Daily Iowan, November 9, 1918
Page 8
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THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT- A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST- Grey kid glove. Call 2147. FOR RENT- Modern light housekeeping rooms. 505 E. Washington St. Close in. 19 New perfumes in latest odors at McGuan Bros. Pharmacy, 123 Clinton St. 19 LOST- A Tri Delt pin. Return to this office and receive reward. WANTED- Girl to wait on table for board. Call Red 870. 21 JONES SENDS MEN IN STIFF PRACTICE (continued from page 1) The backfield lined up with Donnelly and Scott at the halves, Kelley piloting the team and Lohman the plunging tank, in the full back position. Much is expected of Lohman who tore the Nebraska line for a total yardage of 92 yards in 24 attempts at their line. HAWKEYES FEEL CONFIDENT The Iowa team declares it will put up the best fight of the year when they take the kickoff today. Last Saturday's defeat has made the Iowa eleven play harder football than ever, it is safe to predict that and the brand of play the Hawks are to exhibit will outclass their last performance by a long ways. Although the Gophers have always had a walkway with the Iowa team, the eleven that they will line up against them tomorrow will play them to the last. A victory over the Gophers will put the Hawkeyes in the race for honors again. The Old Gold machine has seven last year men on the team while the Gopher eleven has but two men from the old team. Everything is set for a hard fight, and every Hawkeye will do his best playing to make the Iowa Fights to Win slogan a reality when the final score of today's contest is known. Mrs. Carrie Ring Irish has received word that her husband, Lieut. O. J. Irish, of the sanitary corps, has reached his detachment near Dignon France and has been assigned to evacuation hospital 22. Grace Smith, a sophomore last year, is teacher at Salix. Alma Kroeger, '18, is the guest of friends at Currier hall. Ruth Daggett, Gamma Phi Beta, who was summoned to Ottumwa because of her father's illness, has returned. Edna Barnholdt and Esther Hedges who live at the Sigma Chi annex, are entertaining Esther and Florence Wilson of Avoca. Lorraine Taft, Gamma Phi Beta, and Althea McGrath, Kappa Kappa Gamma, will spend Sunday at home in Des Moines. Ethel Woodbridge and Mildred Crane of Central City, and Adale Kimm from Blairstown, all sophomores last year, will attend the Minnesota game. Ruth Holmes is visiting Lucille Sawyer at the Alpha Theta house and other friends this week. Frances Jamieson from the Phi Psi annex has gone to Morning Sun and to Brighton to attend the funerals of friends. Portia Parker has been ill since Wednesday at the Phi Psi house. Marguerite Brueckner '17 who is teaching at Milford is home now while her school is dismissed because of influenze. Mrs. S. A. Ford is the guest of her daughter Ruth at the Alpha Chi Omega house. HAPPY HOMECOMING TO THE OLD FRIENDS AND THE NEW ONES TOO IT IS A GREAT PLEASURE TO WELCOME THE ALUMNI AND OTHER VISITORS To Iowa City and to extend to you a most cordial invitation to visit. THE BIG STORE EVERY CONVENIENCE OF THIS STORE IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL We have made preparations for you and are ready to supply your every need. Visit us, come where you'll be best served, where you'll find courtesy, intelligence, reliability, fair prices, and a stock of new merchandise that will make shopping here pleasurable and profitable COME WHERE YOU'LL FIND A COLLECTION OF MERCHANDISE DISTINCTIVELY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PREVAILING MODES IN ALL ITS PHASES We can also show you many thing which would make specially acceptable remembrances to take to the home folks, also- CHRISTMAS GIFTS THE SAILOR DRESS PICTURED AT THE LEFT IS ESPECIALLY APPROPRIATE FOR COLLEGE GIRLS Modestly Priced at $14.98 A dress with the best tailoring, that will delight the wearer and make her look as youthful, attractive, and stylish as the picture. It is made of all wool, double warp serge, trimmed with braid, red silk tie, and emblem on sleeve. The dress, navy blue, is trimmed with a red braid- also made in dark red serge with black trimmings, sizes 14, 16, 18, and 20. A value that cannot be duplicated now for less than $20.00. We consider it an exceptional value at . . . . . . . $14.98 WELL CHOSEN AND PRACTICAL ARE THE NANCY LEE FROCKS FOR STUDENT GIRLS $29.50 Two piece poiret twill and all-wool gaberdine in navy, three