Daily Iowan, February 4, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE 4 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, February 4, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--New Schaeffer pen. Return to Y.W.C.A Reward. 54 _________________________ LOST--A Hawkeye subscription book. Please return to Daily Iowan office. 52 _________________________ We have a part time opening for a student who can do general typewriter repair work. About two hours work. a day. M.F. Patterson Co., Dey Bldg. 52 ________________________ LOST--Pair of nose glasses, light tortoise-shell rims in black leather case. Return to Iowan office. 52 ________________________ FOR SALE CHEAP--Three new uniforms, made to order. Jos. Slavata, Tailor, 107 S. Clinton. 54 _________________________ LOST--Bunch of keys. Return to this office. Reward. 53 _________________________ LOST--Scarf pin with pearl setting. Finder please call 1361. Reward. 54 _________________________ SCHOOL NOTES FROM UNIVERSITY HIGH The seniors of the University high school entertained the juniors at a party Friday night in the high school building. Refreshments were served at Taylor's. Hulda Robertson, instructor in mathematics at the University high school, is ill with tonsilitis and unable to meet her classes. "U High Life" is the name of the new school paper published by the students of the University high school. The first number will be out this week. Romola Latchem, senior in the University, has formed a literary society in the senior high school. One act plays will be given. Bessie Pierce, supervisor of history in the University high school, says the experiments in the history departments are of two kinds; (1. relative to course of study and (2) relative to methods of teaching. Emphasis is placed upon the development of the social phase of history. A course is being worked out suitable for junior high schools. Socialized recitations are stressed. PASTIME THEATRE Today - Tomorrow That good looking girl VIRGINIA PEARSON in "Buchanan's Wife" Story of a man's hypnotic power over a woman he loved. A dandy show Admission 15c COMING THURSDAY-FRIDAY America's greatest character actor FRANK KEENAN in "THE BELLS" by Henry Irving The lovers of high class acting should not miss seeing this fine picture. Admission 15c SECOND LIEUTENANTS CHOSEN BY CAPTAINS (continued from page one) which will be issued to them by the government free of charge, regardless of whether the men already have uniforms or not. These suits will be made to order of the best woolen material obtainable. The uniforms for the cadet officers will be identical with those of regular commissioned men in the U.S. Army with one exception. Instead of the bars upon the shoulders to indicate rank, silver discs and small diamond-shaped emblems will be used. A committee, headed by Cadet Col. James Hollingsworth, was formed at a meeting of the student officers last Saturday evening to plan the military ball which will be held soon in the armory. Definite arrangements for this annual function are now being made and an announcement regarding the time and character of the party will be given the latter part of this week. IOWA ENGINEER SETS SAIL Raymond Buerr Goes With Relief Workers for Constantinople Raymond Buerr, of Keosauqua, a former engineering student, sailed on the steamship Pensacola from the port of New York with a party of relief workers under the direction of the Armenian Committee for Relief in the Near East. The party is on its way to Constantinople, which is becoming the center of relief work now being prosecuted in Armenia, Syria, and Persia and in the Greek cities in Asia Minor and in parts of Palestine. Their program is the largest that has been entrusted to any private non-governmental organization for some time, since it calls for the feeding and clothing of 4,000.00 suffering Armenians, Syrians, Greeks and Jews. To finance this relief work, the American committee for relief in the Near East is campaigning in all parts of the United States for a fund of $30,000,000. Buerr was assistant city engineer of Burlington for three and a half years and county engineer of Des Moines and Van Buren counties for five years. He expects to remain abroad at least one year. SIGMA DELTA CHI SMOKER TONIGHT Sigma Delta Chi, the professional journalistic fraternity, will have its first smoker of the year tonight at 7:30 at the Phi Kappa Psi house. The men taking