Daily Iowan, January 2, 1919
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Thursday, January 2, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Sweet peace and the Christmas season seem to have united to bring about weddings galore among University students and alumni. Some are given here: Wohlenberg-Crowe Norine Wohlenberg of Holstein was married to Clifford H. Crowe of Clarion, Saturday, Dec. 28 at the bride's home in Holstein. Both Miss Wohlenberg and Mr. Crowe are graduates of the University, Miss Wohlenberg being affiliated with the Pi Phis and Mr. Crowe with the Betas. Helen Jeffrey, a Pi Phi from Iowa, was one of the bridesmaids. The groom was attended by his twin brother, Corporal Carl C. Crowe. Mr. and Mrs. Crowe left for a wedding trip in the East and will be at home in Clarion after Feb. 1. Sanders-Kulikowski The wedding of Mary Terrel Sanders, '13, to A. H. Kulikowski of Chicago took place at the home of the bride just outside the city Thursday evening Dec. 27. Miss Sanders is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority and one of the N. N. N. club; she wore the N. N. N. veil in which each member of that club is married. Miss Sanders did graduate work at the University of Chicago and later settlement and Red Cross work there. It was while in this field that she met Mr. Kulikowski. Mr. Kulikowski is a native Pole and was educated in his own country. Later he came to America and took work at Olivet college and at the University of Chicago. At the outbreak of the war Mr. Kulikowski was in Russia and served in the Russian army under the czar, but he obtained his release from the army when he found that Polish independence was not the scheme of the Russians in the conflict. He is now connected with the Wilson packing company in Chicago. Mr. Kulikowski speaks five languages fluently. The bride and groom will make their home in Chicago. Keith-McCollister Alice Keith, daughter of O. L. Keith of Keith & McChesney's was married Saturday evening, Dec. 28 to George McCollister, a student of the University last year. Alice Cochran, Pauline Benda, Olive Yetter, Katherine Witmer of Nashville, Tenn., Virginia Whipple of Vinton, and Stella Allen of Mason City were bridesmaids. The bride's sister, Lorna Keith of Chicago, acted as maid of honor. John McCollister, brother of the groom, was best man. Miss Keith is a graduate of the Iowa City high school and has been attending the Ward-Belmont school for girls in Tennessee for the past few months. Mr. McCollister was registered in the University last year but left to enter the service. He has now been discharged. Mr. and Mrs. McCollister are spending their honeymoon in Chicago. They will make their home in Manville Heights. Kensinger-Volkmer Lottie Kensinger, '18 was married to Albert W. Volkmer '16 on Saturday evening, Dec. 28 at the bride's home on Van Buren street. The Rev. Sylvester E. Ellis performed the ceremony. Miss Kensinger was prominent while in the University in musical and religious work. Mr. Volkmer received his master's degree in science last June and was a member of Sigma Xi. He is now in electrical engineering work at Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Volkmer, who is teaching at Wellman, will complete her year's work there. Evelyn Walker has returned to the University from Washington, D. C. Three French soldiers visited Jeanne Terraz during the holidays. Two of them wore the croix de guerre and one another decoration for bravery. The men will attend Cornell college. They were students at the same university in France. Lieut. Edward Mayer arrived in New York in time to spend Christmas with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mayer who were visiting there. Lieut. Mayer has seen service in Italy in the aviation department for several months. Captain and Mrs. Jesse Beer have returned to Fargo, N. Dak., after spending the holidays at the Pieper home. Capt. Beer is commanding officer of the S. A. T. C. unit at the University of North Dakota. Mrs. Robert Carson, Elizabeth Bates, Hiril Henning, and Mabel Lucas, Gamma Phi Betas helped to install the Omega chapter of Gamma Phi at Ames during the holidays. The chapter was granted to the Ames temporary organization early in the autumn, but installation had to be postponed on account of the quarantine. There are twenty-five charter members to the Ames chapter. Alan Herrick, an ensign in the navy, has received his discharge and will take up his University work this quarter. President W. A. Jessup is in Washington. The Loos family were all reunited at Christmas time. Capt. Karl Loos was home from a camp in Georgia where he is instructor, Christabel Loos, returned