Daily Iowan, February 11, 1919
Page 3
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Tuesday, February 11, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three TRACK MIXER IS THIS WEEK Athletes to Look Over Season's Prospects at Big Meeting "Watch Iowa in Track" is the slogan of the big track mixer to be held in the University armory tomorrow night. Given under the direction of the track "I" men, the purpose of the mixer is to glance over the season's prospects and to create a larger interest among new men and freshmen in athletics. A program of boxing and wrestling has been arranged. Only two men will be missing from last year's state championship team while several "finds" have been reported. The schedule to date includes the quadrangular Drake, Ames, Grinnell, Iowa, indoor meet at Ames, the indoor conference at Chicago, the Drake relays, the home meet, the state meet, and possibly dual meets with Minnesota and Coe. CHANGE IN Y. W. SERIES The order of talks for the Y.W.C.A. series has been changed and Dean W. F. Russell will speak this Wednesday on his experiences in Siberia. Prof. Charles Bundy Wilson will talk next week on "The Business of Being a Friend." The two following weeks will complete the series. Vera Cornick, sophomore, and Adna Woodward, freshman, are ill with the mumps. Members of Alpha Tau Beta sorority and a number of their friends were entertained at a Valentine party at the home of Mrs. Opal Brown Friday evening. TESTS DES MOINES CHILDREN IN MUSIC Under the auspices of the Iowa child welfare station the department of psychology is making a survey of the musical talent in the fifth and eighth grades of all the schools in the city of Des Moines. Graduate students in the psychology of music are doing the work. Each child is measured with reference to a number of talents and a chart of his capacities is furnished to the school and to the child. The measurements are made by means of phonograph records and contain the tests which have been standardized by Prof. C. E. Seashore and his associates through many years of specialization. When the survey is completed the results are to be published as a monograph of the child welfare station, with the hope that it may serve as a model survey for the public schools of the country. PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB TONIGHT The Philosophical club will meet Tuesday evening, Feb. 11, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bunch, 214 1-2 S. Dubuque street. The Rev. Paul Heisey will read the paper of the evening. Senior engineers at Purdue university are planning inspection trips to large industrial centers this year. These inspection trips, which are valuable in the experience and practical knowledge gained, form and important part of the course at Purdue. Roller skating parties are being introduced as a new amusement at the University of Illinois. The woman's athletic association is in charge of this feature. The parties are conducted like dances, with regular dance music and programs for the different numbers. The gymnasium faculty entertains with feature skating. A change in the new income tax bill is that state officials, including the university faculty are not exempt from paying taxes upon salaries received from the state, according to The Evening Missourian. The law which has been in effect exempted all state officials from paying such taxes. [advertisement] BOOK and CRAFT SHOP Art Metal Jewelry New Designs New Finish Valentine Decorations Cards and Favors 124 E. Washington Street. [advertisement] Let a Daily Iowan WANT AD Do it for you Find you employment----hire your help for you----find that lost article----rent your room----sell that typewriter, etc. 10c a line. Reduction after 1st insertion [advertisement] VENUS PENCILS [illustration of Venus de Milo] These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish [illustration of 5 Venus pencils in container] FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. Dept. D [advertisement] [illustration of Capitol dome with clouds] Under Government Supervision PASTE THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR Here is a little table showing the dates on which the interest coupons on your LIBERTY BONDS fall due. Original Issues First Liberty Loan 3 1/2% Bonds June 15th and December 15th Second Liberty Loan 4% Bonds May 15th and November 15th Third Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Bonds March 15th and September 15th Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Bonds April 15th and October 15th Coupons on all converted issues have the same due-dates as the original issues from which they were converted. Clip your coupons as fast as they come due. We will be glad to cash them for you or, better still, enter them to your credit in a savings account and pay you interest on your interest. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] F. J. STRUB & SON will offer a DISCOUNT OF 10 to 20 PER CENT on everything in the store for THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY This includes Rugs, Linoleums, Curtain Materials, Wool Blankets (Blankets are going to be a lot higher next year), Furs (Furs will be 40 per cent higher) Sweaters, etc. Our Winter Coats and Suits will go at very drastic reductions. Our New Spring Coats and Suits will go at 10 per cent discount. F. J. STRUB & SON 118 1/2--120 1/2--122 1/2 So. Clinton St. Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] The TOWNSEND STUDIO Lest you forget We say it yet.