journalism will be guests of the evening. E.E. Johnston of the Iowa City Citizens and S.E. Carrell of the Daily Press will be present. Mr. Johnston will tell stories of "Reporters of Other Days." Several of the old members have returned to the University, and Sigma Delta Chi will again be active. Evelyn Bickett's name was unintentionally omitted from the Octave Thanet pledged list which was given to The Daily Iowan reporter. YOUR LAUNDRY WORK... Should be done by an expert. Our sanitary methods insure that your linen will always be in tiptop shape. Phone 294, and let us do your next bund of laundry. PHONE 294 New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING TOP COATS AND NEW SPRING SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN ALL IN THE LATEST MODELS; LATEST FABRICS AND AT PRICES THAT ARE CONSIDERABLE LESS THAN SOME WEEKS AGO. WE HAVE BOUGHT THESE AT A SLIGHT CONCESSION OF PRICE. COME EARLY WHILE THE SELECTIONS ARE AT THEIR BEST. Bremers' Golden Eagle Iowa City, Iowa THREE DAYS TO FILE EXCUSES FOR ABSENCE Petition for the excuse of absences must be filed within three days after the student returns to classes or the absences will be reported to the registrar as unexcused, according to Mrs. Nellis S. Aurner, dean of women. The new system requires instructors to report daily all absences from their classes. This system enables the deans of women and men to find out sooned why a student is not attending classes, advise him or her about the seriousness of cutting without a good excuse, and to help the student make up his work before it is too late. Little brown padlocked boxes are placed in all the buildings into which the instructor drops his report each day. Let the Iowan be your letter. One Can Live Without Art-- But Not So Well ART DEPT. LOUS' Drug STORE 124 E COLLEGE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text books and Supplies Valentines for the Young and Old UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE NEW BUSINESS YOU WILL FIND THAT AN ACCOUNT CARRIED IN OUR BANK WILL PLACE AT YOUR DISPOSAL THE SERVICES OF A GOOD BANK. EACH CUSTOMER MAY HAVE PERSONAL SERVICE, ADVICE, AND ASSISTANCE FROM OUR OFFICERS. WE APPRECIATE ACCOUNTS LARGE OR SMALL. Iowa City State Bank
PAGE 4 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, February 4, 1919 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST--New Schaeffer pen. Return to Y.W.C.A Reward. 54 _________________________ LOST--A Hawkeye subscription book. Please return to Daily Iowan office. 52 _________________________ We have a part time opening for a student who can do general typewriter repair work. About two hours work. a day. M.F. Patterson Co., Dey Bldg. 52 ________________________ LOST--Pair of nose glasses, light tortoise-shell rims in black leather case. Return to Iowan office. 52 ________________________ FOR SALE CHEAP--Three new uniforms, made to order. Jos. Slavata, Tailor, 107 S. Clinton. 54 _________________________ LOST--Bunch of keys. Return to this office. Reward. 53 _________________________ LOST--Scarf pin with pearl setting. Finder please call 1361. Reward. 54 _________________________ SCHOOL NOTES FROM UNIVERSITY HIGH The seniors of the University high school entertained the juniors at a party Friday night in the high school building. Refreshments were served at Taylor's. Hulda Robertson, instructor in mathematics at the University high school, is ill with tonsilitis and unable to meet her classes. "U High Life" is the name of the new school paper published by the students of the University high school. The first number will be out this week. Romola Latchem, senior in the University, has formed a literary society in the senior high school. One act plays will be given. Bessie Pierce, supervisor of history in the University high school, says the experiments in the history departments are of two kinds; (1. relative to course of study and (2) relative to methods of teaching. Emphasis is placed upon the development of the social phase of history. A course is being worked out suitable for junior high schools. Socialized recitations are stressed. PASTIME THEATRE Today - Tomorrow That good looking girl VIRGINIA PEARSON in "Buchanan's Wife" Story of a man's hypnotic power over a woman he loved. A dandy show Admission 15c COMING THURSDAY-FRIDAY America's greatest character actor FRANK KEENAN in "THE BELLS" by Henry Irving The lovers of high class acting should not miss