from Wellesley college for the holidays, and Alice Loos came from Des Moines where she is teaching. Mrs. Helen Loos Whitney lives in the city. Miss Anna M. Klingenhagen, former dean of women, has been the guest of Miss Ellen Geyer during the holidays. Lieut. Edward Rate has been discharged from the army and will resume his University work this quarter. Lieut. Albert Jenkins was here during vacation to make arrangements for returning to school. Lieut. Enslie Hutcheon will re-enter the law college this quarter. Lieut. Frederick G. Cox has returned from Fort Sill, Okla., where he has been attending a firing school. He has received his discharge and will complete his University work. Julia Bryant visited with Mary Kinnavey at Davenport for several days during vacation. Miss Kinnavey is still with The Davenport Democrat. She had completed all the arrangements for service overseas when the armistice was signed. Lieut. Lewis Tobin has been discharged from a motor transport camp in Indiana and will return to the University. Henry W. Raymond, law '15, has been elected secretary of the Iowa City commercial club for this year. Mr. Raymond has been secretary of the commercial clubs at Chariton and Independence and was private secretary for Judge Deemer for one year. Mr. Raymond married Ruth Farqujar, Achoth, and a graduate of the University in 1916, it will be recalled. Dr. Isom A. Rankin, Lieutenant Jr. M. C. U. S. N., stationed at the Great Lakes training station has been visiting here. Dr. Rankin was graduated from the college of medicine in 1918. [hand drawing of man with suitcase] Copyright 1918 Hart SChaffner & Marx A Special Purchase of Young Mens' Suits and Overcoats From Hart Schaffner & Marx While you were away we went to Chicago and bought a large number of Young Men's Suits and Overcoats from Hart Schaffner & Marx at a special price. The price concession was made due to the quantity of these goods which we were in a position to handle. The quality of them is unusually good. They are all wool, and sold under our usual guarantee of satisfaction. The suits are made in the advanced Spring models, part of them are silk lined, other have quarter lining. The overcoats are the latest design and made according to advanced ideas. The prices are lower than you will expect to find for goods of this character. DROP IN TOMORROW COASTS
Thursday, January 2, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Sweet peace and the Christmas season seem to have united to bring about weddings galore among University students and alumni. Some are given here: Wohlenberg-Crowe Norine Wohlenberg of Holstein was married to Clifford H. Crowe of Clarion, Saturday, Dec. 28 at the bride's home in Holstein. Both Miss Wohlenberg and Mr. Crowe are graduates of the University, Miss Wohlenberg being affiliated with the Pi Phis and Mr. Crowe with the Betas. Helen Jeffrey, a Pi Phi from Iowa, was one of the bridesmaids. The groom was attended by his twin brother, Corporal Carl C. Crowe. Mr. and Mrs. Crowe left for a wedding trip in the East and will be at home in Clarion after Feb. 1. Sanders-Kulikowski The wedding of Mary Terrel Sanders, '13, to A. H. Kulikowski of Chicago took place at the home of the bride just outside the city Thursday evening Dec. 27. Miss Sanders is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority and one of the N. N. N. club; she wore the N. N. N. veil in which each member of that club is married. Miss Sanders did graduate work at the University of Chicago and later settlement and Red Cross work there. It was while in this field that she met Mr. Kulikowski. Mr. Kulikowski is a native Pole and was educated in his own country. Later he came to America and took work at Olivet college and at the University of Chicago. At the outbreak of the war Mr. Kulikowski was in Russia and served in the Russian army under the czar, but he obtained his release from the army when he found that Polish independence was not the scheme of the Russians in the conflict. He is now connected with the Wilson packing company in Chicago. Mr. Kulikowski speaks five languages fluently. The bride and groom will make their home in Chicago. Keith-McCollister Alice Keith, daughter of O. L. Keith of Keith & McChesney's was married Saturday evening, Dec. 28 to George McCollister, a student of the University last year. Alice Cochran, Pauline Benda, Olive Yetter, Katherine Witmer of Nashville, Tenn., Virginia Whipple of Vinton, and Stella Allen of Mason City were bridesmaids. The bride's sister, Lorna Keith of Chicago, acted as maid of honor. John McCollister, brother of the groom, was best man. Miss Keith is a graduate of the Iowa City high school and