Daily Iowan, November 17, 1918
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, November 17, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT—A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST—Grey kid glove. Call 2147. LOST—A Tri Delt pin. Return to this office and receive reward. WANTED—Girl to wait on table for board. Call Red 870. 21 LOST—Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J.E. Rock, C.I., Hdqt. FOUND—Army overcoat. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Call 1904. WANTED—A university girl to work for room and board. Will pay extra. Phone red 215. 24 FOR RENT—Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 LOST—In L.A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner’s office. 26 LOST—A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. 25 LOST—Pair glasses. Call 2147. 24 (continued from page 1) VARSITY WALLOPS VISITING AGGIES Work on passes and excellent. Kelley ran the team in his best style; his plays were well selected and his own runs were a feature. He kicked off 3 goals. It was his effective interference which made possible Lohman’s sensational run. Captain Reed stood out among the linemen for his tackling an interception of passes marked him as a star performer in his last game against Ames. Belding kicked for good distances each time and his defense was beyond average playing by far. For Ames Captain Heater, Vanderloo and Hibbs in the backfield and Schalk and Breeden in the line where the luminaries. Iowa Ames Reed, Capt. L E Cassin Synhorst L T Schalk Mockmore L G Breeden Heldt C Hadley Hunzelman R G Ramsey Slater R T Young Belding R E Maguire Kelley A B Hibbs Scott R H B Heater, Capt. Donnelly L H B Hinterman Lohman F B Vanderloo Touchdown—Kelley, Scott, Belding. Goals—Kelley 3. Holderness Lehigh referee. Grover Washington U. [umpire]. Time 15 min. per quarter. Substitutions: .. Cumberland for Heldt, Greenwood for Belding, Parker for Donnelly, Walters for Synhorst, Jewell for Slater. MUSIC AT NOON ONLY Dean Aurner has requested that the piano in liberal arts hall shall not be used at any time except at noons. The building is a study and recitation hall and complaints have been made that the piano when played at other hours is annoying. Special permission can be obtained from the Dean of Women for any University function. Y.M. EATS ARE APPRECIATED The canteen at the Y.M.C.A. is a real success. From nine until six every day, the men are served with delicious pie, crispy donuts, and cookies like mother used to make. The price asked covers only the cost of material and it is turned into the treasury to buy materials for more goodies. [advertisement]A THANKSGIVING SALE OF Suits Coats and Dresses THAT MAKES SHOPPING WORTH WHILE [emblem of hand drawn woman on left and right sides of column] The unusually warm weather during the past few weeks, combined with the “flu” epidemic, left us with immense stocks on hand. We are going to offer these garments BEGINNING MONDAY AND CONTINUING EIGHT DAYS at ridiculously low prices. YOU GET THE BENEFIT OF THESE CONDITIONS Ordinarily Selling Prices for November will be ignored to accomplish a decisive reduction immediately. YOUR GREAT OPPORTUNITY IS AT YETTER’S Don’t Miss It. Be on hand Monday Morning. Please do your buying early in the day when it is possible. 78 Beautiful Suits that sold earlier in the season from $30.00 to $75.00 Go Now in Four Lots at $22.50, $32.50, $42.50, #52.50 FALL COATS 52 fine early fall All [Wood?] Coats will go in the Sale at only…$19.90 $24.98 BEAUTIFUL DRESSES A large assortment of New Satin Dresses and New Wool Serge Dresses that sold regularly from $12.85 to 20.00 Now….$9.98 $14.98 WINTER COATS 48 New Furweave, Plush and Wool Coats, that sold regularly to $35.00. Very Specially Priced for this Sale at $25.00 FINE SKIRTS 72 Newest Satin, Silk and Wool Skirts, values up to $10.00. You will be justified in laying in a supply during this sale… $7.98 WAISTS One lot of New Silk Crepe-de-Chine and Georgette Crepe Waists regularly up to $5.00. Now… $3.98 Yetter’s THE BIG STORE FURS The very latest is here in Fur Neck Pieces, and Muffs to choose from, and the PRICES ARE LOWER THAN YOU’LL EXPECT HAZLETT TO SPEAK AT Y.W. "What is my part in the world peace?" will be discussed by Edith M. Hazlett of New York City at the regular Y.W.C.A. meeting Wednesday at 4:30. Alice Hoffman is to have charge of the meeting, and Vivian Cody will furnish special music. According to the girls who met Miss Hazlett at Geneva last summer, she is a woman of very charming personality, as well as a pleasing speaker. S.A.T.C. MEN INOCULATED Twelve hundred men of the S.A.T.C. were inoculated Saturday morning. [This?] number includes all the men with the exception of the football men and members of two companies who were previously inoculated. There will be no quarantine. Prof. N.A. Brisco gave a [alk] on "Efficiency Principles of Banking" to the stockholders of the Ulch Brothers bank at Solon this week. HOLIDAY ANNOUNCED All classes will be dismissed on Thanksgiving day. The War department advises the University, however, to run classes as scheduled for all other days, because of the great amount of time lost in academic studies during the late epidemic. This means that there will be classes on the Friday following Thanksgiving day. HOCKEY BEGINS Hockey will begin Monday for classes in physical education, and will continue as long as good weather lasts. On days when the weather does not permit of the girls being out, lessons in first aid are to be given indoors. The dental clinic is now open for the reception of patients every afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30, and Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10:30 and Saturday at 9:30. Send The Iowan home. [poster of movie to be shown] LEWIS J. SELZNICK PRESENTS CONSTANCE TALMADGE IN “MRS LEFFINGWELLS BOOTS” SELECT SP PICTURES At the Pastime today and Tomorrow. A great picture. See it