seeing this fine picture. Admission 15c SECOND LIEUTENANTS CHOSEN BY CAPTAINS (continued from page one) which will be issued to them by the government free of charge, regardless of whether the men already have uniforms or not. These suits will be made to order of the best woolen material obtainable. The uniforms for the cadet officers will be identical with those of regular commissioned men in the U.S. Army with one exception. Instead of the bars upon the shoulders to indicate rank, silver discs and small diamond-shaped emblems will be used. A committee, headed by Cadet Col. James Hollingsworth, was formed at a meeting of the student officers last Saturday evening to plan the military ball which will be held soon in the armory. Definite arrangements for this annual function are now being made and an announcement regarding the time and character of the party will be given the latter part of this week. IOWA ENGINEER SETS SAIL Raymond Buerr Goes With Relief Workers for Constantinople Raymond Buerr, of Keosauqua, a former engineering student, sailed on the steamship Pensacola from the port of New York with a party of relief workers under the direction of the Armenian Committee for Relief in the Near East. The party is on its way to Constantinople, which is becoming the center of relief work now being prosecuted in Armenia, Syria, and Persia and in the Greek cities in Asia Minor and in parts of Palestine. Their program is the largest that has been entrusted to any private non-governmental organization for some time, since it calls for the feeding and clothing of 4,000.00 suffering Armenians, Syrians, Greeks and Jews. To finance this relief work, the American committee for relief in the Near East is campaigning in all parts of the United States for a fund of $30,000,000. Buerr was assistant city engineer of Burlington for three and a half years and county engineer of Des Moines and Van Buren counties for five years. He expects to remain abroad at least one year. SIGMA DELTA CHI SMOKER TONIGHT Sigma Delta Chi, the professional journalistic fraternity, will have its first smoker of the year tonight at 7:30 at the Phi Kappa Psi house. The men taking journalism will be guests of the evening. E.E. Johnston of the Iowa City Citizens and S.E. Carrell of the Daily Press will be present. Mr. Johnston will tell stories of "Reporters of Other Days." Several of the old members have returned to the University, and Sigma Delta Chi will again be active. Evelyn Bickett's name was unintentionally omitted from the Octave Thanet pledged list which was given to The Daily Iowan reporter. YOUR LAUNDRY WORK... Should be done by an expert. Our sanitary methods insure that your linen will always be in tiptop shape. Phone 294, and let us do your next bund of laundry. PHONE 294 New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF NEW SPRING TOP COATS AND NEW SPRING SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN ALL IN THE LATEST MODELS; LATEST FABRICS AND AT PRICES THAT ARE CONSIDERABLE LESS THAN SOME WEEKS AGO. WE HAVE BOUGHT THESE AT A SLIGHT CONCESSION OF PRICE. COME EARLY WHILE THE SELECTIONS ARE AT THEIR BEST. Bremers' Golden Eagle Iowa City, Iowa THREE DAYS TO FILE EXCUSES FOR ABSENCE Petition for the excuse of absences must be filed within three days after the student returns to classes or the absences will be reported to the registrar as unexcused, according to Mrs. Nellis S. Aurner, dean of women. The new system requires instructors to report daily all absences from their classes. This system enables the deans of women and men to find out sooned why a student is not attending classes, advise him or her about the seriousness of cutting without a good excuse, and to help the student make up his work before it is too late. Little brown padlocked boxes are placed in all the buildings into which the instructor drops his report each day. Let the Iowan be your letter. One Can Live Without Art-- But Not So Well ART DEPT. LOUS' Drug STORE 124 E COLLEGE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text books and Supplies Valentines for the Young and Old UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE NEW BUSINESS YOU WILL FIND THAT AN ACCOUNT CARRIED IN OUR BANK WILL PLACE AT YOUR DISPOSAL THE SERVICES OF A GOOD BANK. EACH CUSTOMER MAY HAVE PERSONAL SERVICE, ADVICE, AND ASSISTANCE FROM OUR OFFICERS. WE APPRECIATE ACCOUNTS LARGE OR SMALL. Iowa City State Bank
Daily Iowan Newspapers