Daily Iowan, October 24, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, October 24, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10C a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT- A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times LOST-Waltham gold watch in City Park. Hunting case, one lid removed. Name in back. Liberal reward. Call 1091. LOST- Kappa key. Finder call 1052 14 WANTED- A boy to care for furnace. Martin J. Wade, 115 N. Clinton 13 RUTH PAXSON Y.W. SECRETARY Iowa is Only University Supporting a Foreign Secretary One of the activities of the University Y.W.C.A that is of general interest to students and alumni is the financial support given to Miss Ruth Paxson, '98, who is national student secretary for all China. Miss Paxson, while a student in the University, was a prominent in many activities of the school, and she has carried her talent and spirit with her foreign work. For a number of years after her graduation she was national secretary of the student volunteer. In 1911 she went to China for the first time, not returning until 1916. A year ago, in August, year term, this time to be supported entirely by the students and alumnae of Iowa. The $1400.00 to be raised each year for the maintenance of Miss Paxson in China is divided into three parts: $200 is contributed by the alumnae of all classes below 1895, $50 by all classes between 1895 and 1918, and $159 by the undergraduate body. Wellesley supports two secretaries in China, and the University of Chicago has one in India, but Iowa is the first state university to have a secretary of its own. As the result of Miss Paxson's first five-year term, China has had one extensive summer conference and six other conferences with 652 delegates; eighty-two associations have been formed, and seven Bible classes are in progress at Sientsin, the only government school at which there is an association. (continued from page 1) seen in action against the Jones machine. Upon hearing that the Grinnell game had been cancelled and Minnesota made the team for the Homecoming game, President Jessup has appointed a committee to have a charge of affairs. The probabilities are that the lid will be off of the quarantine, thus allowing the women of the university and public in general to attend. Applications for tickets to the game will be cared for at a later date. It is most likely that the ticket applications will be taken at Whetstone's secretary's office and in the liberal arts building. The number of tickets that one person may buy has not been fixed as yet, but it is almost certain that a year book will entitle the owner to the right of getting another ticket in addition to the one he will get on the year book. These additional tickets will be sold at the regular price as that received for those on the year books. The way things stand at ppresent, the women are to be assured of seeing at least two games and a chance of a third. By arranging the schedule in this manner, local followers will be able to see one of the best teams in action for the Homecoming date. KICK! If your copy of The Iowan is not delivered regularly, please let us know. The Iowan is trying to give the best of service, but conditions of quarantine and influenza are making it difficult. Help us to help you. Phone our business office, 935, or leave your complaint at the Chesnutt Printing Co., 103 Iowa avenue, under the University Book Store. Thanks. NEW SERVICE FLAG HONORS UNIVERSITY 14 Gold Stars and 1129 Blue Ones Tell of Active Part Iowa is Taking in War Prof. C.A.Cumming of the department of graphic and plastic arts planned and supervised the making of the new service flag which hands in front of the Old Capitol. The old service flag was made of bunting and the stars were stamped, but the new flag, including the figures are fringe, is made of all wool felt for the sake of durability as well as clearness of color. All the plans for the new flag were made under Professor Cumming's direction and the actual work was done in the department of home economics. The flag is entirely made and planned by University people. At the time the flag was made there were 1129 Iowa men in the service and 14 dead. The figures can be easily read from the street and from time to time the numbers can be changed, as an entire set of numbers was made. When the flag was made the men who had died in service were: Charles Frederick Allen-died of pneumonia at Pasadena. Lieut. Richard Ristine - killed in an airplane accident at Gerstner Field. Lieut. Charles Edward Benton-killed in an automobile accident at camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa. Lloyd Hawley Carter-killed in an airplane accident at Leaside. Lieut. Paul Hyman-killed in action. Lieut. Paul W. Cloe- died of pneumonia at Camp Dodge. Michael Kerwin- died of pneumonia Camp Dodge. George Gilchrist Luckey- died of pneumonia at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Capt. Edward M. Sheehan of pneumonia at Camp Cody. Sergeant John M. Deane Stuart died of pneumonia at Camp Cody. Corporal Robert G. Odle- died at Camp Dodge. Lieut. Fred