Daily Iowan, November 7, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, November 7, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance FOR RENT-A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST-Grey kid glove. Call 2147 FOR RENT-Modern light housekeeping roms. 505 E. Washington St. Close in 19 New perfumes in latest odors at McGuan Bros. Pharmacy, 123 Clinto St. 19 LOST-Elgin wrist watch. Black leather case. Probably on campus. Return to Iowan office. 1 LOST-A Tri Delt pin. Return to this office and receive reward. (continued from page 1) JONES SENDS TEAM THROUGH WORKOUT being assisted by several old Iowa stars. Bunt Kirk a former All-conference tackle has been out all the week instructing the linemen in the finer points, and his coaching has already brought some gratifying results. Then, there is Obie Obrien, an All-Conference center and one of the best dropkickers in the west; he has aided in the developing the center of the line. Shrader, end on the West Point eleven, and former Iowa track star, has come out to help the coach in his task of molding a fighting machine. With the players doing their best and tutored by formidable staff of coached, it looks as if the Hawkeyes have as good or better than an even chance to whip the Gophers in the Home-coming game. Y.W.C.A MEETING Y.W.C.A alumnae business building dozens [illegible] in the [illegible] room at ten o'clock Saturday morning. The annual election of officers is to be held, and all alumnae Y.W.C.A. members are especially urged to come. (continued from page 1) UNIVERSITY PLANS BIG HOME COMING will be decorated in gala attired for the annual Homecoming event. Automobiles will be provided to take the alumni and guests around the University. Trips will be made to the new campus across the river, to the site of the new barracks and the childrens' hospital. Special intleligence officers will explain the new system of study, conduct, and the entire academic an dmilitary life will be explained. The executive committee of the Iowa association will be held Friday evening. The following members of the association will be present: W.H. Bremer, of Minnesota, Will. O. Finkbine of Des Moines, Robert Banister of Des Moines, a former president of the association, J.J. McConnell of Cedar Rapids and Carl Kuehle. EXPEDITION PICTURES WILL BE SHOWN HERE Maurice R. Ricker, official photographer for the Barbados-Antigua expedition which left here last April, returning in August, has notified Prof. C.C. Nutting that 7,000 feet of motion pictures have been developed. The films show pictures of street scenes in the islands, movements of birds and animals and the surf as it dashes over the rocks. Five hundred still negatives taken on the expedition are clear and good and from these lantern slides are being made. Professor Nutting is at present working upon some of these slide in his laboratory. Both the motion and still pictures will be shown at the University some time during this year. MUSEUM IS USED FOR SUPERVISED STUDY Girls May Use Library Until 7:30 May Study in Nutting's Laboratory Later Supervised study hours for S.A.T.C. men in the college of Liberal arts are now being conducted in the museum on the second floor of the hall of natural science. Every man who has a free hour and is not detailed on some other work is expected to appear there. This room which has a seating capacity of 230 will also be used at night in addition to the general library which holds 320. One or more members of the faculty will be present at all times to take charge. Now that the quarantine is over the girls will also have the privilege of the library at night, but they will do their studying after 7:30 in Professor Nutting's laboratory in the basement. Library assistants will probably be stationed there, so that they will have no difficulty in getting the books that they wish. The following guests are expected at the Gamma Phi house for Homecoming: Marriane Ashford of Cedar Rapids, Helen Bergman of Newton, Eva Wright of Iowa Falls, Chloris Waterbury of Des Moines, and Florence Dennison Quigley L.A. '-6 Hesperian literary society will meet this year in the University club's rooms. The first program meeting will be next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Aurner. The literary societies met last night, Erodelphian at the home of Mrs. Aurner's Athena at the Alice Dragstedt's and Octave Thanet at Ethel Verry's home. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CONER Text Books and Supplies ALL COLLEGES ALL ENGINEERS SUPPLIES CARRY ON The Iowa Ticket (SENIOR CLASS) President...Lillian Prentiss ..Vice-President... Albert Wilcox Cor. Secretary... Helen Grotewohl Rec. Secretary... Romola Latchem Athletic Representative...Ronald Reed Treasurer...Violet Blakely Class Delegate...Mary Huebner Take Off the Chill It's Food for Your Health Our Florence Oil Healters are easy to operate and care for. Can be carried from room to room. They ae Smokeless, Odorless and Sanitary. Save Coal and be comfortable. Priced from $4.00 to $7.50 The Big Hardware and Stove Store on Washington SMITH & CILEK MINNESOTA-IOWA FOOTBALL GAME Buy your tickets now for the big Homecoming game. Tickets will be on general sale at Whetstone's THURSDAY 1:30 COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH TICKETS $1.50, $2.00
