Daily Iowan, March 11, 1919
Page 4
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, March 11, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10¢ a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. ________________ Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. _________________ If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment phone Red 955 ________________ Student desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $1.00 per hour selling America's War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F.B. Dickerson Co. Detroit, Mich., enclosing 20¢ in stamps for mailing outfits. ______________________ FOR RENT--Desirable room for one man, at 604 S Clinton St. ____________________ WANTED--To buy any articles of clean second hand clothing and shoes (for use in Mission work out of city) must be low priced. Phone 367 __________________ LOST--Small leather note book, probably in Liberal Arts Bldg. Return to Iowan office. Reward. 67 ___________ Irene Staab, of Wall Lake, a sophomore last year, was the guest of friends here last week. Miss Staab has been managing her brother's hardware store at Lake View while he was in the service. ______________ DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque Street. _____________ {Photo of Kodak Camera} Take a Kodak With You and let us finish your films when you return. When you bring your films to us to have them finished you are sure to get results. We maintain our own finishing department, which means it gets the same expert attention as we give a Kodak Buyer. Mail orders given prompt attention. Henry Louis The Rexall & Kodak Store 124 East. College _______________ ______________ UNIVERSITY VESPERS TO BE HELD NEXT SUNDAY (continued from page 1) University of Chicago three years later, and was ordained into the Baptist ministry the same year. He was pastor in several Illinois towns until 1906 when he became professor of homiletics in the University of Chicago. Two years later he was made head of the department of practical theology. Besides being a member of he board of editors of he "Biblical World," and the "American Journal of Theology," Prof. Soares has written several volumes on religion. Among these is a book on Social Institutions and Ideals of the Bible." which is a study of the elements of Hebrew life in their development from the beginning to the time of Christ, and the social teachings of the prophets of the sages and of Jesus. Music will be furnished by the vesper choir, composed of the Men's and Women's Glee clubs, and by the University orchestra. _________ TO THE METHODIST STUDENTS Financial assistance for Methodist student who have returned to the University from the army of the United States, its allies, or the S.A.T.C., will be extended to those who need it by the Methodist church. Funds are available immediately and those who are in need of assistance are asked to call at the home of the University pastor, 406 S. Clinton. __________________ Clarence Hathorne, of Drake University visited over the week end with his brother Ben Hathorne at the Xi Psi Phi house. __________________ TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON _____________________ What is the Greatest Thing in Life? ___________ Send your answer to the Contest Editor, Iowa City Daily Press ________________ Need a little more Coal this Spring? Order PYROLITE--the long-flame coal. You can't beat it for quality or price. It is hot, clean, clinkerless and leaves little ash. We can now supply all you need YOU'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 DUNLAP QUALITY SERVICE PRICE LUMBER COAL TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHER'S AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa Don't Send your Laundry Home... When you have it done here you get the highest quality of work and you save postage, time and trouble. Phone 294. We call for and deliver. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 _______ UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, March 11, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10¢ a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. ________________ Make your college expenses during your spare time selling our pennants and pillows. For agency write, THE COLLEGE FLAG CO. Columbus, O. _________________ If you want a man with some executive ability for part time employment phone Red 955 ________________ Student desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $1.00 per hour selling America's War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F.B. Dickerson Co. Detroit, Mich., enclosing 20¢ in stamps for mailing outfits. ______________________ FOR RENT--Desirable room for one man, at 604 S Clinton St. ____________________ WANTED--To buy any articles of clean second hand clothing and shoes (for use in Mission work out of city) must be low priced. Phone 367 __________________ LOST--Small leather note book, probably in Liberal Arts Bldg. Return to Iowan office. Reward. 67 ___________ Irene Staab, of Wall Lake, a sophomore last year, was the guest of friends here last week. Miss Staab has been managing her brother's hardware store at Lake View while he was in the service. ______________ DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque Street. _____________ {Photo of Kodak Camera} Take a Kodak With You and let us finish your films when you return. When you bring your films to us to have them finished you are sure to get results. We maintain our own finishing department, which means it gets the same expert attention as we give a Kodak Buyer. Mail orders given prompt attention. Henry Louis The Rexall & Kodak Store 124 East. College _______________ ______________ UNIVERSITY VESPERS TO BE HELD NEXT SUNDAY (continued from page 1) University of Chicago three years later, and was ordained into the Baptist ministry the same year. He was pastor in several Illinois towns until 1906 when he became professor of homiletics in the University of Chicago. Two years later he was made head of the department of practical theology. Besides being a member of he board of editors of he "Biblical World," and the "American Journal of Theology," Prof. Soares has written several volumes on religion. Among these is a book on Social Institutions and Ideals of the Bible." which is a study of the elements of Hebrew life in their development from the beginning to the time of Christ, and the social teachings of the prophets of the sages and of Jesus. Music will be furnished by the vesper choir, composed of the Men's and Women's Glee clubs, and by the University orchestra. _________ TO THE METHODIST STUDENTS Financial assistance for Methodist student who have returned to the University from the army of the United States, its allies, or the S.A.T.C., will be extended to those who need it by the Methodist church. Funds are available immediately and those who are in need of assistance are asked to call at the home of the University pastor, 406 S. Clinton. __________________ Clarence Hathorne, of Drake University visited over the week end with his brother Ben Hathorne at the Xi Psi Phi house. __________________ TAXI PHONE 1700 MURPHY'S SERVICE Office HOTEL JEFFERSON _____________________ What is the Greatest Thing in Life? ___________ Send your answer to the Contest Editor, Iowa City Daily Press ________________ Need a little more Coal this Spring? Order PYROLITE--the long-flame coal. You can't beat it for quality or price. It is hot, clean, clinkerless and leaves little ash. We can now supply all you need YOU'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 DUNLAP QUALITY SERVICE PRICE LUMBER COAL TEACHERS WANTED For all departments of school work. School officials will soon elect teachers for next year. A MAXIMUM OF SERVICE AT A MINIMUM COMMISSION RATE. Commission 4 per cent. Territory, central and western states. Write today for blanks. HEUER TEACHER'S AGENCY Cedar Rapids, Iowa Don't Send your Laundry Home... When you have it done here you get the highest quality of work and you save postage, time and trouble. Phone 294. We call for and deliver. New Process Laundry "The Pride of Iowa City" PHONE 294 _______ UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE
Daily Iowan Newspapers