Daily Iowan, January 23, 1919
Page 3
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Thursday, January 23, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Erodelphia will hold a business meeting this evening at 7 o'clock sharp. The program has been postponed until the next meeting on account of the lecture. Marguerite Davy, Pi Beta Phi, has left school. She has gone to her home in Des Moines and will undergo a major operation. Charlotte Wickham has gone to Des Moines where she is confined to her home on account of illness. Ruth Rogers is visiting her parents in Des Moines this week. Y.M.C.A. cabinet picture at Luscombe's Thursday at 12:45. Prof. G. T. W. Patrick was unable to meet his classes Wednesday on account of laryngitis. Miss Emma C. Dumke has returned to her classes after an absence of several days on account of illness. Hesperia will entertain sixty freshman girls at a party Thursday evening in the women's gymnasium. Invitations were issued Tuesday. There will be a quartet made up of members of the Zetagathian literary society and also an informal program by Hesperian girls. Refreshments will be served. Newman club initiated last night. Iowa Women's Athletic association also initiated. Sigma Nu will entertain at a dancing party Saturday evening. The home economics club held election of officers Monday evening. The following were chosen: Lillian Lambert, president; Mabel Turner, vice president; Lillian Nelson, treasurer; Mildred Kelley, secretary. Delta Tau Delta announces the pledging of Laird Friar of Fairfield. Leo Linder has arrived in Virginia from France. His friends here expect him to be in Iowa City in a few weeks. Phi Kappa announce the pledging of Kenneth Bergner of Dubuque and Martin Wade of Des Moines. Phi Kappa will dance Friday evening at the Burkley. Dr. and Mrs. Erling Thoen will chaperon. Lieut. Rollin M. Perkins has returned to the University. After serving as personnel adjutant at the University S.A.T.C. unit he was transferred to the San Diego Junior college. Emma C. Wilson, public health nurse of the extension division is now making a health survey at the request of the Red Cross in Jefferson, Ogden, Boone, Ames, Nevada, Marshalltown, Tama, Cedar Rapids, Maquoketa, and Dubuque. She expects to be in Chicago Saturday. C. F. Kurtz of the extension division left last night for Chicago to attend a conference of business men. He will speak on "Better Business Methods." The social survey of Iowa City which had been planned for this week will be carried forward soon. Some delay is caused by the illness of Miss Sarah A. Howell of the extension division. Robert E. Rienow, dean of men, went to Madison last night to attend a meeting of deans of men of the middle western states. Amount of credit to be given returning soldiers, details of the R.O.T.C., and other questions relating to the general welfare of men students will be discussed. Dean F. T. Breene will leave today to attend a meeting of the American Institute of Dental Teachers to be held next week in Atlanta, Ga. He will also attend a meeting of the Dental Faculties Association of American Universities. Clarence Campbell, brother of Violet Campbell, senior liberal arts, is visiting here. Mr. Campbell has just returned from overseas. He wears the insignia of the Sandstorm division STAGE PROPER PLACE FOR EDUCATED MAN (continued from page 1) ing a great hit in New York----when will it play here do you think?" When told it was expected to appear here inside of a month, with an admission price of twenty-five cents, he replied, "It certainly will be a novel predicament for me to play in a town with this show at $2.50 prices with my picture competing at 25 cent admissions. My managers tell me that the picture will be in Kansas City when we play there next week. "By the way, how do you boys enjoy being actors? Great life isn't it?" This brought a question from one of the group regarding whether Mr. Faversham would advise young men to choose the stage as a profession if it were within their calling. "By all means," said Mr. Faversham. "The stage is fascinating and a proper place for any educated young man, providing he appears in the better class of drama. If a young man feels that the stage is his calling and is satisfied that he can make a success as an actor, I should advise him to at least give it a trial, as he would any other profession." Just then the call boy announced "two minutes till act begins!" and the conversation ended. "Favvy" was hurrying up the stairs with other members of his company to present the closing situations of "Lord and Lady Algy" to the waiting audience. HEALTH NOTICE Reports from the University water laboratories indicate that the city