Daily Iowan, January 21, 1919
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Tuesday, January 21, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE WILLIAM FAVERSHAM AND MAXINE ELLIOTT The appearance of William Faversham and Maxine Elliott in "Lord and Lady Algy," a comedy in three acts by R.C. Carton, at the Englert theater Tuesday, Jan. 21, is the social and theatrical event of the season. William Faversham will be seen in his original role of the Lord Algernon Chetland, which he acted during the early days of his career with Charles Frohman's Empire Theatre company. Maxine Elliott appears as Lady Algy, in which her beauty and talents are seen to their best advantage. The supporting company includes Mary Compton, Robert Ayrton, Frederick Lloyd, Philip Leigh, Erville Alderson, Harvey Hays, Percy Waram, Franklyn Fox, Maud Hosford, Eleanor Benedict, Emily Fitzroy, Frederick Raymond, Herbert Belmore, H. Jess Smith and others. "Lord and Lady Algy' is Sheridanesque in style and manner. It has to do with the upper class sporting circles in England. Lord and Lady Algy have separated because of lack of ready money and difference of opinion as to the value of race horses and cigarettes. They are still in love with each other and a reconciliation seems possible, when Quarmby, Algy's elder brother, begins a flirtation with Mrs. Tudway, which involves Algy. Algy gets all the blame and is complicated in the matter through his efforts to aid Quarmby and to save Mrs. Tudway from an indiscretion. Having lost all his money at the race track, he gives up hope of winning his wife back again, but she finds out the true state of affairs and takes a hand in the game in time to straighten out the situation and persuade Algy to start life over again. The play has been produced under the personal direction of William Faversham, who is one of the few actor-manager on the stage today. Algy is one of his most successful roles. Miss. Elliott is said to be more beautiful than ever as Lady Algy to beautiful than ever as Lady Algy and to have established herself as the premiere drawing-room comedienne of the English-speaking stage. --Adv. NUTTING LECTURE IN N.S. The second lecture of the series being given by Prof. C.C. Nutting on the University scientific expedition to Barbados and Antigua will be held in the natural science auditorium in place of the liberal arts assembly hall. NOTICE The Athena Hawkeye picture will be taken Thursday at 12 o'clock sharp at Townsend's studio. Members of the society orchestra are to bring their instruments. No late comers will be waited for. Send The Iowan home. Pastime TODAY & TOMORROW WILLIAM FOX Presents "TELL IT TO THE MARINES" A Comedy drama of today Full of laughs-See it. ADMISSION 15c LAW MIXER THIS WEEK The faculty of the college of law will entertain all law students at a mixer to be held Thursday, Jan. 23, at 7 o'clock in the law building. Music and other forms of entertainment will be provided. The object is to give new and former students an opportunity to get better acquainted among themselves and with the members of the faculty. KLINGAMAN SPEAKS TO CLUB O.E. Klingaman, director of the extension division of the University spoke on "Americanization" at the meeting of the Political Science club last night. Delta Zeta entertained at a tea Sunday afternoon. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. ENGLERT THEATRE TUES. JAN. 21 Extraordinary Events ! ! Greatest Co-Stars William FAVERSHAM Maxine ELLIOTT and a Brilliant company in "LORD AND LADY ALGY" A sparkling comedy by R. C. Carton Prices $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1 and 75c GARDEN TODAY & WEDNESDAY BESSIE LOVE IN "THE DAWN OF UNDERSTANDING" Also 2 Reeds of Comedy H.A. STRUB & CO. New 1919 Dress Goods and Silks-fine line-the latest and prices right H.A. STRUB & CO. MORE SPRING MODELS In heavier goods were placed in stock Saturday Waist Line Coats and Double Breasted are the favorities for this coming season All Wool Fabrics Only There is no chance of getting anything but all wool here in these Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Coats--Price $37.50 and up COASTS Look-- Ye Freshman! HERE'S THE IOWA TICKET PRESIDENT- DICK TRAINER VICE PRESIDENT-MIRIAM ROE TREASURER-VESTA PLUMMER CORRESPONDING SECRETARY-GLADYS ABEL RECORDING SECRETARY-LUE PRENTISS CLASS DELEGATE-JACK ASHBY ATHLETIC DELEGATE-MYLES KILDEE WATCH FOR THE ELECTION DATE
