BY MAIL NOW [advertisement] EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR RAZOR STORE Safety Razors in Stock: Gillette, Ever Ready, Gem, Enders. Blades in stock: Gillette, Auto Strop, Gem, Ever Ready, Enders, O.V.B., Keen Kutter' Clark's. DO YOU KNOW THE BIG HARDWARE? SMITH& CILEK WASHINGTON STREET who is well known over the state through her work in organizing the charities of ten or more of the largest cities, has resigned her position and will be succeeded by Sarah A. Howell, who has had several years experience in social work. Y.W. SEEK WORKERS Many calls have come to the Y.W.C.A. for girls to work for their room and board. If the girls desiring work will leave their names and addresses at the Y.W. office they will be put in touch with those who have made calls. INSTRUCTORS ORDERED TO TAKE EXAMINATION All Members of the University's administrative and instructional staffs are ordered to take special medical examinations at the University hospital Monday. The order has been posted under the name of Pres. W.A. Jessup, who is extremely eager that every precaution be taken to prevent the spreading of the influenza among the students and townspeople The hours for this examination will be from 8 to 12 o'clock and from 1:30 to 4 o'clock. MIXER POSTPONED The Y.W.C.A. mixer which was to have been at the liberal arts drawing room Friday was postponed on account of the Spanish influenza epidemic. [advertisement] THE NEW SONG "THREE CHEERS FOR IOWA" SADIE HESS FORD Souvenir Edition Now Out BUY A COPY AND SEND HOME For Sale at SUNIER'S MUSIC HOUSE 112 EAST WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] ARMY SHOES Any Size Priced to suit your Pocketbook A. Abramsohn 119 E. WASHINGTON Herbert O. Pillars and E.G. Rich, students in the college of applied science and Jackies from the Great Lakes station have been ordered to report to Dunwoody Institute at Minneapolis for naval aviation training.
Sunday, October 6, 1918 THE DAILY IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE [W?]AR OFFICE TELLS STUDENTS' CHANGES FOR OFFICER CAMP Students To Be Transferred as Far as Possible According to Own Choice [unreadable?]P ON WITH TECHNICAL STUDIES [unreadable?]ises Men in Professional and Technical Schools Not To Consider Transfer [E?]ach soldier in the S.A.T.C. will [words missing?]ated with regard to several dis[missing] qualities, according to information just received from the War Department. [missing]heir intelligence, judged by their [acad]emic scholarship, their ability to [com]mand men, physique, business [missing]ty, character, honor,and other [qual?]ities together with individual ex[missing]sions of choice will enable intel[missing]t transfer of students, it is be[missing]d by the committee on educa[tion?] and special training. [missing]e proportion of calls upon the [S.A.]T.C. for officer candidates dur[ing?] the next nine months, say ad[missing] from the War Department, is [missing]cted to be as follows: [missing] infantry, field and coast artil[lery?] 60%. Two thirds of these will [requ]ire special preparation in math[emat]ics, such as the University is pre[pared] to give. [missing] air service, 20%. [missing] ordnance and quartermasters [missing], 10%. [missing] the remaining corps including [missing]eers, signal corps, chemical ser[missing] 10%. These corps require special technical qualifications. Information is now being prepared [missing]e government and will seen be [missing]d to each student solider which give a definite statement of the [missing] of men and the kind of prepar[missing] required by the several branches [missing] the service as well as a state[ment] of the dutires of officers of each [missing]h. [Th]e War Department further ad[missing] all student soldiers who have [missing] pursuing or had planned to pur[sue] some technical course to continue [missing] that technical line or in prepa[ration] for it. Col. R.I. Rees, chair[man] of the committee on education [missing]n regard to the number of men [missing] will be selected for officers' [missing]ng camps. While is is expected that a sub[missing] number of soldiers of the S.A.T.C. will develop sufficiently [missing]rrant their transfer to the offi[cers] training schools for infantry and various