has been attending the Ward-Belmont school for girls in Tennessee for the past few months. Mr. McCollister was registered in the University last year but left to enter the service. He has now been discharged. Mr. and Mrs. McCollister are spending their honeymoon in Chicago. They will make their home in Manville Heights. Kensinger-Volkmer Lottie Kensinger, '18 was married to Albert W. Volkmer '16 on Saturday evening, Dec. 28 at the bride's home on Van Buren street. The Rev. Sylvester E. Ellis performed the ceremony. Miss Kensinger was prominent while in the University in musical and religious work. Mr. Volkmer received his master's degree in science last June and was a member of Sigma Xi. He is now in electrical engineering work at Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Volkmer, who is teaching at Wellman, will complete her year's work there. Evelyn Walker has returned to the University from Washington, D. C. Three French soldiers visited Jeanne Terraz during the holidays. Two of them wore the croix de guerre and one another decoration for bravery. The men will attend Cornell college. They were students at the same university in France. Lieut. Edward Mayer arrived in New York in time to spend Christmas with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mayer who were visiting there. Lieut. Mayer has seen service in Italy in the aviation department for several months. Captain and Mrs. Jesse Beer have returned to Fargo, N. Dak., after spending the holidays at the Pieper home. Capt. Beer is commanding officer of the S. A. T. C. unit at the University of North Dakota. Mrs. Robert Carson, Elizabeth Bates, Hiril Henning, and Mabel Lucas, Gamma Phi Betas helped to install the Omega chapter of Gamma Phi at Ames during the holidays. The chapter was granted to the Ames temporary organization early in the autumn, but installation had to be postponed on account of the quarantine. There are twenty-five charter members to the Ames chapter. Alan Herrick, an ensign in the navy, has received his discharge and will take up his University work this quarter. President W. A. Jessup is in Washington. The Loos family were all reunited at Christmas time. Capt. Karl Loos was home from a camp in Georgia where he is instructor, Christabel Loos, returned from Wellesley college for the holidays, and Alice Loos came from Des Moines where she is teaching. Mrs. Helen Loos Whitney lives in the city. Miss Anna M. Klingenhagen, former dean of women, has been the guest of Miss Ellen Geyer during the holidays. Lieut. Edward Rate has been discharged from the army and will resume his University work this quarter. Lieut. Albert Jenkins was here during vacation to make arrangements for returning to school. Lieut. Enslie Hutcheon will re-enter the law college this quarter. Lieut. Frederick G. Cox has returned from Fort Sill, Okla., where he has been attending a firing school. He has received his discharge and will complete his University work. Julia Bryant visited with Mary Kinnavey at Davenport for several days during vacation. Miss Kinnavey is still with The Davenport Democrat. She had completed all the arrangements for service overseas when the armistice was signed. Lieut. Lewis Tobin has been discharged from a motor transport camp in Indiana and will return to the University. Henry W. Raymond, law '15, has been elected secretary of the Iowa City commercial club for this year. Mr. Raymond has been secretary of the commercial clubs at Chariton and Independence and was private secretary for Judge Deemer for one year. Mr. Raymond married Ruth Farqujar, Achoth, and a graduate of the University in 1916, it will be recalled. Dr. Isom A. Rankin, Lieutenant Jr. M. C. U. S. N., stationed at the Great Lakes training station has been visiting here. Dr. Rankin was graduated from the college of medicine in 1918. [hand drawing of man with suitcase] Copyright 1918 Hart SChaffner & Marx A Special Purchase of Young Mens' Suits and Overcoats From Hart Schaffner & Marx While you were away we went to Chicago and bought a large number of Young Men's Suits and Overcoats from Hart Schaffner & Marx at a special price. The price concession was made due to the quantity of these goods which we were in a position to handle. The quality of them is unusually good. They are all wool, and sold under our usual guarantee of satisfaction. The suits are made in the advanced Spring models, part of them are silk lined, other have quarter lining. The overcoats are the latest design and made according to advanced ideas. The prices are lower than you will expect to find for goods of this character. DROP IN TOMORROW COASTS
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