H. Becker - killed in action. Lieut. Robert Dunham- died of pneumonia in Iowa City. Send The Iowa Home SUITS COATS, DRESSES It was never so much before women's duty to be well dressed as during these war times, for during this period women are the keepers of the nation. A well-dressed smart looking woman puts courage and hopefully spirit in every beholder. So women must be particularly well dressed this year to keep up our morale, and they must do it on the least expenditure. This result may be obtained by making your selections from Our Splendid Stocks. They might be called patriotic garments, so thoroughly do they express the spirit of the moment in their beauty, their common sense, their individuality, their adaptability to every need, which is, after all, the true note of the American woman. This is Ideal Suit Weather It is a source of great pleasure to us that we are well prepared. Beautiful practical Wool Suits, very specially priced at- $25.00, $29.50 and $35.00 More Dressy Suits range from $39.50 to $125.00 Early Fall Coats Here is an opportunity to buy high grade practical Coats, made of Gaberdine, Poplin and Mixtures, at less than the cost of material. Very special values at - $12.98 and $19.98 Charming Satin and Silk Poplin Dresses Good serviceable Wool Dresses at- $9.98, $15.00 aud $18-50 UNCLE SAM says: "Speed up the Christmas Selling." Do your Christmas shopping at the earliest possible moment, so there will be no congestion of mail and express Skirts Ideal for Service and Style at $7.98 These Skirts merit careful consideration from women who are exacting about being tastily, fashionably and economically dressed. FREE-One $1.00 Waist with each of these Skirts sold. Waists One big lot of Ladies' White Voile and Organdie Waists, very special values at only $1.50 each. Yetter's THE BIG STORE IOWA CITY'S GREATEST AND BEST STORE Is Your Soldier Boy a long way from Home? If he is, he will probably want to hear from all his old University friends. He will want to know the astonishing developments that are now taking place on the old campus. You can write him of course. But you are busy and can't remember to tell him everything when you write to him. THE DAILY IOWAN will solve your problem. This student owned University newspaper makes a specialty of gathering accurately and quickly all the news of the campus. Subscribe now and let your boy know that the University is a real military camp is doing its share in the winning of the war. For the period of the war published three times a week. Subscription $2.
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, October 24, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10C a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT- A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times LOST-Waltham gold watch in City Park. Hunting case, one lid removed. Name in back. Liberal reward. Call 1091. LOST- Kappa key. Finder call 1052 14 WANTED- A boy to care for furnace. Martin J. Wade, 115 N. Clinton 13 RUTH PAXSON Y.W. SECRETARY Iowa is Only University Supporting a Foreign Secretary One of the activities of the University Y.W.C.A that is of general interest to students and alumni is the financial support given to Miss Ruth Paxson, '98, who is national student secretary for all China. Miss Paxson, while a student in the University, was a prominent in many activities of the school, and she has carried her talent and spirit with her foreign work. For a number of years after her graduation she was national secretary of the student volunteer. In 1911 she went to China for the first time, not returning until 1916. A year ago, in August, year term, this time to be supported entirely by the students and alumnae of Iowa. The $1400.00 to be raised each year for the maintenance of Miss Paxson in China is divided into three parts: $200 is contributed by the alumnae of all classes below 1895, $50 by all classes between 1895 and 1918, and $159 by the undergraduate body. Wellesley supports two secretaries in China, and the University of Chicago has one in India, but Iowa is the first state university to have a secretary of its own. As the result of Miss Paxson's first five-year term, China has had one extensive summer conference and six other conferences with 652 delegates; eighty-two associations have been formed, and seven Bible classes are in progress at Sientsin, the only government school at which there is an association. (continued from page 1) seen in action against the Jones machine. Upon hearing that the Grinnell game had been cancelled and Minnesota made the team for the Homecoming game, President Jessup has appointed a committee to have a charge of affairs. The probabilities are that the lid will be off of the quarantine, thus allowing the women of the university and public in general to attend. Applications for tickets to the game will be cared for at a later date. It is most likely that the ticket applications will be taken at Whetstone's secretary's office and in the liberal arts building. The number of tickets that one person may buy has not been fixed as yet, but it