styles, one of which is pictured at the right. These attractive frocks are, first of all, practical. There is nothing lacking, nothing overdone and yet they possess that exclusive something which is known as style. If you are looking for a frock for practical and dressy wear, one that will create the admiration of your friends, you can make no better selections than NANCY LEE FROCKS at . . . . . . . $29.50 SPECIAL VALUES FOR HOMECOMING TWO GREAT SUIT VALUES FOR HOMECOMING. These handsome all wool suits of gaberdine, poplin and serge, values up to $40., for . . . . . . $25.00 and $35.00 All finer suits go at a relatively low price. NEW SATIN DRESSES, beautifully trimmed, also all wool serge dresses in a variety of colors that sold up to $20.00, Homecoming day . . . . . . . $9.98 to $14.98 WAISTS- THE PRETTIEST ASSEMBLAGE WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. Waists for every exacting taste- waists for every occasion. Georgette and crepe-de-chine. Waists, unusually dainty and attractive, regularly $5.00, Homecoming day, special at . . . . . . . $3.98 New Georgette waists from the simple tailored models to the very handsome, elaborate models for dress occasions, extra values from . . . . . . $5.98 to $10.98 EARLY BOUGHT STEAMER AND AUTO, FRINGED BLANKETS. Surely you remember how scarce these blankets were last year. They are going to be just as scarce this season as they were the last one. They come in pretty plaids and are just the thing to protect you from the cold while attending the game. Save by buying now. The prices are moderate. SWEATERS THAT WILL KEEP YOU WARM. These beautiful new sweaters are fresh from their packing boxes, November weather calls for just such garments as these. You'll find the much wanted shades here ranging from . . . . . . . $6.98 to $15.00 NOVEL AND PRETTY ARE THE NEW SILK PETTICOATS. The variety is so great that we can match almost any suit or dress. We are offering unusual values for Homecoming event. $3.50 and $3.98. YETTER'S THE BIG STORE SUPERB STYLES AND RICHEST FABRICS Make our coats unusually attractive. All are reasonably priced- Don't fail to visit tour apparel section. COMMENCE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW Begin choosing useful articles, laying them aside for the holidays.
THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT- A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST- Grey kid glove. Call 2147. FOR RENT- Modern light housekeeping rooms. 505 E. Washington St. Close in. 19 New perfumes in latest odors at McGuan Bros. Pharmacy, 123 Clinton St. 19 LOST- A Tri Delt pin. Return to this office and receive reward. WANTED- Girl to wait on table for board. Call Red 870. 21 JONES SENDS MEN IN STIFF PRACTICE (continued from page 1) The backfield lined up with Donnelly and Scott at the halves, Kelley piloting the team and Lohman the plunging tank, in the full back position. Much is expected of Lohman who tore the Nebraska line for a total yardage of 92 yards in 24 attempts at their line. HAWKEYES FEEL CONFIDENT The Iowa team declares it will put up the best fight of the year when they take the kickoff today. Last Saturday's defeat has made the Iowa eleven play harder football than ever, it is safe to predict that and the brand of play the Hawks are to exhibit will outclass their last performance by a long ways. Although the Gophers have always had a walkway with the Iowa team, the eleven that they will line up against them tomorrow will play them to the last. A victory over the Gophers will put the Hawkeyes in the race for honors again. The Old Gold machine has seven last year men on the team while the Gopher eleven has but two men from the old team. Everything is set for a hard fight, and every Hawkeye will do his best playing to make the Iowa Fights to Win slogan a reality when the final score of today's contest is known. Mrs. Carrie Ring Irish has received word that her husband, Lieut. O. J. Irish, of the sanitary corps, has reached his detachment near Dignon France and has been assigned to evacuation hospital 22. Grace Smith, a sophomore last year, is teacher at Salix. Alma Kroeger, '18, is the guest of friends at Currier hall. Ruth Daggett, Gamma Phi Beta, who was summoned to Ottumwa because of her father's illness, has returned. Edna Barnholdt and Esther Hedges who live at the Sigma Chi annex, are entertaining Esther and Florence Wilson of Avoca. Lorraine Taft, Gamma Phi Beta, and Althea McGrath, Kappa Kappa Gamma, will spend Sunday at home in