water is not sufficiently purified at the present time. All persons are urged to boil the water before drinking. This condition will probably continue only a few days. W. A. Jessup. [advertisement] PASTIME Today & Tomorrow ALICE BRADY That clever girl In "THE BETTER HALF" A dandy picture----one that holds you from start to finish----Also Good Comedy and War Review Admission 15c WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST----Pink and white cameo pin surrounded with pearls. Return to this office. Reward. LOST----Pair of nose glasses with white rims and dropleaf lens. Were in case. Tel. 2125, 125 N. Clinton. LOST----Large size Waterman fountain pen between First National bank and campus. Return to Iowan office. LOST----Grey wool scarf with yellow stripes. Return Iowan office. FOR RENT----Modern front room at 505 E. Washington. LOST----A Pi Beta Phi pin. Reward Phone 382. FOUND----Gold pencil on black ribbon. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Delta Tau Delta will entertain at an informal dancing party at their chapter house Saturday evening. [advertisement] Coming Mon.----Tues.----Wed Jan. 27-28-29 "THE EYES OF THE WORLD" By Harold Bell Wright Filled with heart Tugs and Thrills 9 reels of Love, Adventure, Comedy, Pathos, Daring Intrigue A Clune Production ENGLERT THEATRE Matinee 2:30 Night 8:15 Prices 30c [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. New 1919 Dress Goods and Silks---fine line---the latest and prices right H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] [illustration of capitol dome and clouds] Under Government Supervision STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKETBOOK Keeping track of where your money goes is the first step in THRIFT. When leaks are discovered and stopped you'll find some extra change in your bocketbook every week. This extra change merely represents money that you are wasting and didn't know it until you investigated your own expenditures. Our suggestion is that you put the amount thus saved in a savings account in this bank and keep adding to it the dollars and cents you'll [put] in your pocketbook every week. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Where good cigars and smokers' articles are kept Soda Fountain and Billiard Parlor in connection Where All Good Fellows Linger Longer [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO In a class by itself
Thursday, January 23, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three SOCIETY AND PERSONAL Erodelphia will hold a business meeting this evening at 7 o'clock sharp. The program has been postponed until the next meeting on account of the lecture. Marguerite Davy, Pi Beta Phi, has left school. She has gone to her home in Des Moines and will undergo a major operation. Charlotte Wickham has gone to Des Moines where she is confined to her home on account of illness. Ruth Rogers is visiting her parents in Des Moines this week. Y.M.C.A. cabinet picture at Luscombe's Thursday at 12:45. Prof. G. T. W. Patrick was unable to meet his classes Wednesday on account of laryngitis. Miss Emma C. Dumke has returned to her classes after an absence of several days on account of illness. Hesperia will entertain sixty freshman girls at a party Thursday evening in the women's gymnasium. Invitations were issued Tuesday. There will be a quartet made up of members of the Zetagathian literary society and also an informal program by Hesperian girls. Refreshments will be served. Newman club initiated last night. Iowa Women's Athletic association also initiated. Sigma Nu will entertain at a dancing party Saturday evening. The home economics club held election of officers Monday evening. The following were chosen: Lillian Lambert, president; Mabel Turner, vice president; Lillian Nelson, treasurer; Mildred Kelley, secretary. Delta Tau Delta announces the pledging of Laird Friar of Fairfield. Leo Linder has arrived in Virginia from France. His friends here expect him to be in Iowa City in a few weeks. Phi Kappa announce the pledging of Kenneth Bergner of Dubuque and Martin Wade of Des Moines. Phi Kappa will dance Friday evening at the Burkley. Dr. and Mrs. Erling Thoen will chaperon. Lieut. Rollin M. Perkins has returned to the University. After serving as personnel adjutant at the University S.A.T.C. unit he was transferred to the San Diego Junior college. Emma C. Wilson, public health nurse of the extension division is now making a health survey at the request of the Red Cross in Jefferson, Ogden, Boone, Ames, Nevada, Marshalltown, Tama, Cedar Rapids, Maquoketa, and Dubuque. She expects to be in Chicago Saturday. C. F. Kurtz of the extension division left last night for Chicago to attend a conference