Daily Iowan, November 24, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, November 24, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST-Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J. E. Rock, C. I, Hdqt. FOR RENT-Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 LOST-In L. A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner's office. 26 LOST-A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. 25 SALESMAN WANTED: Men who can sell farmers preferred. Men who have sold in agricultural or packing enterprises will find by answering this ad, the best selling stock they have handled this season. Our men are selling 90 percent of the prospects called on. Excellent leads furnished. Address: C. S. care of Iowan and writer will make an appointment by letter at any convenient place in the state. FOR SALE-Underwood No. 5 typewriter in very good condition, Tabulater and back spacer, will sell cheap. J. O. Maruth. LOST:-A black fox fur piece, Return to Alpha Chi Omega house. 26 Will the young lady that got the little maltese kitten a week ago please call at the place. 28 HAWKEYES WALLOP PURPLE ELEVEN (continued from page 1) gained 15 yards. The ball was on the 45-yard line from where Kelley sent the backs through to the 3-yard line on plunges, Lohman hit the line for the touchdown. Kelley kicked goal. Iowa, 23; Northwestern, 7. Iowa Has Many Stars The Iowa backs went through the line for gains almost every time they tried. Kelley played a star game, his kick putting Iowa ahead. Lohman scored all markers and made a total yardage of 105 yards. Captain Reed played the best game of his career, his breaking of passes, was as good as ever was seen on the Iowa Field while he received several long ones for gains. McLaughland, Cigrand and Edgren starred for Northwestern. The Hawkeyes played a brand of football that they were coached. They stopped the Purple pass attack to perfection the first quarter, thus forcing Underhill to kick continually. The Iowa forward wall broke through the Northwestern line at will and more than once did Synie, Slater, and Hunselman spill plays. Playing in his last game on Iowa field, Captain Reed distinguished himself by his ability to intercept aerial heaves and to hook them from Lohman. Reed played a strong defensive game, tackling their backs for many losses. The Iowa win assures Jones of second place in the conference. Iowa Northwestern Reed, Capt. L. C. Scott Synhorst L. T. Penfield Mockmore L. G. Turner Held C. Mulder Hunzelman R. G. Deason Slater R. T. McLaughlin, C Belding R. C. Zanger Kelley Q. B. Underhill Scott R. B. Cigrand Donnelly L. B. Edgren Lohman F. B. Peyton Summary: Touchdowns-Lohman, 3; Underhill. Goal from the field, Kelley. Goal after touchdown, Kelley, 2; Cigrand. Officials: Birch, Earlham, referee; Hedges, Dartmouth, umpire; Reed, Michigan, head linesman. Time, 15-minute periods. Substitutions-Iowa: Greenwood for Belding, Parker for Donnelly, Smith for Scott. Northwestern-Young for Deason, Holmes for Cigrand. TO NAME HAWKEYE BUSINESS MANAGER AND EDITOR SOON Board of Trustees Will Select Heads of Junior Annual Early This Week NINE APPLICATIONS ARE IN Seven Women and Two Men Seek Big Positions-Must Elect 1921 Trustees The editor-in-chief and business manager of the Victory Hawkeye will be chosen by the Hawkeye board the first of this week. Saturday, the last day applications could be made, nine had been filed, two by men and seven by women in the University. George Killinger and Fred A. Steiner, sophomores elected last year for the Hawkeye board, were appointed to fill the positions of editor-in-chief and business manager, but are not in school this year. The other two student members elected to the board were Eugene Murray and Miriam Brueckner. Profits Are Divided Other members of the staff are chosen by the editor and business manager, subject to the approval of the board. Work will be started immediately and the prospects are good for a splendid Victory Hawkeye. Since the incorporation of the Hawkeye it has been impossible for the staff to make any profits until all debts are paid. Any profits which remain after all debts and salaries have been paid are distributed, a certain percent to the surplus fund of the Hawkeye and a certain percent to the editor-in-chief and business manager who have earned such net profits. The articles of incorporation of The Hawkeye Incorporated will be found on the last pages of 1919 Hawkeye. Board Vacancies Unfilled The sophomores in their election this year wlil choose four members for the Hawkeye board. These members must be students of the University "in good and regular standing" having at least thirty hours of credit. The three faculty members of the board are Prof. C. H. Weller, Prof. Frank