Daily Iowan, March 11, 1919
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, March 11, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week--Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday--by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Member Iowa College Press Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone Black 1757 Office Hours--8 to 12; 1 to 6 daily, Room 14, L.A. building. Rowena Wellman—Managing Editor News editor.. Eileen Galvin Helen Hays.. Pink Sheet Editor Elizabeth Hendee.. Humorous editor Nancy Lamb.. Exchange editor Leon H. Brigham.. Sporting editor BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM--Business manager Edward Chamberlain--Advertising Mgr. Telephone 935; Office Hours--3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."--Lincoln Night Editors Ruth Rogers Agnes Kingsbury MIND YOUR LIMITATIONS One indication of a genuine scholar is the realization of one’s own limitations. Man’s genius and originality is restricted to designated bounds. As a lamp consumes its oil so does a man exhaust his intellectual resources. New ideas may be the result of trial and error, but basic originality has a defined boundary for each individual. The University heard a great scholar and scientist last week. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, as leader of an exploring party, who is shrewd enough to realize his own shortcomings on certain departments of science, and when asked definite technical questions, not in his major, he refers the question to the specialist of his party. Mr. Stefansson is student enough to observe that man can not be specifically versed in all branches of science. Therein lies the greatness of the man. He has weighed his knowledge and his ingenuity and is content not to learn “the-all” but to become authority on one or two subjects. Every student is endowed with originality but it must be fanned into flame by persistent study. Genius alone will not [cally?] one through the world; it is limited. Students must drudge through trial and error in quest of knowledge to distribute evenly the limited originality over this life time. Admit that you have an intellectual boundary beyond [yhich] you [advertisement] PRODUCED BY JOHN B. ROGERS PRODUCING CO cannot go; not to do so is evidence of arrogance and ignorance. The expert on several matters. Do not attempt “the-all” and gain none. All great men have been cognizant of their own limitations. It is evidence of greatness. THE SPANISH CLUB Are you interested in Spanish? Do you wish to enlarge your knowledge in speaking the language easily? Do you wish to talk Spanish with others outside the class? Do you wish to hear the way other students talk the language? If you do, come to the Spanish club social and program which are announced. The “Circulo Espanol” is a livewire club which is conducted by students taking Spanish at the University. We would like you to come and join us. You all are heartily welcomed. Watch for our social and program announcements. G.T. SHAMBAUGH TO SPEAK Prof. B.F. Shambaugh will speak on the “Problems of Political Reconstruction” at the world problem forum Wednesday evening at 7:00 at the Y.M.C.A. building. These meetings are open to all students and the public. The world problem forum will meet every Wednesday now instead of Thursday. [advertisement] The Junior Prom Get your tickets now [advertisement] SABINS’ EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] What Is the Greatest Thing In Life? Send your answers to the Contest Editor, Iowa City Daily Press [advertisement] SEE KATCHA KOO Englert Theater March 13 and 14 advanced seat sale Wednesday 9: 00 o’clock at the box office. Cast OF 300 [advertisement] BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Note Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] Racine’s Cigar Stores Are you aware that cigars and tobaccos will advance with the New War Tax? Better start now to laying in a supply. The finest and Best Equipped Billiard Parlor in the City—Second Floor Where You Always Get Service [advertisement] The Townsend Studio KEEP YOUR “HAWK EYE” ON THE WINDOW--
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, March 11, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week--Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday--by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Member Iowa College Press Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, Gretchen Kane, secretary, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Alice E. Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, Editor-in-chief Telephone Black 1757 Office Hours--8 to 12; 1 to 6 daily, Room 14, L.A. building. Rowena Wellman—Managing Editor News editor.. Eileen Galvin Helen Hays.. Pink Sheet Editor Elizabeth Hendee.. Humorous editor Nancy Lamb.. Exchange editor Leon H. Brigham.. Sporting editor BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM--Business manager Edward Chamberlain--Advertising Mgr. Telephone 935; Office Hours--3-5 daily, 103 Iowa Ave "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."--Lincoln Night Editors Ruth Rogers Agnes Kingsbury MIND YOUR LIMITATIONS One indication of a genuine scholar is the realization of one’s own limitations. Man’s genius and originality is restricted to designated bounds. As a lamp consumes its oil so does a man exhaust his intellectual resources. New ideas may be the result of trial and error, but basic originality has a defined boundary for each individual. The University heard a great scholar and scientist last week. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, as leader of an exploring party, who is shrewd enough to realize his own shortcomings on certain departments of science, and when asked definite technical questions, not in his major, he refers the question to the specialist of his party. Mr. Stefansson is student enough to observe that man can not be specifically versed in all branches of science. Therein lies the greatness of the man. He has weighed his knowledge and his ingenuity and is content not to learn “the-all” but to become authority on one or two subjects. Every student is endowed with originality but it must be fanned into flame by persistent study. Genius alone will not [cally?] one through the world; it is limited. Students must drudge through trial and error in quest of knowledge to distribute evenly the limited originality over this life time. Admit that you have an intellectual boundary beyond [yhich] you [advertisement] PRODUCED BY JOHN B. ROGERS PRODUCING CO cannot go; not to do so is evidence of arrogance and ignorance. The expert on several matters. Do not attempt “the-all” and gain none. All great men have been cognizant of their own limitations. It is evidence of greatness. THE SPANISH CLUB Are you interested in Spanish? Do you wish to enlarge your knowledge in speaking the language easily? Do you wish to talk Spanish with others outside the class? Do you wish to hear the way other students talk the language? If you do, come to the Spanish club social and program which are announced. The “Circulo Espanol” is a livewire club which is conducted by students taking Spanish at the University. We would like you to come and join us. You all are heartily welcomed. Watch for our social and program announcements. G.T. SHAMBAUGH TO SPEAK Prof. B.F. Shambaugh will speak on the “Problems of Political Reconstruction” at the world problem forum Wednesday evening at 7:00 at the Y.M.C.A. building. These meetings are open to all students and the public. The world problem forum will meet every Wednesday now instead of Thursday. [advertisement] The Junior Prom Get your tickets now [advertisement] SABINS’ EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Founded 1893 A.M.M. DORNON, Manager The most widely patronized, because the most reliable Teachers Agency in the Middle West Territory from Mississippi River to Pacific Coast. FLYNN BUILDING DES MOINES, IOWA [advertisement] What Is the Greatest Thing In Life? Send your answers to the Contest Editor, Iowa City Daily Press [advertisement] SEE KATCHA KOO Englert Theater March 13 and 14 advanced seat sale Wednesday 9: 00 o’clock at the box office. Cast OF 300 [advertisement] BOOK and CRAFT SHOP TEXT BOOKS for the THIRD QUARTER Fountain Pens, Note Book Paper and other supplies 124 E. WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] Racine’s Cigar Stores Are you aware that cigars and tobaccos will advance with the New War Tax? Better start now to laying in a supply. The finest and Best Equipped Billiard Parlor in the City—Second Floor Where You Always Get Service [advertisement] The Townsend Studio KEEP YOUR “HAWK EYE” ON THE WINDOW--
Daily Iowan Newspapers