of business men. He will speak on "Better Business Methods." The social survey of Iowa City which had been planned for this week will be carried forward soon. Some delay is caused by the illness of Miss Sarah A. Howell of the extension division. Robert E. Rienow, dean of men, went to Madison last night to attend a meeting of deans of men of the middle western states. Amount of credit to be given returning soldiers, details of the R.O.T.C., and other questions relating to the general welfare of men students will be discussed. Dean F. T. Breene will leave today to attend a meeting of the American Institute of Dental Teachers to be held next week in Atlanta, Ga. He will also attend a meeting of the Dental Faculties Association of American Universities. Clarence Campbell, brother of Violet Campbell, senior liberal arts, is visiting here. Mr. Campbell has just returned from overseas. He wears the insignia of the Sandstorm division STAGE PROPER PLACE FOR EDUCATED MAN (continued from page 1) ing a great hit in New York----when will it play here do you think?" When told it was expected to appear here inside of a month, with an admission price of twenty-five cents, he replied, "It certainly will be a novel predicament for me to play in a town with this show at $2.50 prices with my picture competing at 25 cent admissions. My managers tell me that the picture will be in Kansas City when we play there next week. "By the way, how do you boys enjoy being actors? Great life isn't it?" This brought a question from one of the group regarding whether Mr. Faversham would advise young men to choose the stage as a profession if it were within their calling. "By all means," said Mr. Faversham. "The stage is fascinating and a proper place for any educated young man, providing he appears in the better class of drama. If a young man feels that the stage is his calling and is satisfied that he can make a success as an actor, I should advise him to at least give it a trial, as he would any other profession." Just then the call boy announced "two minutes till act begins!" and the conversation ended. "Favvy" was hurrying up the stairs with other members of his company to present the closing situations of "Lord and Lady Algy" to the waiting audience. HEALTH NOTICE Reports from the University water laboratories indicate that the city water is not sufficiently purified at the present time. All persons are urged to boil the water before drinking. This condition will probably continue only a few days. W. A. Jessup. [advertisement] PASTIME Today & Tomorrow ALICE BRADY That clever girl In "THE BETTER HALF" A dandy picture----one that holds you from start to finish----Also Good Comedy and War Review Admission 15c WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST----Pink and white cameo pin surrounded with pearls. Return to this office. Reward. LOST----Pair of nose glasses with white rims and dropleaf lens. Were in case. Tel. 2125, 125 N. Clinton. LOST----Large size Waterman fountain pen between First National bank and campus. Return to Iowan office. LOST----Grey wool scarf with yellow stripes. Return Iowan office. FOR RENT----Modern front room at 505 E. Washington. LOST----A Pi Beta Phi pin. Reward Phone 382. FOUND----Gold pencil on black ribbon. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Delta Tau Delta will entertain at an informal dancing party at their chapter house Saturday evening. [advertisement] Coming Mon.----Tues.----Wed Jan. 27-28-29 "THE EYES OF THE WORLD" By Harold Bell Wright Filled with heart Tugs and Thrills 9 reels of Love, Adventure, Comedy, Pathos, Daring Intrigue A Clune Production ENGLERT THEATRE Matinee 2:30 Night 8:15 Prices 30c [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. New 1919 Dress Goods and Silks---fine line---the latest and prices right H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] [illustration of capitol dome and clouds] Under Government Supervision STOP THE LEAKS IN YOUR POCKETBOOK Keeping track of where your money goes is the first step in THRIFT. When leaks are discovered and stopped you'll find some extra change in your bocketbook every week. This extra change merely represents money that you are wasting and didn't know it until you investigated your own expenditures. Our suggestion is that you put the amount thus saved in a savings account in this bank and keep adding to it the dollars and cents you'll [put] in your pocketbook every week. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORES Where good cigars and smokers' articles are kept Soda Fountain and Billiard Parlor in connection Where All Good Fellows Linger Longer [advertisement] THE TOWNSEND STUDIO In a class by itself
Daily Iowan Newspapers