B. Thayer, and Prof. H. F. Goodrich. Vacancies occurring during the year are filled by the president of the University of the nomination of the board. The vacancies occurring this year have not as yet been filled. BIRD OF PARADISE AT ENGLERT THEATRE WED. Oliver Morosco's production of Richard Walton Tully's captivating story of the Hawaiian Islands, "The Bird of Paradise," will be seen at the Englert Theater Wednesday night, Nov 27. This will make the eighth season of "The Bird of Paradise," and it bids fair to last for many more years, The charm of this pretty play lies not only in its originality, but it also has the one essential which makes a theatrical production a success, namely, "a heart punch." It tells the love story of the little Hawaiian princess, Luana, who marries a white man, only to realize like many before her, that the intermingling of the white and brown race should never be, and realizing this, she returns to her people and sacrifices herself, to save them from destruction. It also teaches the wonderful story of Christ, that no matter how low a man may have fallen he can yet be brought back "to the light" through the pure influence of a good woman. Send The Iowan home. T. DELL KELLEY Tailoring, cleaning, repairing and pressing. We do all kinds of alterations and repair work on ladies and men's clothing PHONE 17 211 EAST COLLEGE The Great Selling Drive Continues Tomorrow and All Of This Week MANY NEW SPECIALS OF UNUSUAL INTEREST HAVE BEEN ADDED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE STORE Wonderful Values in Young Women's Apparel at Astonishingly Low Prices COME MONDAY Yetter's THE BIG STORE Don't Delay Your Xmas Shopping See our cards, stationery, pictures and Roycroft metal and leather goods. BOOK and CRAFT SHOP 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET MENU JEFFERSON SPECIAL TABLE D'HOTE DINNER $1.25 per cover 12 to 2 6 to 8 Tomato Bouillon of Consomme Julienne Radishes Celery New Dill Pickles Choice of:- RRoast Muscovie Duck, Stuffed. Apple Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Filet of Lake Trout, Sauce Tartar Mashed Potatoes or Browned Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower in Cream or String Beans Combination Salad, French Dressing Choice of:- Maple Nut Sundae, Assorted Cake Cocoanut Custard Pie Apple Pie Coffee Tea Milk U. S. Food Administration License No. B27666
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, November 24, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST-Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J. E. Rock, C. I, Hdqt. FOR RENT-Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 LOST-In L. A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner's office. 26 LOST-A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. 25 SALESMAN WANTED: Men who can sell farmers preferred. Men who have sold in agricultural or packing enterprises will find by answering this ad, the best selling stock they have handled this season. Our men are selling 90 percent of the prospects called on. Excellent leads furnished. Address: C. S. care of Iowan and writer will make an appointment by letter at any convenient place in the state. FOR SALE-Underwood No. 5 typewriter in very good condition, Tabulater and back spacer, will sell cheap. J. O. Maruth. LOST:-A black fox fur piece, Return to Alpha Chi Omega house. 26 Will the young lady that got the little maltese kitten a week ago please call at the place. 28 HAWKEYES WALLOP PURPLE ELEVEN (continued from page 1) gained 15 yards. The ball was on the 45-yard line from where Kelley sent the backs through to the 3-yard line on plunges, Lohman hit the line for the touchdown. Kelley kicked goal. Iowa, 23; Northwestern, 7. Iowa Has Many Stars The Iowa backs went through the line for gains almost every time they tried. Kelley played a star game, his kick putting Iowa ahead. Lohman scored all markers and made a total yardage of 105 yards. Captain Reed played the best game of his career, his breaking of passes, was as good as ever was seen on the Iowa Field while he received several long ones for gains. McLaughland, Cigrand and Edgren starred for Northwestern. The Hawkeyes played a brand of football that they were coached. They stopped the Purple pass attack to perfection the first quarter, thus forcing Underhill to kick continually. The Iowa forward wall broke through the Northwestern line at will and more than once did Synie, Slater, and Hunselman spill plays. Playing in his last game on Iowa field, Captain Reed distinguished himself by his ability to intercept aerial heaves and to hook them from Lohman. Reed played a strong defensive game, tackling their backs for many losses. The Iowa win assures Jones of second place in the conference. Iowa