Tuesday, February 11, 1919 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three TRACK MIXER IS THIS WEEK Athletes to Look Over Season's Prospects at Big Meeting "Watch Iowa in Track" is the slogan of the big track mixer to be held in the University armory tomorrow night. Given under the direction of the track "I" men, the purpose of the mixer is to glance over the season's prospects and to create a larger interest among new men and freshmen in athletics. A program of boxing and wrestling has been arranged. Only two men will be missing from last year's state championship team while several "finds" have been reported. The schedule to date includes the quadrangular Drake, Ames, Grinnell, Iowa, indoor meet at Ames, the indoor conference at Chicago, the Drake relays, the home meet, the state meet, and possibly dual meets with Minnesota and Coe. CHANGE IN Y. W. SERIES The order of talks for the Y.W.C.A. series has been changed and Dean W. F. Russell will speak this Wednesday on his experiences in Siberia. Prof. Charles Bundy Wilson will talk next week on "The Business of Being a Friend." The two following weeks will complete the series. Vera Cornick, sophomore, and Adna Woodward, freshman, are ill with the mumps. Members of Alpha Tau Beta sorority and a number of their friends were entertained at a Valentine party at the home of Mrs. Opal Brown Friday evening. TESTS DES MOINES CHILDREN IN MUSIC Under the auspices of the Iowa child welfare station the department of psychology is making a survey of the musical talent in the fifth and eighth grades of all the schools in the city of Des Moines. Graduate students in the psychology of music are doing the work. Each child is measured with reference to a number of talents and a chart of his capacities is furnished to the school and to the child. The measurements are made by means of phonograph records and contain the tests which have been standardized by Prof. C. E. Seashore and his associates through many years of specialization. When the survey is completed the results are to be published as a monograph of the child welfare station, with the hope that it may serve as a model survey for the public schools of the country. PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB TONIGHT The Philosophical club will meet Tuesday evening, Feb. 11, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bunch, 214 1-2 S. Dubuque street. The Rev. Paul Heisey will read the paper of the evening. Senior engineers at Purdue university are planning inspection trips to large industrial centers this year. These inspection trips, which are valuable in the experience and practical knowledge gained, form and important part of the course at Purdue. Roller skating parties are being introduced as a new amusement at the University of Illinois. The woman's athletic association is in charge of this feature. The parties are conducted like dances, with regular dance music and programs for the different numbers. The gymnasium faculty entertains with feature skating. A change in the new income tax bill is that state officials, including the university faculty are not exempt from paying taxes upon salaries received from the state, according to The Evening Missourian. The law which has been in effect exempted all state officials from paying such taxes. [advertisement] BOOK and CRAFT SHOP Art Metal Jewelry New Designs New Finish Valentine Decorations Cards and Favors 124 E. Washington Street. [advertisement] Let a Daily Iowan WANT AD Do it for you Find you employment----hire your help for you----find that lost article----rent your room----sell that typewriter, etc. 10c a line. Reduction after 1st insertion [advertisement] VENUS PENCILS [illustration of Venus de Milo] These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish [illustration of 5 Venus pencils in container] FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. Dept. D [advertisement] [illustration of Capitol dome with clouds] Under Government Supervision PASTE THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR Here is a little table showing the dates on which the interest coupons on your LIBERTY BONDS fall due. Original Issues First Liberty Loan 3 1/2% Bonds June 15th and December 15th Second Liberty Loan 4% Bonds May 15th and November 15th Third Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Bonds March 15th and September 15th Fourth Liberty Loan 4 1/4% Bonds April 15th and October 15th Coupons on all converted issues have the same due-dates as the original issues from which they were converted. Clip your coupons as fast as they come due. We will be glad to cash them for you or, better still, enter them to your credit in a savings account and pay you interest on your interest. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System [advertisement] F. J. STRUB & SON will offer a DISCOUNT OF 10 to 20 PER CENT on everything in the store for THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY This includes Rugs, Linoleums, Curtain Materials, Wool Blankets (Blankets are going to be a lot higher next year), Furs (Furs will be 40 per cent higher) Sweaters, etc. Our Winter Coats and Suits will go at very drastic reductions. Our New Spring Coats and Suits will go at 10 per cent discount. F. J. STRUB & SON 118 1/2--120 1/2--122 1/2 So. Clinton St. Iowa City, Iowa [advertisement] The TOWNSEND STUDIO Lest you forget We say it yet.
Daily Iowan Newspapers