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, November 7, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance FOR RENT-A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST-Grey kid glove. Call 2147 FOR RENT-Modern light housekeeping roms. 505 E. Washington St. Close in 19 New perfumes in latest odors at McGuan Bros. Pharmacy, 123 Clinto St. 19 LOST-Elgin wrist watch. Black leather case. Probably on campus. Return to Iowan office. 1 LOST-A Tri Delt pin. Return to this office and receive reward. (continued from page 1) JONES SENDS TEAM THROUGH WORKOUT being assisted by several old Iowa stars. Bunt Kirk a former All-conference tackle has been out all the week instructing the linemen in the finer points, and his coaching has already brought some gratifying results. Then, there is Obie Obrien, an All-Conference center and one of the best dropkickers in the west; he has aided in the developing the center of the line. Shrader, end on the West Point eleven, and former Iowa track star, has come out to help the coach in his task of molding a fighting machine. With the players doing their best and tutored by formidable staff of coached, it looks as if the Hawkeyes have as good or better than an even chance to whip the Gophers in the Home-coming game. Y.W.C.A MEETING Y.W.C.A alumnae business building dozens [illegible] in the [illegible] room at ten o'clock Saturday morning. The annual election of officers is to be held, and all alumnae Y.W.C.A. members are especially urged to come. (continued from page 1) UNIVERSITY PLANS BIG HOME COMING will be decorated in gala attired for the annual Homecoming event. Automobiles will be provided to take the alumni and guests around the University. Trips will be made to the new campus across the river, to the site of the new barracks and the childrens' hospital. Special intleligence officers will explain the new system of study, conduct, and the entire academic an dmilitary life will be explained. The executive committee of the Iowa association will be held Friday evening. The following members of the association will be present: W.H. Bremer, of Minnesota, Will. O. Finkbine of Des Moines, Robert Banister of Des Moines, a former president of the association, J.J. McConnell of Cedar Rapids and Carl Kuehle. EXPEDITION PICTURES WILL BE SHOWN HERE Maurice R. Ricker, official photographer for the Barbados-Antigua expedition which left here last April, returning in August, has notified Prof. C.C. Nutting that 7,000 feet of motion pictures have been developed. The films show pictures of street scenes in the islands, movements of birds and animals and the surf as it dashes over the rocks. Five hundred still negatives taken on the expedition are clear and good and from these lantern slides are being made. Professor Nutting is at present working upon some of these slide in his laboratory. Both the motion and still pictures will be shown at the University some time during this year. MUSEUM IS USED FOR SUPERVISED STUDY Girls May Use Library Until 7:30 May Study in Nutting's Laboratory Later Supervised study hours for S.A.T.C. men in the college of Liberal arts are now being conducted in the museum on the second floor of the hall of natural science. Every man who has a free hour and is not detailed on some other work is expected to appear there. This room which has a seating capacity of 230 will also be used at night in addition to the general library which holds 320. One or more members of the faculty will be present at all times to take charge. Now that the quarantine is over the girls will also have the privilege of the library at night, but they will do their studying after 7:30 in Professor Nutting's laboratory in the basement. Library assistants will probably be stationed there, so that they will have no difficulty in getting the books that they wish. The following guests are expected at the Gamma Phi house for Homecoming: Marriane Ashford of Cedar Rapids, Helen Bergman of Newton, Eva Wright of Iowa Falls, Chloris Waterbury of Des Moines, and Florence Dennison Quigley L.A. '-6 Hesperian literary society will meet this year in the University club's rooms. The first program meeting will be next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Aurner. The literary societies met last night, Erodelphian at the home of Mrs. Aurner's Athena at the Alice Dragstedt's and Octave Thanet at Ethel Verry's home. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CONER Text Books and Supplies ALL COLLEGES ALL ENGINEERS SUPPLIES CARRY ON The Iowa Ticket (SENIOR CLASS) President...Lillian Prentiss ..Vice-President... Albert Wilcox Cor. Secretary... Helen Grotewohl Rec. Secretary... Romola Latchem Athletic Representative...Ronald Reed Treasurer...Violet Blakely Class Delegate...Mary Huebner Take Off the Chill It's Food for Your Health Our Florence Oil Healters are easy to operate and care for. Can be carried from room to room. They ae Smokeless, Odorless and Sanitary. Save Coal and be comfortable. Priced from $4.00 to $7.50 The Big Hardware and Stove Store on Washington SMITH & CILEK MINNESOTA-IOWA FOOTBALL GAME Buy your tickets now for the big Homecoming game. Tickets will be on general sale at Whetstone's THURSDAY 1:30 COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH TICKETS $1.50, $2.00
Daily Iowan Newspapers