Northwestern Reed, Capt. L. C. Scott Synhorst L. T. Penfield Mockmore L. G. Turner Held C. Mulder Hunzelman R. G. Deason Slater R. T. McLaughlin, C Belding R. C. Zanger Kelley Q. B. Underhill Scott R. B. Cigrand Donnelly L. B. Edgren Lohman F. B. Peyton Summary: Touchdowns-Lohman, 3; Underhill. Goal from the field, Kelley. Goal after touchdown, Kelley, 2; Cigrand. Officials: Birch, Earlham, referee; Hedges, Dartmouth, umpire; Reed, Michigan, head linesman. Time, 15-minute periods. Substitutions-Iowa: Greenwood for Belding, Parker for Donnelly, Smith for Scott. Northwestern-Young for Deason, Holmes for Cigrand. TO NAME HAWKEYE BUSINESS MANAGER AND EDITOR SOON Board of Trustees Will Select Heads of Junior Annual Early This Week NINE APPLICATIONS ARE IN Seven Women and Two Men Seek Big Positions-Must Elect 1921 Trustees The editor-in-chief and business manager of the Victory Hawkeye will be chosen by the Hawkeye board the first of this week. Saturday, the last day applications could be made, nine had been filed, two by men and seven by women in the University. George Killinger and Fred A. Steiner, sophomores elected last year for the Hawkeye board, were appointed to fill the positions of editor-in-chief and business manager, but are not in school this year. The other two student members elected to the board were Eugene Murray and Miriam Brueckner. Profits Are Divided Other members of the staff are chosen by the editor and business manager, subject to the approval of the board. Work will be started immediately and the prospects are good for a splendid Victory Hawkeye. Since the incorporation of the Hawkeye it has been impossible for the staff to make any profits until all debts are paid. Any profits which remain after all debts and salaries have been paid are distributed, a certain percent to the surplus fund of the Hawkeye and a certain percent to the editor-in-chief and business manager who have earned such net profits. The articles of incorporation of The Hawkeye Incorporated will be found on the last pages of 1919 Hawkeye. Board Vacancies Unfilled The sophomores in their election this year wlil choose four members for the Hawkeye board. These members must be students of the University "in good and regular standing" having at least thirty hours of credit. The three faculty members of the board are Prof. C. H. Weller, Prof. Frank B. Thayer, and Prof. H. F. Goodrich. Vacancies occurring during the year are filled by the president of the University of the nomination of the board. The vacancies occurring this year have not as yet been filled. BIRD OF PARADISE AT ENGLERT THEATRE WED. Oliver Morosco's production of Richard Walton Tully's captivating story of the Hawaiian Islands, "The Bird of Paradise," will be seen at the Englert Theater Wednesday night, Nov 27. This will make the eighth season of "The Bird of Paradise," and it bids fair to last for many more years, The charm of this pretty play lies not only in its originality, but it also has the one essential which makes a theatrical production a success, namely, "a heart punch." It tells the love story of the little Hawaiian princess, Luana, who marries a white man, only to realize like many before her, that the intermingling of the white and brown race should never be, and realizing this, she returns to her people and sacrifices herself, to save them from destruction. It also teaches the wonderful story of Christ, that no matter how low a man may have fallen he can yet be brought back "to the light" through the pure influence of a good woman. Send The Iowan home. T. DELL KELLEY Tailoring, cleaning, repairing and pressing. We do all kinds of alterations and repair work on ladies and men's clothing PHONE 17 211 EAST COLLEGE The Great Selling Drive Continues Tomorrow and All Of This Week MANY NEW SPECIALS OF UNUSUAL INTEREST HAVE BEEN ADDED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE STORE Wonderful Values in Young Women's Apparel at Astonishingly Low Prices COME MONDAY Yetter's THE BIG STORE Don't Delay Your Xmas Shopping See our cards, stationery, pictures and Roycroft metal and leather goods. BOOK and CRAFT SHOP 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET MENU JEFFERSON SPECIAL TABLE D'HOTE DINNER $1.25 per cover 12 to 2 6 to 8 Tomato Bouillon of Consomme Julienne Radishes Celery New Dill Pickles Choice of:- RRoast Muscovie Duck, Stuffed. Apple Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Filet of Lake Trout, Sauce Tartar Mashed Potatoes or Browned Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower in Cream or String Beans Combination Salad, French Dressing Choice of:- Maple Nut Sundae, Assorted Cake Cocoanut Custard Pie Apple Pie Coffee Tea Milk U. S. Food Administration License No. B27666
Daily Iowan Newspapers