Des Moines. Ethel Woodbridge and Mildred Crane of Central City, and Adale Kimm from Blairstown, all sophomores last year, will attend the Minnesota game. Ruth Holmes is visiting Lucille Sawyer at the Alpha Theta house and other friends this week. Frances Jamieson from the Phi Psi annex has gone to Morning Sun and to Brighton to attend the funerals of friends. Portia Parker has been ill since Wednesday at the Phi Psi house. Marguerite Brueckner '17 who is teaching at Milford is home now while her school is dismissed because of influenze. Mrs. S. A. Ford is the guest of her daughter Ruth at the Alpha Chi Omega house. HAPPY HOMECOMING TO THE OLD FRIENDS AND THE NEW ONES TOO IT IS A GREAT PLEASURE TO WELCOME THE ALUMNI AND OTHER VISITORS To Iowa City and to extend to you a most cordial invitation to visit. THE BIG STORE EVERY CONVENIENCE OF THIS STORE IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL We have made preparations for you and are ready to supply your every need. Visit us, come where you'll be best served, where you'll find courtesy, intelligence, reliability, fair prices, and a stock of new merchandise that will make shopping here pleasurable and profitable COME WHERE YOU'LL FIND A COLLECTION OF MERCHANDISE DISTINCTIVELY REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PREVAILING MODES IN ALL ITS PHASES We can also show you many thing which would make specially acceptable remembrances to take to the home folks, also- CHRISTMAS GIFTS THE SAILOR DRESS PICTURED AT THE LEFT IS ESPECIALLY APPROPRIATE FOR COLLEGE GIRLS Modestly Priced at $14.98 A dress with the best tailoring, that will delight the wearer and make her look as youthful, attractive, and stylish as the picture. It is made of all wool, double warp serge, trimmed with braid, red silk tie, and emblem on sleeve. The dress, navy blue, is trimmed with a red braid- also made in dark red serge with black trimmings, sizes 14, 16, 18, and 20. A value that cannot be duplicated now for less than $20.00. We consider it an exceptional value at . . . . . . . $14.98 WELL CHOSEN AND PRACTICAL ARE THE NANCY LEE FROCKS FOR STUDENT GIRLS $29.50 Two piece poiret twill and all-wool gaberdine in navy, three styles, one of which is pictured at the right. These attractive frocks are, first of all, practical. There is nothing lacking, nothing overdone and yet they possess that exclusive something which is known as style. If you are looking for a frock for practical and dressy wear, one that will create the admiration of your friends, you can make no better selections than NANCY LEE FROCKS at . . . . . . . $29.50 SPECIAL VALUES FOR HOMECOMING TWO GREAT SUIT VALUES FOR HOMECOMING. These handsome all wool suits of gaberdine, poplin and serge, values up to $40., for . . . . . . $25.00 and $35.00 All finer suits go at a relatively low price. NEW SATIN DRESSES, beautifully trimmed, also all wool serge dresses in a variety of colors that sold up to $20.00, Homecoming day . . . . . . . $9.98 to $14.98 WAISTS- THE PRETTIEST ASSEMBLAGE WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. Waists for every exacting taste- waists for every occasion. Georgette and crepe-de-chine. Waists, unusually dainty and attractive, regularly $5.00, Homecoming day, special at . . . . . . . $3.98 New Georgette waists from the simple tailored models to the very handsome, elaborate models for dress occasions, extra values from . . . . . . $5.98 to $10.98 EARLY BOUGHT STEAMER AND AUTO, FRINGED BLANKETS. Surely you remember how scarce these blankets were last year. They are going to be just as scarce this season as they were the last one. They come in pretty plaids and are just the thing to protect you from the cold while attending the game. Save by buying now. The prices are moderate. SWEATERS THAT WILL KEEP YOU WARM. These beautiful new sweaters are fresh from their packing boxes, November weather calls for just such garments as these. You'll find the much wanted shades here ranging from . . . . . . . $6.98 to $15.00 NOVEL AND PRETTY ARE THE NEW SILK PETTICOATS. The variety is so great that we can match almost any suit or dress. We are offering unusual values for Homecoming event. $3.50 and $3.98. YETTER'S THE BIG STORE SUPERB STYLES AND RICHEST FABRICS Make our coats unusually attractive. All are reasonably priced- Don't fail to visit tour apparel section. COMMENCE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW Begin choosing useful articles, laying them aside for the holidays.
Daily Iowan Newspapers