is almost certain that a year book will entitle the owner to the right of getting another ticket in addition to the one he will get on the year book. These additional tickets will be sold at the regular price as that received for those on the year books. The way things stand at ppresent, the women are to be assured of seeing at least two games and a chance of a third. By arranging the schedule in this manner, local followers will be able to see one of the best teams in action for the Homecoming date. KICK! If your copy of The Iowan is not delivered regularly, please let us know. The Iowan is trying to give the best of service, but conditions of quarantine and influenza are making it difficult. Help us to help you. Phone our business office, 935, or leave your complaint at the Chesnutt Printing Co., 103 Iowa avenue, under the University Book Store. Thanks. NEW SERVICE FLAG HONORS UNIVERSITY 14 Gold Stars and 1129 Blue Ones Tell of Active Part Iowa is Taking in War Prof. C.A.Cumming of the department of graphic and plastic arts planned and supervised the making of the new service flag which hands in front of the Old Capitol. The old service flag was made of bunting and the stars were stamped, but the new flag, including the figures are fringe, is made of all wool felt for the sake of durability as well as clearness of color. All the plans for the new flag were made under Professor Cumming's direction and the actual work was done in the department of home economics. The flag is entirely made and planned by University people. At the time the flag was made there were 1129 Iowa men in the service and 14 dead. The figures can be easily read from the street and from time to time the numbers can be changed, as an entire set of numbers was made. When the flag was made the men who had died in service were: Charles Frederick Allen-died of pneumonia at Pasadena. Lieut. Richard Ristine - killed in an airplane accident at Gerstner Field. Lieut. Charles Edward Benton-killed in an automobile accident at camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa. Lloyd Hawley Carter-killed in an airplane accident at Leaside. Lieut. Paul Hyman-killed in action. Lieut. Paul W. Cloe- died of pneumonia at Camp Dodge. Michael Kerwin- died of pneumonia Camp Dodge. George Gilchrist Luckey- died of pneumonia at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Capt. Edward M. Sheehan of pneumonia at Camp Cody. Sergeant John M. Deane Stuart died of pneumonia at Camp Cody. Corporal Robert G. Odle- died at Camp Dodge. Lieut. Fred H. Becker - killed in action. Lieut. Robert Dunham- died of pneumonia in Iowa City. Send The Iowa Home SUITS COATS, DRESSES It was never so much before women's duty to be well dressed as during these war times, for during this period women are the keepers of the nation. A well-dressed smart looking woman puts courage and hopefully spirit in every beholder. So women must be particularly well dressed this year to keep up our morale, and they must do it on the least expenditure. This result may be obtained by making your selections from Our Splendid Stocks. They might be called patriotic garments, so thoroughly do they express the spirit of the moment in their beauty, their common sense, their individuality, their adaptability to every need, which is, after all, the true note of the American woman. This is Ideal Suit Weather It is a source of great pleasure to us that we are well prepared. Beautiful practical Wool Suits, very specially priced at- $25.00, $29.50 and $35.00 More Dressy Suits range from $39.50 to $125.00 Early Fall Coats Here is an opportunity to buy high grade practical Coats, made of Gaberdine, Poplin and Mixtures, at less than the cost of material. Very special values at - $12.98 and $19.98 Charming Satin and Silk Poplin Dresses Good serviceable Wool Dresses at- $9.98, $15.00 aud $18-50 UNCLE SAM says: "Speed up the Christmas Selling." Do your Christmas shopping at the earliest possible moment, so there will be no congestion of mail and express Skirts Ideal for Service and Style at $7.98 These Skirts merit careful consideration from women who are exacting about being tastily, fashionably and economically dressed. FREE-One $1.00 Waist with each of these Skirts sold. Waists One big lot of Ladies' White Voile and Organdie Waists, very special values at only $1.50 each. Yetter's THE BIG STORE IOWA CITY'S GREATEST AND BEST STORE Is Your Soldier Boy a long way from Home? If he is, he will probably want to hear from all his old University friends. He will want to know the astonishing developments that are now taking place on the old campus. You can write him of course. But you are busy and can't remember to tell him everything when you write to him. THE DAILY IOWAN will solve your problem. This student owned University newspaper makes a specialty of gathering accurately and quickly all the news of the campus. Subscribe now and let your boy know that the University is a real military camp is doing its share in the winning of the war. For the period of the war published three times a week. Subscription $2.
Daily Iowan Newspapers