corps, and there be giv[ing] [a] chance to demonstrate their [missing] as prospective officers, it [missing] be understood that the selec[mssing] will be on a highly competitive [missing] and that many will necessarily [be] transferred without special rec[missing]ndation in this regard. Such will have their further opportu[nity] to qualify for commission in the [missing] of active service." [LIE]UT. R.E. DUNHAM DIES OF PNEUMONIA [missing]er Student Passes Away After Influenza Attack; Funeral Friday Funeral services of Lieut. Robert Dunham of the National Army [will be] held in the Methodist church [Friday] afternoon. In the absence of [missing] E. Ellis, the Rev. Ira J. Hous[missing] [of] the First Congregational [Church?] conducted the services, which [were] given full rites of a military funeral. The S.A.T.C. provided an escort in honor of the solider. Lieut. Dunham was perhaps the victim of Spanish influenza in Iowa City. After receiving his commission at Ft. Sheridan he was taken ill. He came home and although hopes were held for his recovery he never completely recovered his first illness. Pneumonia developed and death quickly followed. The young man completed his sophomore year in the chemical engineering course in the University last June. Lieut. Dunham was born in Oakdale 19 years ago. He came here with his mother, Mrs. Melissa Dunham to receive his education. ELY WINS PROMOTION Brig-Gen. Hanson E. Ely's, formerly of Iowa City has been promoted to major generalship. His friends will be glad to hear of his quick advancement since his remarkable action in the battle of Cantigny. He entered the college of law in '98, but did not finish his course, as he left to fill his appointment at West Point. He has been in the service since his graduation from the military school at West Point. GETS NEW SOCIAL WORKERS Bessie A. McClenahan social welfare worker at the extension division, [advertisment] ENGLERT THEATRE TUESDAY, OCT. 8TH THE GREATEST MUSICAL SHOW IN AMERICA Comes Here After All-Season Runs in Boston and New York, Where It Made Over 1,000,000 People Realize the the Joy of Living KLAW & ERLANGER'S SUPREME MUSICAL COMEDY TRIUMPH MISS SPRINGTIME By Kalman, Bolton and Wodehouse Radiant with Youth and Beauty Enthralling Melodies Rollicking Fun Wonderfully Scened Prices: 50c to $2.00 Seats Monday TICKETS BY MAIL NOW [advertisement] EVER-READY SAFETY RAZOR RAZOR STORE Safety Razors in Stock: Gillette, Ever Ready, Gem, Enders. Blades in stock: Gillette, Auto Strop, Gem, Ever Ready, Enders, O.V.B., Keen Kutter' Clark's. DO YOU KNOW THE BIG HARDWARE? SMITH& CILEK WASHINGTON STREET who is well known over the state through her work in organizing the charities of ten or more of the largest cities, has resigned her position and will be succeeded by Sarah A. Howell, who has had several years experience in social work. Y.W. SEEK WORKERS Many calls have come to the Y.W.C.A. for girls to work for their room and board. If the girls desiring work will leave their names and addresses at the Y.W. office they will be put in touch with those who have made calls. INSTRUCTORS ORDERED TO TAKE EXAMINATION All Members of the University's administrative and instructional staffs are ordered to take special medical examinations at the University hospital Monday. The order has been posted under the name of Pres. W.A. Jessup, who is extremely eager that every precaution be taken to prevent the spreading of the influenza among the students and townspeople The hours for this examination will be from 8 to 12 o'clock and from 1:30 to 4 o'clock. MIXER POSTPONED The Y.W.C.A. mixer which was to have been at the liberal arts drawing room Friday was postponed on account of the Spanish influenza epidemic. [advertisement] THE NEW SONG "THREE CHEERS FOR IOWA" SADIE HESS FORD Souvenir Edition Now Out BUY A COPY AND SEND HOME For Sale at SUNIER'S MUSIC HOUSE 112 EAST WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] ARMY SHOES Any Size Priced to suit your Pocketbook A. Abramsohn 119 E. WASHINGTON Herbert O. Pillars and E.G. Rich, students in the college of applied science and Jackies from the Great Lakes station have been ordered to report to Dunwoody Institute at Minneapolis for naval aviation training.
Daily Iowan Newspapers