Tuesday, January 21, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE WILLIAM FAVERSHAM AND MAXINE ELLIOTT The appearance of William Faversham and Maxine Elliott in "Lord and Lady Algy," a comedy in three acts by R.C. Carton, at the Englert theater Tuesday, Jan. 21, is the social and theatrical event of the season. William Faversham will be seen in his original role of the Lord Algernon Chetland, which he acted during the early days of his career with Charles Frohman's Empire Theatre company. Maxine Elliott appears as Lady Algy, in which her beauty and talents are seen to their best advantage. The supporting company includes Mary Compton, Robert Ayrton, Frederick Lloyd, Philip Leigh, Erville Alderson, Harvey Hays, Percy Waram, Franklyn Fox, Maud Hosford, Eleanor Benedict, Emily Fitzroy, Frederick Raymond, Herbert Belmore, H. Jess Smith and others. "Lord and Lady Algy' is Sheridanesque in style and manner. It has to do with the upper class sporting circles in England. Lord and Lady Algy have separated because of lack of ready money and difference of opinion as to the value of race horses and cigarettes. They are still in love with each other and a reconciliation seems possible, when Quarmby, Algy's elder brother, begins a flirtation with Mrs. Tudway, which involves Algy. Algy gets all the blame and is complicated in the matter through his efforts to aid Quarmby and to save Mrs. Tudway from an indiscretion. Having lost all his money at the race track, he gives up hope of winning his wife back again, but she finds out the true state of affairs and takes a hand in the game in time to straighten out the situation and persuade Algy to start life over again. The play has been produced under the personal direction of William Faversham, who is one of the few actor-manager on the stage today. Algy is one of his most successful roles. Miss. Elliott is said to be more beautiful than ever as Lady Algy to beautiful than ever as Lady Algy and to have established herself as the premiere drawing-room comedienne of the English-speaking stage. --Adv. NUTTING LECTURE IN N.S. The second lecture of the series being given by Prof. C.C. Nutting on the University scientific expedition to Barbados and Antigua will be held in the natural science auditorium in place of the liberal arts assembly hall. NOTICE The Athena Hawkeye picture will be taken Thursday at 12 o'clock sharp at Townsend's studio. Members of the society orchestra are to bring their instruments. No late comers will be waited for. Send The Iowan home. Pastime TODAY & TOMORROW WILLIAM FOX Presents "TELL IT TO THE MARINES" A Comedy drama of today Full of laughs-See it. ADMISSION 15c LAW MIXER THIS WEEK The faculty of the college of law will entertain all law students at a mixer to be held Thursday, Jan. 23, at 7 o'clock in the law building. Music and other forms of entertainment will be provided. The object is to give new and former students an opportunity to get better acquainted among themselves and with the members of the faculty. KLINGAMAN SPEAKS TO CLUB O.E. Klingaman, director of the extension division of the University spoke on "Americanization" at the meeting of the Political Science club last night. Delta Zeta entertained at a tea Sunday afternoon. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. ENGLERT THEATRE TUES. JAN. 21 Extraordinary Events ! ! Greatest Co-Stars William FAVERSHAM Maxine ELLIOTT and a Brilliant company in "LORD AND LADY ALGY" A sparkling comedy by R. C. Carton Prices $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1 and 75c GARDEN TODAY & WEDNESDAY BESSIE LOVE IN "THE DAWN OF UNDERSTANDING" Also 2 Reeds of Comedy H.A. STRUB & CO. New 1919 Dress Goods and Silks-fine line-the latest and prices right H.A. STRUB & CO. MORE SPRING MODELS In heavier goods were placed in stock Saturday Waist Line Coats and Double Breasted are the favorities for this coming season All Wool Fabrics Only There is no chance of getting anything but all wool here in these Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Coats--Price $37.50 and up COASTS Look-- Ye Freshman! HERE'S THE IOWA TICKET PRESIDENT- DICK TRAINER VICE PRESIDENT-MIRIAM ROE TREASURER-VESTA PLUMMER CORRESPONDING SECRETARY-GLADYS ABEL RECORDING SECRETARY-LUE PRENTISS CLASS DELEGATE-JACK ASHBY ATHLETIC DELEGATE-MYLES KILDEE WATCH FOR THE ELECTION DATE
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