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, November 17, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT—A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST—Grey kid glove. Call 2147. LOST—A Tri Delt pin. Return to this office and receive reward. WANTED—Girl to wait on table for board. Call Red 870. 21 LOST—Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J.E. Rock, C.I., Hdqt. FOUND—Army overcoat. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Call 1904. WANTED—A university girl to work for room and board. Will pay extra. Phone red 215. 24 FOR RENT—Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 LOST—In L.A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner’s office. 26 LOST—A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. 25 LOST—Pair glasses. Call 2147. 24 (continued from page 1) VARSITY WALLOPS VISITING AGGIES Work on passes and excellent. Kelley ran the team in his best style; his plays were well selected and his own runs were a feature. He kicked off 3 goals. It was his effective interference which made possible Lohman’s sensational run. Captain Reed stood out among the linemen for his tackling an interception of passes marked him as a star performer in his last game against Ames. Belding kicked for good distances each time and his defense was beyond average playing by far. For Ames Captain Heater, Vanderloo and Hibbs in the backfield and Schalk and Breeden in the line where the luminaries. Iowa Ames Reed, Capt. L E Cassin Synhorst L T Schalk Mockmore L G Breeden Heldt C Hadley Hunzelman R G Ramsey Slater R T Young Belding R E Maguire Kelley A B Hibbs Scott R H B Heater, Capt. Donnelly L H B Hinterman Lohman F B Vanderloo Touchdown—Kelley, Scott, Belding. Goals—Kelley 3. Holderness Lehigh referee. Grover Washington U. [umpire]. Time 15 min. per quarter. Substitutions: .. Cumberland for Heldt, Greenwood for Belding, Parker for Donnelly, Walters for Synhorst, Jewell for Slater. MUSIC AT NOON ONLY Dean Aurner has requested that the piano in liberal arts hall shall not be used at any time except at noons. The building is a study and recitation hall and complaints have been made that the piano when played at other hours is annoying. Special permission can be obtained from the Dean of Women for any University function. Y.M. EATS ARE APPRECIATED The canteen at the Y.M.C.A. is a real success. From nine until six every day, the men are served with delicious pie, crispy donuts, and cookies like mother used to make. The price asked covers only the cost of material and it is turned into the treasury to buy materials for more goodies. [advertisement]A THANKSGIVING SALE OF Suits Coats and Dresses THAT MAKES SHOPPING WORTH WHILE [emblem of hand drawn woman on left and right sides of column] The unusually warm weather during the past few weeks, combined with the “flu” epidemic, left us with immense stocks on hand. We are going to offer these garments BEGINNING MONDAY AND CONTINUING EIGHT DAYS at ridiculously low prices. YOU GET THE BENEFIT OF THESE CONDITIONS Ordinarily Selling Prices for November will be ignored to accomplish a decisive reduction immediately. YOUR GREAT OPPORTUNITY IS AT YETTER’S Don’t Miss It. Be on hand Monday Morning. Please do your buying early in the day when it is possible. 78 Beautiful Suits that sold earlier in the season from $30.00 to $75.00 Go Now in Four Lots at $22.50, $32.50, $42.50, #52.50 FALL COATS 52 fine early fall All [Wood?] Coats will go in the Sale at only…$19.90 $24.98 BEAUTIFUL DRESSES A large assortment of New Satin Dresses and New Wool Serge Dresses that sold regularly from $12.85 to 20.00 Now….$9.98 $14.98 WINTER COATS 48 New Furweave, Plush and Wool Coats, that sold regularly to $35.00. Very Specially Priced for this Sale at $25.00 FINE SKIRTS 72 Newest Satin, Silk and Wool Skirts, values up to $10.00. You will be justified in laying in a supply during this sale… $7.98 WAISTS One lot of New Silk Crepe-de-Chine and Georgette Crepe Waists regularly up to $5.00. Now… $3.98 Yetter’s THE BIG STORE FURS The very latest is here in Fur Neck Pieces, and Muffs to choose from, and the PRICES ARE LOWER THAN YOU’LL EXPECT HAZLETT TO SPEAK AT Y.W. "What is my part in the world peace?" will be discussed by Edith M. Hazlett of New York City at the regular Y.W.C.A. meeting Wednesday at 4:30. Alice Hoffman is to have charge of the meeting, and Vivian Cody will furnish special music. According to the girls who met Miss Hazlett at Geneva last summer, she is a woman of very charming personality, as well as a pleasing speaker. S.A.T.C. MEN INOCULATED Twelve hundred men of the S.A.T.C. were inoculated Saturday morning. [This?] number includes all the men with the exception of the football men and members of two companies who were previously inoculated. There will be no quarantine. Prof. N.A. Brisco gave a [alk] on "Efficiency Principles of Banking" to the stockholders of the Ulch Brothers bank at Solon this week. HOLIDAY ANNOUNCED All classes will be dismissed on Thanksgiving day. The War department advises the University, however, to run classes as scheduled for all other days, because of the great amount of time lost in academic studies during the late epidemic. This means that there will be classes on the Friday following Thanksgiving day. HOCKEY BEGINS Hockey will begin Monday for classes in physical education, and will continue as long as good weather lasts. On days when the weather does not permit of the girls being out, lessons in first aid are to be given indoors. The dental clinic is now open for the reception of patients every afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30, and Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10:30 and Saturday at 9:30. Send The Iowan home. [poster of movie to be shown] LEWIS J. SELZNICK PRESENTS CONSTANCE TALMADGE IN “MRS LEFFINGWELLS BOOTS” SELECT SP PICTURES At the Pastime today and Tomorrow. A great picture. See it
Daily Iowan Newspapers